Pick a sentence, any sentence.

Copying sentences from various places in that article and pasting them into a Google search brings up different results. We get over 80 for the first sentence, and a bit more than fifty for a sentence from the middle, and about the same result for a sentence toward the end. Interestingly, the original contains a typo:
if you've to use topic specific words that could cause trouble for some visitors make sure you explain them
Thirty repostings of this article don't correct that. At least three change it to "if you have to use ...". I found that usage on at least one additional page, though it didn't show up in my search. What's perhaps most interesting is that the site on which this article on content is copied is a site devoted to the (economic) benefits of linking.

Other possible variations undoubtedly exist, but I admit that I didn't search for these or try to check them out.

Go to: Get some content, any content, or
Go to: Content? Did somebody mention content?