As part of my search for that particular Albert King guitar solo I joined a listserv devoted to blues. Actually, instead of joining I found the listserv via, and after checking out a few threads decided to subscribe via I suppose that on an average I got about fifteen messages a day from this list.
My particular query didn't really generate much discussion (unlike the heated debate that grew up around somebody's question about whether or not white boys can truly play the blues) but when one person suggested that a particular Albert King solo had been taken by him from Clapton because of the dates of the recordings, the debate heated up a bit:
King "stealing" from Clapton??!! Are you kidding?Still, I found the discussions interesting (up to a point) and even when it became clear that people weren't going to continue responding to my query, I continued to read the list simply to get a feel for what people chose to talk about.
Go to: ...who was copying from whom?,
Go to: on looking for an Albert King
guitar solo