That's not so easy to do.
Assuming that I might meet that watch on the beach on the desert island (would
the battery still be working?), I suppose that the encounter would take place
because it was shining in the sun and I happened to notice something interesting
in the sand and bent down to pick it up. It could, perhaps, happen that while
wandering on the beach at night I couldn't see where I was going, and thus accidentally
stubbed my toe on something which, upon bending down to pick it up, I noticed
was a watch, but somehow that's not the picture I have in my mind about how this
might happen.
But both of these, improbable as they might be, are something I can picture in
my mind. I can't, however, get a clear picture about what I might be doing on
that desert island that would cause me to stumble upon the internet.
Go to: No blind watchmaker here, or
Go to: Inventing wheels in cyberspace.