It used to be that the best way to get over an addiction was simply to stop. This wasn't easy for addictions with physical side-effects, but the method had apparently proven itself. We live, of course, in more lenient times, and it's definitely understandable that we don't want to be overly agressive in getting people to overcome their addictions. Being helpful doesn't only mean pushing them into cold turkey.
But online counseling seems a bit too lenient if we're dealing with a real addiction. Let's say someone comes up to you and says that he wants to stop smoking. Sitting down with him to discuss this move in an encouraging manner is certainly called for, not not over a cigarette. If you're getting online counseling, aren't you still making excessive use of the internet? Isn't that what you're trying to stop? I must be missing something here.
And think of the possibilities of an online support group!
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