Well, almost everything.

In keeping with the ostensible topic of this column (or of the completed web site which gives me the topic of this column), it makes sense to note here that I'm a compulsive saver of almost anything. That being the case, it's hardly surprising that even when a Boidem page has been updated for some reason (other than correcting a typing or spelling mistake) I've kept (and linked to) a copy of that original page. Sometimes I even take responsibility above and beyond the limits of this site, and I'll make myself a local copy of a web page I'm linking to so that even if that page disappears, somebody who happens to be reading these pages still has a good chance of seeing what I was referring to. Of course I learned to do that rather late in the life of the Boidem, and many pages that I've linked to simply (and truly) aren't there anymore.

But when I've been responsible for a page, except for one true (and total) loss that I'm aware of (and which I noted), every page that was once here is still here, and even the simplest of changes has been preserved.

Go to: At least somebody does, or
Go to: On rereading myself (again?), or
Go to: The history of being unfinished, or
Go to: On completing a web site