An end to jokes on basket weaving.

Life-long learning is a wonderful idea, and many universities have learned how to turn a profit from it via a wide array of extension courses that primarily cash in on what used to seem to be the ever-expanding free time of the middle class. Each generation seems to have its favorite mind-expanding and time-consuming pastimes, and internet auctions are becoming one of the favorites. And if you're going to do it, do it well. Extension courses in buying and selling on eBay have apparently become very popular of late, but it seems that eBay itself does these one better by offering it's own university for honing auction related skills. On the one hand we're dealing here with distinct skills that can be acquired through study and practice, but as that particular article suggests, it's something of a religion as well.

One thing seems to be sure: a new generation of jokes on legitimate subjects for extension courses seems to be on the horizon.

Go to: It's a special sort of talent, or
Go to: The Boidem goes shopping.