... just a list.
I'm not opposed to posting a photograph of my desk here, but the latest
one I have is from about 25 years ago (originally posted for a previous
issue of this column, linked by another, different, associative
thread of thinking). If I ever get around to taking a new photograph and
digitizing it, I promise to post it and link to it. In the meantime, a
partial list of what's covering the desk, perhaps I should write cluttering
it so that it's unclear whether or not there's a real, or perhaps only
a virtual, desk underneath, will have to suffice.
about fifty disks the contents of which are not fully clear
(some are labeled, too many aren't)
three rolls of scotch tape
one container of glue of a sort that I dislike using and
might as well simply throw out
one stapler (one of the more useful items)
one screwdriver
one dysfunctional flashlight
five or six books presently under examination, two of which
have to be returned to the university library
six or seven CD-ROMs which deserve a better place to be stored
but haven't found one yet
one Pesach Haggadah which it would be easier to return to
the shelf than to write about
both this year and last year's calendars which are actually
very useful and functional and which I hope I don't displace
seven or eight small note pages that contain various beginnings
of ideas waiting to be saved digitally in word-processed documents
after fifteen downloaded and printed-out articles on various
aspects of internet in education, each, I'm happy to report, in a separate
nylon envelope
about three piles of newspaper clippings that used to be
separated from everything else but have slowly but surely worked they way
into being an integral part of the mess
two computers (I almost forgot about these)
one plastic container of spray-on Guilt-Away for Relief from
and, sadly, lots, lots more
Here and there patches of formica show through the clutter, proving that
there really is a corporeal, tangible existence to the desk. I've always
wondered why the Mac called the main, opening screen of the Finder the
Desktop. Was that name supposed to suggest order and organization? They
weren't talking about mine.
Go to: Let me count the ways, or
Go to: Being (semi) Digital