Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University
Physics Colloquium

Academic Year  2000 - 2001

The colloquium is held at Melamed Hall (Room 6) in the Shenkar Physics Building, every Sunday at 16:10. Light refreshments are served outside Melamed Hall at 15:50. 


December 10, 2000

"Electro-Optics in Israel: Past, Present, and Future"

Dr. Moshe Oron
Chief Scientist, Elbit - El-Op

    The talk will describe past and present activities in R & D and Industry in the field and give an overview of the planned activities of the ministry of Science, universitis and industry, stressing the lines of activity that students can choose as future subjects.

Next Colloquium Fall 2000 Schedule Spring 2001 Schedule

For more information or for directions to Melamed Hall please contact: Yardena Mori  +972-3-6408636

To suggest potential speakers or register feedback contact:  Ron Lifshitz  +972-3-6405145

Sponsored by:   The School of Physics & Astronomy, The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University.