"The Universe as a
Hector Rubinstein
and Uppsala University, Sweden
Davis Professor at the Hebrew University
After the Big Bang, and the Universe first upheavals, the Universe reached
its baby period: it was then three minutes old. At this time, the formation
of the light elements took place. From this moment on, the Universe evolved
with physics we fully understand: electromagnetism and low energy general
At 100,000 to 300,000 years of age, photons streamed freely in all directions.
This is the celebrated cosmic background microwave radiation (CMBR), that
we observe today. Detecting the CMBR today gives invaluable and accurate
information about the past. It is the most perfect black body known.
The small deviations from a perfect Planck distribution encode information
about the parameters of the Universe and its geometry.
In particular, the latest experiments have established that the Universe
is practically flat. We will discuss the underlying theory, recent
experiments, and the forthcoming new observations.
Prof. Marek Karliner, x6373