I admit that it can happen occasionally, but no, this time we're not talking about me cleaning my own desk, but rather someone else who while cleaning his found a number of items which, probably feeling that they might be able to find a better home than the trash can, he passed on to me.
I admit that it's very hard for me to throw anything away. After all, how do I know that some day it won't have some special significance. Which is, I guess, one of the reasons that I'm so attracted to the internet: in its essence it's a repository for everything and anything that we don't know what to do with.
And as to my desk, it always needs cleaning.
That's a photograph from almost 25 years ago. There's a dictionary on the desk, numerous books, some newspapers, and who knows what else. There's even an old World War II US Army issue Royal portable typewriter, but being totally covered by papers it's not visible to the naked eye.