I know what the in crowd knows.
Grafedia's main explanatory page notes the rather limitless possibilities of this
open media:
You can make street art with grafedia, or just leave behind simple calling cards for others wherever you go. You can have running dialogues between authors, or create interactive narratives or poetry in public spaces. Grafedia is a boundless, interactive publishing platform, base, cheap, and easy to use. It is an open system - the places and ways to use it are limitless. With grafedia, every surface becomes potentially a web page, and the entire physical world can be joined with the Internet.
If, however, we delve deeper into the rather shallow web site and read the FAQ,
we find an important question, with an even more revealing answer:
-How will people know to enter the address of my grafedia
into their phones?
You can tip them off, using the devices mentioned above. To a certain extent,
though, grafedia is intended for an audience of insiders - those [who] don't
know about grafedia are not necessarily the target audience.
In other words, if all it looked like to you was graffiti, and not some serious
experimental art project examining the limits and interactions of the street and
the online universe, then keep walking buddy, 'cause it wasn't for you.
Go to: The internet loves a trend, or
Go to: Taking to the streets