Now that's what I call real zapping.

It was at the beginning of this month that our lives underwent a fundamental change. All of a sudden we moved up from receiving about six television channels (on which perhaps four we actually found something worth watching) to becoming connected to cable, and receiving 25 channels. True, there are still only about four channels that actually merit watching, but just taking the time to verify that that's the case is a very time consuming activity. Zapping my way around the dial takes up almost half an hour, because, after all, you have to give each station at least a minute in order to be sure that there's nothing to watch. It also offers an excellent excuse in the event that I don't succeed in uploading this column on time: I wasn't too busy with work-related tasks (after all, that's a rather lame excuse); I was too busy channel surfing, perhaps even learning something about the popular culture from which I'm ordinarily cut off because I'm too busy living in cyberspace.

Go to: ... it's almost a part of me, or
Go to: Something for Nothing.