Poetic Rhythm: Performance Patterns and Their Acoustic Correlates
Versification: An Electronic Journal Devoted to Poetic Prosody 1:1
Size—Sound Symbolism Revisited
The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception Revisited—What our Ear Tells our Mind
Cognitive Poetics and Speaking the Unspeakable
On the rhythmical Performance of Poetry (in Hebrew)
Papers in Hungarian and on Hungarian Poetry
Babits Mihály: EveningQuestion (in Hungarian)
Occasional Comments on Two Hungarian Translations Of Kipling's "If" (in English)
"Eszmélet" Héber Fordítása — Hang fájlok
The Mouse, the Werwolf and the Declension of Nouns—
wit and emotional disorientation (in Hungarian)
Excursus on Hungarian Poetry and Poetry Recital (in English)
(from Poetic Rhythm: Structure and Performance)
The Swineheaded Lord (in English)
(from "The Grotesque as an Aesthetic Mode", in Toward a Theory of Cognitive Poetics)
Shelleys Ozymandias compared to Madách's The Tragedy of Man.
Cognitive Poetics and Cognitive Linguistics Lakoff's Roads Not TakenLight, Fire, Prison—A Cognitive Analysis of Religious Imagery in Poetry
Some Comments on the Lakoffean Conception of Spatial Imagery"EVENT STRUCTURE" Metaphor and ReductionismMetaphor and Figure-Ground Relationship—as Compared to Music and the Visual Arts (with .aif sound files)Metaphor and Figure-Ground Relationship—as Compared to Music and the Visual Arts—old and new version (with .mp3 sound files—faster download)Comparing Approaches to Versification Style in Cyrano de BergeracDeixis in Literature—What Isn't Cognitive Poetics?
Cognitive Poetics on Baudelaire's Poetry The Aesthetic Potential of a Carcass—A Reading of "Une Charogne"Archetypal Pattern in Baudelaire's "Recueillement"
Chearlesse Night in Spenser and Baudelaire
Baudelaire's "HYMNE"—Cliché or Masterpiece?
Personality variables and perceived qualities Reuven Tsur, Joseph Glicksohn and Chanita Goodblatt
Perceptual Organization, Absorption and Aesthetic Qualities of PoetryAddendum to "Perceptual Organization, Absorption and Aesthetic Qualities of Poetry"
Intertextuality in a Cognitive Perspective Biblical Allusion and Cognitive Processes Intertextuality and Translation Theory
Translation Theory, Cultural Context and Intertextuality
Some Methods and Constraints in Translation Studies
Historical Poetics in a Cognitive Perspective Ibn Khalphun's "When Desire Awakens Me"
Poetic Conventions as Fossilized Cognitive Devices—The Case of Mediaeval and Renaissance Poetics
Reuven Tsur and Yehosheva Bentov
Rhythmic and Strophic Organization in Mediaeval Hebrew Poetry
Rhyme: Cognitive and Historical Poetics What Can we Know about the Mediaeval Reader's Response to Rhyme? Rhyme and Cognitive Poetics Postscript Some Cognitive Foundations of "Cultural Programs"
"I shall be right indeed" by Ibn Gabirol: Rhythmic and Grotesque Effects—Is the Past Homogeneous?
(downloadable .pdf file containing Hebrew text)
The Mediaeval Poets' Explicit and Intuitive Prosody (A Cognitive and Comparative Study)
The Cognitive Structure of Devotional Poetry
Light, Fire, Prison—A Cognitive Analysis of Religious Imagery in Poetry
Let There be Light and the Emanation of Light—The Act of Creation in Ibn Gabirol and Milton
The Demonic and the Grotesque
Linguistic Devices and Ecstatic Poetry: "The Windhover"—Tongue-Twisters and Cognitive Processes
Linguistic Devices and Ecstatic Poetry: "The Windhover"—Tongue-Twisters and Cognitive Processes (sound files)
Pushkin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov
The End of Boris (Work in Progress)
Varlaam's and Misail's Cosmic Cataclysm (Work in Progress)
Varlaam's and Misail's Cosmic Cataclysm (pdf file in Hebrew)
The End of Boris—Contribution to an Aesthetics of Disorientation
On Metaphoring
"Kubla Khan" and the Implied Critic's Decision Style
Some Aspects of Cognitive Poetics
Chapters for a Hebrew Book in Progress The Grotesque in Literature and Related Phenomena
(downloadable .pdf files)
Definition of the Grotesque
The Flouting of Taboos
"I shall be right indeed" by Ibn Gabirol: Rhythmic and Grotesque Effects—Is the Past Homogeneous?
Horror Jokes, Black Humour, and Cognitive Poetics
Droodles and Cognitive Poetics: Contribution to an Aesthetics of Disorientation
The Werwolf, the Village Teacher and the Declination of Nouns
The Infernal and the Hybrid: Bosch and Dante
Neanderthal Bone flute video
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