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The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception Revisited
What our Ear Tells our Mind
This page contains a link to the video file discussed in Chapter 2.
The following video file clarifies what is meant by "resonance", "lingering auditory information" and "reverberating overtones", through an example adapted from Leonard Bernstein: "Depress middle C very carefully so as not to let it sound; then sharply strike and quickly release the C an octave below. As soon as the lower C is released what will you hear? The upper C! It seems like magic, because you have really not "struck" this higher C, but the lower one" (Bernstein, 2004: 198), exciting the upper C-string to vibrate sympathetically as the first overtone of the C an octave below. Such activation of overtones is called resonance.
To listen click here:
Listen to "fundamental-free" overtones.
or double-click here:
You may right-click on the picture and choose "Full Screen"