Marcelo Dascal: Publications

Authored Books
Books Edited
Articles in Books and Journals
History of Ideas
Philosophy of Language, Linguistics, Semiotics
Epistemology and Metaphilosophy
Philosophy of Mind/Language, Cognitive Science
Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Action
Items in Encyclopedias
Books Reviews

Authored Books

A1. M. Dascal. Philosophy of Science. S. Paulo: Editora do Grêmio da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de S. Paulo. First edition (1964): 214 pages Second edition (1966): 307 pages [Portuguese].

A2. M. Dascal. Leibniz's Semiotics. Paris: Aubier Montaigne, 272 pages, 1978. [French]

A3. M. Dascal. Pragmatics and the Philosophy of Mind - Volume 1: Thought in Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, xii + 207 pages, 1983.

A4. M. Dascal. Leibniz - Language, Signs, and Thought. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, xi + 203 pages, 1987.

A5. M. Dascal. Interpretation and Understanding. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003, xxii + 714 pp. (Portuguese translation: Interpretação e Compreensão. S. Leopoldo, RS (Brasil): Editora Unisinos, 2006, 729 pages).

A6. M. Dascal. The Gust of the Wind: Humanities in a New-Old World. Jerusalem: Carmel Publishing House, 2004, 293 pages [In Hebrew].

A7. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Art of Controversies. Translated and Edited, with an Introductory Essay and Notes, by Marcelo Dascal, with the collaboration of Quintín Racionero and Adelino Cardoso. The New Synthese Historical Library, volume 60. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006, xllii + 516 pages; paperback edition, February 2008.

A8. M Dascal, A Crua Palavra: Conversation with Marcelo Dascal. Includes the Essay "The challenge of human difference and the ethics of communication". Edited by Giovanni Scarafile. New York: Lulu Press, 2010, v + 97 pages. [available also in]

A9. M. Dascal, A Crua Palavra: Uma Conversa com Marcelo Dascal. Inclui o ensaio "Colonizando e descolonizando mentes". Editado por Giovanni Scarafile. Prefácio de Anna Carolina Regner. Tradução Alessandro Zir. New York: Lulu Press, 2010, 2010, xi + 137 pages. [will be available also in]


A10. M. Dascal. Pragmatics and the Philosophy of Mind. Vol 2: Language in Thought. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (ca. 180 pages).

Books Edited

AA1. M. Dascal and A. Parush (eds.). The Rational and the Irrational. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 192 pages, 1975 [Hebrew].

AA2. M. Dascal (ed.). The Just and the Unjust. Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, 208 pages, 1977 [Hebrew].

AA3. M. Dascal (ed.). Hebrew translation of I. M. Copi's Introduction to Logic. Tel Aviv: Yachdav, 548 pages, 1977 [Hebrew].

AA4. M. Dascal (ed.). Methodological Foundations of Linguistics. 4 Volumes, 1978-1982. S. Paulo and Campinas [Portuguese].

AA5. M. Brinker, M. Dascal, and D. Nesher (eds.). Baruch de Spinoza: a Collection of Essays on his Thought. Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, 201 pages, 1979 [Hebrew].

AA6. M. Dascal (ed.). Descartes - Principles of Philosophy and Leibniz - Critical Remarks on Descartes (= Philosophical Texts 1). Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, 143 pages, 1979 [Hebrew].

AA7. J. Gracia, E. Rabossi, E. Villanueva, and M. Dascal (eds.). Philosophical Analysis in Latin America. Dordrecht:D. Reidel, xii + 448 pages, 1984. [Enlarged Spanish version, México (Fondo de Cultura Económica), 689 pages, 1985].

AA8. M. Dascal (ed.). Dialogue - An Interdisciplinary Approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, xiv + 473 pages, 1985.

AA9. M. Dascal (ed., with the cooperation of Oscar Zimmermann). M. Buber - On Community [a collection of Buber's published and unpublished essays on social philosophy]. S. Paulo: Perspectiva, 136 pages, 1987 [Portuguese].

AA10. M. Dascal and O. Gruengard (eds.). Knowledge and Politics: Case Studies in the Relationship Between Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, vii + 375 pages, 1989.

AA11. A. Cohen and M. Dascal (eds.). The Institution of Philosophy: A Discipline in Crisis?. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, xv + 334 pages, 1989.

AA12. M. Dascal (ed.). Knowledge, Language, Ideology. S. Paulo: Perspectiva, 275 pages, 1989 [Portuguese].

AA13. M. Dascal (ed.). Cultural Relativism and Philosophy: North and Latin American Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, pages xii + 316, 1991 [Spanish translation: México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 406 pages, 1992].

AA14. M. Dascal, D. Gerhardus, K. Lorenz, and G. Meggle, Philosophy of Language - An International Handbook of Contemporary Research, 2 volumes.. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, xlvi + 2087 pp., 1992, 1995.

AA15. M. Dascal and E. Yakira. Leibniz and Adam. Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, xii + 409 pages, 1993.

AA16. M. Dascal and G. Freudenthal (eds.). Controversies in Science, Special issue of Science in Context, 178 pages, 1998.

AA17. M. Dascal (ed.), Misunderstanding, Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics, 110 pages, 1999.

AA18. M. Dascal (ed.). Filosofía del Lenguaje II: Pragmática. Volume 18 of the Enciclopedia Ibero Americana de Filosofía. Madrid: Editorial Trotta and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 246 pages, 1999.

AA19. C. Carrete Parrondo, M. Dascal, F. Márquez Villanueva, A. Sáenz Badillos (eds.), Encuentros and Desencuentros: Spanish Jewish Cultural Interactions. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 678 pages, 2000.

AA20. M. Dascal, M. Gutierrez Estevez, and J. de Salas (eds.), La Pluralidad y sus Atributos: Usos y maneras en la construcción de la Persona. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 285 pages, 2001 [Spanish].

AA21. E. Weigand and M. Dascal (eds.), Negotiation and Power in Dialogic Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, viii + 294 pages, 2001.

AA22. I.E. Zwiep, A.M. Ginio, M. Dascal (eds.), Uprooted Roots: Amsterdam and the Early Sephardic Diaspora, Special Issue of Studia Rosenthaliana, 203 pages, 2001.

AA23. P. Barrotta and M. Dascal (eds.), Controversies and Subjectivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Controversies, volume 1), 411 pages, 2005.

AA24. Marcelo Dascal, Frans H. van Eemeren, Eddo Rigotti, Sorin Stati, and Andrea Rocci (eds.), Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction (Special Issue of Studies in Communication Sciences, June 2005), 293 pages.

AA25. M. Dascal and H. Chang (eds.), Traditions of Controversy. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Controversies, volume 4), xvi + 309 pages, 2007.

AA26. M. Dascal (ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist?. Dordrecht: Springer, xx + 532, 2008.

AA27. M. Dascal (ed.), The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and his Controversies. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Controversies, volume 7), xvi + 359 pages, 2010.

AA28. M. Dascal and V. D. Boantza (eds.). Controversies Within the Scientific Revolution. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Controversies, volume 11), vi + 287 pages, 2011.

Articles in Books and Journals

B. History of Ideas

B1. M. Dascal. About the idea of a generative grammar in Leibniz. Studia Leibnitiana 3: 272-290, 1971.

B2. M. Dascal. On the role of metaphysics in Descartes' thought. Man and World 4: 460-469, 1971.

B3. M. Dascal. Reason and the mysteries of faith according to Leibniz. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 1: 192-226, 1975 [Spanish]. [Hebrew version in AA1, pages 88-122]

B4. M. Dascal. Signs and thought according to Leibniz, Hobbes, Descartes and Locke. Discurso 6: 133-150, 1975 [Portuguese]. (French version in Akten des II. internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses (Hannover 12-22 July 1972), vol. 4. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, pages 239-255, 1975)

B5. M. Dascal. Language and money: a simile and its use in the 17th century philosophy of language. Studia Leibnitiana 8: 187-218, 1976. [Reprinted in M. Leone (ed.), Semiotica del Denaro, Special Issue of Carte Semiotiche (Journal of the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies) 5: 65-94, 2003].

B6. M. Dascal. Spinoza: thought and language. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 3: 223-236, 1977 [Spanish].

B7. M. Dascal. Characters and thought in Leibniz's `Paris Notes'. Les Etudes Philosophiques 1977 (4): 387-398 [French].

B8. M. Dascal. Aporia and theoria: Rousseau on language and thought. Revue Internationale de Philosophie 124/125: 214-237, 1978. [Portuguese version in Manuscrito 3(2): 51-70, 1980]

B9. M. Dascal. Universals and universality - imagination and reason. In AA5, pages 18-34, 1979 [Hebrew].

B10. M. Dascal. Leibniz's early views on definition. In A. Heinekamp and M. Pfeil (eds.), Theoria cum Praxis - Akten des III. internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses (Hannover 12-17 November 1977), vol. 3. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, pages 33-50, 1980.

B11. M. Dascal. Universal language schemes in England and France, 1600-1800 -comments on James Knowlson. Studia Leibnitiana 14: 98-109, 1982.

B12. M. Dascal. Signs and cognitive processes: notes for a chapter in the history of semiotics. In A. Eschbach and J. Trabant (eds.), History of Semiotics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pages 169-190, 1983.

B13. M. Dascal. Leibniz on the intellect and the senses: beyond rationalism and empiricism. Iyyun 34: 201-218, 1985 [Hebrew].

[English version in A. Heinekamp (ed.), Leibniz: Questions de Logique (= Studia Leibnitiana, Sonderheft 15), 1988, pages 27-37].

B14. M. Dascal. On Leibniz and skepticism. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 12: 55-60, 1986 [Spanish].

B15. M. Dascal. Leibniz on particles: linguistic form and comparatism. In T. de Mauro and L. Formigari (eds.), Leibniz, Humboldt, and the Origins of Comparativism. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990, pages 31-60. (Spanish version in Analogía 3(1): 3-40, 1989; Portuguese version in Análise 11 (1989): 23-49).

B16. M. Dascal and Y. Senderowicz, Language and thought in Kant's epistemology. Iyyun 39: 151-175, 1990 [Hebrew].

B17. M. Dascal. The controversy about ideas and the ideas about controversy. In F. Gil (ed.), Controversias Científicas e Filosóficas. Lisboa: Editora Fragmentos, 1990, pages 61-100.

B18. M. Dascal. Leibniz and Spinoza: Language and Cognition. Studia Spinozana 6: 103-145, 1990.

B19. M. Dascal. The cognitive status of language: a profile of the debate in the 17th century. In Filosofia da Ciencia. Vigo: Grupo Aletheia/Ir Indo Edicions, 1990, pages 165-198 [Gallego].

B20. M. Dascal. Kant: language and empirical knowledge. In M. Valdez (ed.). Relativismo Linguístico y Epistemológico. Mexico: Asociación Filosófica de Mexico e Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, U.N.A.M, 1992, pages 27-38 [Spanish].

B21. Y. Senderowicz and M. Dascal. The pure and the impure: reply to Troim. Iyyun 41: 457-475, 1992 [Hebrew].

B22. M. Dascal and Y. Senderowicz. How pure is pure reason? Language, empirical concepts, and empirical laws in Kant's theory of knowledge. Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 14(2): 129-152, 1992.

B23. M. Dascal. Unfolding the one: `abstract relations' in Spinoza's theory of knowledge. In Y. Yovel (ed.), Spinoza on Knowledge and the Human Mind (= Spinoza by 2000 - The Jerusalem Conferences, vol. 2). Leiden: Brill, pages 171-185 (1994).

B24. M. Dascal. One Adam and many cultures: the role of political pluralism in the best of possible worlds. In AA15, pages 387-409 (1993).

B25. M. Dascal. Language in the mind's house. In Q. Racionero Carmona and C. Roldan Panadero (eds.), G. W. Leibniz: Analogia y Expresion. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, pages 57-77 (1994) [French] (English version in Leibniz Society Review 8: 1-24, 1998; reprinted in H.S. Gill and G. Manetti (eds.), Signs and Signification, vol. I, New Delhi, Bahri Publications, 1999, pages 125-147).

B26. M. Dascal. Language and knowledge in modern philosophy. Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía, vol. 6, Del Renacimiento a la Ilustración, vol. I. Madrid: Editorial Trotta and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, pages 15-51, 1994 [Spanish].

B27. M. Dascal. Strategies of dispute and ethics: Du tort and La place d'autruy. In: Proceedings of the VI. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, vol. 2 (Hannover 18-23 July 1994), pages 108-116 (1995).

B28. M. Dascal. The debate on the primacy of thinking or speaking. In AA14, pages 1024-1040 (1995).

B29. Y. Senderowicz and M. Dascal. The critique of pure reason: an autonomous movement?. Iyyun 45: 207-216 (1996) [Hebrew].

B30. S. Cremaschi and M. Dascal. Malthus and Ricardo on economic method. History of Political Economy 1996(3): 475-511.

B31. M. Dascal and K. Dutz. The beginnings of scientific semiotics. In R. Posner, K. Robering, and T.A. Sebeok (eds.), Semiotics - A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foundations of Nature and Culture, vol. 1. Berlin: De Gruyter, pages 746-762 (1997) [Reprinted in H.S. Gill and G. Manetti (eds.), Signs and Signification, vol. I, New Delhi, Bahri Publications, 1999, pages 149-174].

B32. M. Dascal and Y. Senderowicz. Language and reason in Kant's epistemology. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 19/I: 135-150, 1997.

B33. M. Dascal. Hobbes's challenge. In L. R. dos Santos, P. M. S. Alves and A. Cardoso (eds.), Descartes, Leibniz e a Modernidade. Lisboa: Editora Colibri, 369-398 [Portuguese] (1998). [Revised English version: Hobbes's challenge. In A. Brooks (ed.), The Pre-History of Cognitive Science. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2006, 67-96].

B34. M. Dascal. Controversies and Polemics. In M. Blay and R. Halleux (eds.), La Science Classique, XVIe-XVIIIe: Dictionnaire Critique. Paris: Flammarion, 26-35 [French] (1998) [Hebrew version in Iyyun 48: 123-133, 1999; Portuguese version in F. Gil (ed.), A Ciência tal qual se faz. Lisboa: Edições João Sá Costa, pages 65-77, 1999].

B35. S. Cremaschi and M. Dascal. Persuasion and argument in the Malthus-Ricardo correspondence. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Method 16: 1-63 (1998).

B36. S. Cremaschi and M. Dascal. Malthus and Ricardo: Two styles for economic theory. Science in Context 11(2): 229-254 (1998).

B37. M. Dascal. Leibniz and epistemological diversity. In A. Lamarra and R. Palaia (eds.), Unita e Molteplicita nel Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico di Leibniz (Simposio Internazionale Roma, October 1996). Roma: Leo S. Olschki Editore, pages 15-37 (2000).

B38. M. Dascal. Nihil sine ratione à Blandior ratio (‘Nothing without a reason à A softer reason’). In H. Poser (ed.), Nihil sine ratione (Proceedings of the VII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress). Berlin, 2001, Volume I, pages 276-280.

B39. M. Dascal. Baruch-Benedictus: From uprooted roots to root-independent ideas?. Studia Rosenthaliana 35(2): 310-315, (2001).

B40. S. Cremaschi and M. Dascal. The Unitarian connection and Ricardo's scientific style. History of Political Economy 34(2): 505-508 (2002).

B41. M. Dascal. Leibniz and cognitive technologies. In A. Andreu, J. Echeverría, and C. Roldán (eds.), Science, Technology and the Common Good: Leibniz's Actuality. Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2002, pages 359-388 (Spanish).

B42. Ex pluribus unum? Patterns in 522+ Texts of Leibniz's Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe VI, 4. The Leibniz Review 13: 105-154, (2003).

B43. M. Dascal. Alter et etiam: Rejoinder to Schepers. The Leibniz Review 14: 137-151 (2004).

B44. M. Dascal. Adam Smith's theory of language. In K. Haakonssen (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pages 79-111 (2006).

B45. M. Dascal. Leibniz's two-pronged dialectic. In AA26, pages 37-72.

B46. M. Dascal. The Platonic method of division: Advantages and Dangers. In C.C. de Azambuja, C.A. Viero e Luís, F. Moraes de Mello, and L. Rohden (eds.), Os Gregos e Nós ('The Greeks and Us'). S. Leopoldo (Brazil): Editora Unisinos, 2009, pages 87-111 (Portuguese).

B47. M. Dascal and E. Firt. Leibniz's conciliatory approaches in scientific controversies. In AA27, pages 137-167.

C. Philosophy of Language, Linguistics, Semiotics

C1. M. Dascal. Are `semantic structures' really `deeper' than `deep structures'?. Semiotica 8: 163-192, 1973.

C2. M. Dascal and A. Margalit. A new `revolution' in linguistics? - text grammars vs. sentence grammars. Theoretical Linguistics 1: 195-213, 1974. [Extended version in J. Ihwe, H. Rieser, and J. Petöfi (eds), Probleme und Perspektiven der neueren textgrammatischen Forschung (= Papers in Textlinguistics, vol. 5). Hamburg: Buske Verlag, pages 81-120, 1974]

C3. M. Dascal. Language and thought: frameworks. Iyyun 27: 5-23, 1976 [Hebrew]. [Portuguese version in Crítica 14 (80): 3-33, 1981]

C4. M. Dascal. Levels of meaning and moral discourse. In A. Kasher (ed.), Language in Focus: Foundations, Methods, and Systems. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, pages 587-625, 1976.

C5. M. Dascal. Conversational relevance. Journal of Pragmatics 1: 309-327, 1977. [Also in A. Margalit (ed.), Meaning and Use, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979, pages 153-174]

C6. M. Dascal and T. Katriel. Between semantics and pragmatics: the two types of `but' - Hebrew `aval' and `ela'. Theoretical Linguistics 4: 143-172, 1977.

C7. M. Dascal. Ten ways of being misunderstood and some suggestions to avoid them. In Subsidios a Proposta Curricular de Lingua Portuguesa para o Segundo Grau, vol. 2. S. Paulo: Secretaria da Educacao, pages 57-72, 1978 [Portuguese].

C8. M. Dascal. The methodological convulsions of contemporary linguistics. In AA4, pages 15-41, 1978 [Portuguese].

C9. M. Dascal and M. Adler. A new look at componential analysis. Semiotica 26: 151-180, 1979.

C10. M. Dascal and T. Katriel. Digressions: a study in conversational coherence. PTL - Poetics and Theory of Literature 4: 203-232, 1979. [Reprinted in J. Petoefi (ed.), Text vs. Sentence Continued (= Papers in Textlinguistics 29). Hamburg: Buske Verlag, pages 76-95, 1982].

C11. M. Dascal. The place of pragmatics in the theory of language. Acta Semiotica et Linguistica 3: 9-31, 1979 [Portuguese].

C12. M. Dascal. Strategies of understanding. In H. Parret and J. Bouveresse (eds.), Meaning and Understanding. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, pages 327-352, 1981.

C13. M. Dascal. Contextualism. In H. Parret, M. Sbisa, and J. Verschueren (eds.). Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pages 153-177, 1981.

C14. M. Dascal. Prolegomena to a semantic analysis of phase-indicating verbal periphrases in Portuguese. Communication and Cognition 16(1/2): 97-131, 1983. [Portuguese version in Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos 3: 126-186, 1982]

C15. M. Dascal. A semiotically relevant history of semiotics. Investigaciones Semióticas 2/3: 73-80, 1983. [Also in T. Borbé (ed.), Semiotics Unfolding (= Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Vienna July 1979), vol. 1. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton, pages 61-65, 1984]

C16. T. Katriel and M. Dascal. What do indicating devices indicate?. Philosophy and Rhetoric 17: 1-15, 1984.

C17. M. Dascal. The relevance of misunderstanding. In AA8, pages 441-460. [Reprinted in T. T. Ballmer and R. Posner (eds.), Nach-Chomskysche Linguistik. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1985, pages 194-210; Spanish version in Discurso - Cuadernos de Teoría y Análisis (Mexico) 11: 11-30, 1991].

C18. M. Dascal. Why should I ask her?. In R. H. Chisholm et al. (eds.), Philosophy of MInd - Philosophy of Psychology (= Proceedings of the Ninth International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel 19-26 Augus 1984). Vienna: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, pages 571-576, 1985.

C19. M. Dascal. Defending literal meaning. Cognitive Science 11: 259-281, 1987. [Spanish version in two parts: Crítica 18 (53): 33-55, 1986; and L. Valdivia & E. Villanueva (eds.), Philosophy of Language, Science, Human Rights, Mexico (UNAM), pages 31-47, 1987].

C20. M. Dascal and E. Weizman. Contextual exploitation of interpretation clues in text understanding: an integrated model. In J. Verschueren and M. Bertucelli-Papi (eds.), The Pragmatic Perspective - Selected Papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pages 31-46, 1987.

C21. M. Dascal. Hermeneutic interpretation and pragmatic interpretation. Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica 79(4): 94-107, 1987 [Italian]. [English version in Philosophy and Rhetoric 22(4): 239-259, 1989; Polish version in Pamiçtnik Literacki 1: 193-209, 1992].

C22. M. Dascal. The open and the covert in verbal communication. Sichot - Israel Journal of Psychotherapy 3(1): 45-52, 1988 [Hebrew]. [Italian translation in O. Greco and G. Scarafile (eds.), Sotto il segno di Babele: Prospettive della communicazione e dialogo tra saperi. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, pages 11-29, 2008].

C23. M. Dascal and J. Wroblewski. Transparency and doubt: understanding and interpretation in pragmatics and in law. Law and Philosophy 7: 203-224, 1988 [Reprinted in Theoria - Segunda Epoca, Ano IV, Curso 1988-1989, n. 11, pages 427-450; Spanish version in Análisis Filosófico 10(1): 49-68, 1990].

C24. M. Dascal. On the roles of context and literal meaning in understanding. Cognitive Science 13(1): 253-257, 1989.

C25. T. Katriel and M. Dascal, Speaker's commitment and involvement. In Y. Tobin (ed.), From Sign to Text: A Semiotic View of Communication. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pages 275-295, 1989.

C26. M. Dascal. Controversies as quasi-dialogues. In E. Weigand and F. Hundsnurcher (eds.), Dialoganalyse, II (Referate des 2. Arbeitstagung, Bochum 1988), vol. 1. Tuebingen: Niemeyer, pages 147-159, 1989.

C27. M. Dascal and E. Weizman. On speaker's meaning in literature. Hebrew Linguistics 28/29/30: 9-19 (January 1990; Special issue on "Stylistics and the Literary Text") [Hebrew].

C28. M. Dascal and J. Borges Neto. What is linguistics all about, after all?. Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 13(1): 15-50, 1991 [Portuguese]. [Also in Atas do IX Congresso Internacional da Associacao de Linguística e Filologia da America Latina (ALFAL), vol. 2. Campinas: UNICAMP, 1993, pages 435-464].

C29. M. Dascal and J. Wroblewski. The rational law-maker and the pragmatics of legal interpretation. Journal of Pragmatics 15: 421-444, 1991.

C30. E. Weizman and M. Dascal. On clues and cues: strategies of text understanding. Journal of Literary Semantics 20(1): 18-30, 1991.

C31. M. Dascal. On the pragmatic structure of conversation. In J.R. Searle et al. (On) Searle on Conversation, compiled and introduced by H. Parret and J. Verschueren. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pages 35-56, 1992.

C32. M. Dascal. Models of Interpretation. In M. Stamenov (ed.), Current Advances in Semantic Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pages 109-127, 1992.

C33. M. Dascal. Pragmatics and foundationalism. Journal of Pragmatics 17(5/6): 455-460, 1992.

C34. M. Dascal. Speech act theory and Gricean pragmatics. In S.L. Tsohatzidis (ed.), Foundations of Speech Act Theory: Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives. London: Routledge, pages 323-334, 1994.

C35. M. Dascal. Observations on the dynamics of controversies. Cahiers de Linguistique Française 17: 99-121, 1995 [French] (Spanish translation in A. Velasco Gómez (ed.), Racionalidad y Cambio Científico. México: Paidós, 1997, pages 99-121).

C36. M. Dascal, J. Hintikka, K. Lorenz. Games in language. In AA14, 1995, pages 1371-1391, 1995 [French, English, German].

C37. M. Dascal and V. Dascal. The limits of interpretation. In J. Rozenberg (ed.), Sense and Nonsense: Philosophical, Clinical and Ethical Perspectives. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, pages 203-223, 1996.

C38. M. Dascal. Types of polemics and types of polemical moves. In S. Cmejrkova, J. Hoffmannova, O. Mullerova, and J. Svetla, Dialogue Analysis VI (= Proceedings of the 6th Conference, Prague 1996), vol. 1. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 15-33, 1998 [Reprinted in H.S. Gill and G. Manetti (eds.), Signs and Signification, vol. II, New Delhi: Bahri Publication, 2000, pages 127-150; reprinted in A. Capone (ed.), Perspectives on Language Use and Pragmatics: A Volume in Memory of Sorin Stati, Münich: Lincom, 2010, pages 77-97].

C39. M. Dascal and D. Mishori. `Science' as linguistic manipulation. Alpayim (A multidisciplinary publication for contemporary thought and literature) 17: 91-125, 1999 [Hebrew].

C40. M. Dascal. Ethos in argumentation: A pragma-rhetorical approach. In R. Amossy (ed.), Images de soi dans le discours: construction de l'ethos. Lausanne: Delachaux et Niestle, 61-73, 1999 [French].

C41. M. Dascal. Some questions about misunderstanding. Journal of Pragmatics 31: 753-762, 1999.

C42. M. Dascal. Pragmatics and communicative intentions. In AA18, pages 21-51, 1999.

C43. M. Dascal and S. Cremaschi. The Malthus-Ricardo correspondence: Sequential structure, argumentative patterns, and rationality. Journal of Pragmatics 31(9): 1129-1172, 1999.

C44. M. Dascal and A. G. Gross. The marriage between pragmatics and rhetoric. Philosophy and Rhetoric 32(2): 107-130, 1999.

C45. M. Dascal. Réputation et réfutation. In M. Wauthion and A- C. Simon (eds.), Politesse et Idéologie. Rencontres de Pragmatique et de Rhétorique Conversationnelles (= Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain nº 107). Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2000, pages 95-105 (Enlarged English version in AA21, pages 3-17).

C45. E. Dresner and M. Dascal. Semantics, pragmatics, and the digital information age. Studies in Communication Sciences 1(2): 1-22, 2001.

C46. A. Gross and M. Dascal. The unity of Aristotle's Rhetoric. Philosophy and Rhetoric 34(4): 275-291, 2001.

C47. E. Weizman and M. Dascal. Interpreting speaker's meanings in literary dialogue. In A. Betten and M. Danneren (eds.), Dialogue Analysis IX - Dialogue in Literature and the Media; Part I: Literature. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 61-72, 2005.

D. Epistemology and Metaphilosophy

D1. M. Dascal. Empirical significance and relevance. Philosophia 1: 81-106, 1971.

D2. M. Dascal. Philosophy, common sense, and science. Manuscrito 3(1): 81-93, 1979 [Portuguese]. [Also in AA7, pages 285-312 (English) and pages 399-410 (Spanish)]

D3. M. Dascal and L. Amir. Inadequacies of Chisholm's definitions of the evident. Crítica 12(37): 69-76, 1981.

D4. M. Dascal and A. Idan. Procedures in scientific research and in language understanding. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftslehre 20: 226-249, 1981.

D5. M. Dascal. The imaginary and modern logic. In Anais do Primeiro Ciclo de Estudos sobre o Imaginário. Recife: Instituto Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquisas Sociais, pages 11-59, 1977 [Portuguese].

D6. M. Dascal. Philosophical analysis in Brazil. In AA7, pages 277-284 (1984) and pages 365-371 (1985) [Spanish].

D7. M. Dascal, V. Dascal, and E. Landau. The art of moving and the art of proving. In F. H. van Eemeren et al (eds.), Argumentation: Perspectives and Approaches. Dordrecht: Foris, pages 179-186, 1987.

D8. M. Dascal. Remarks on Granger's epistemological program. Manuscrito 10(2): 185-194, 1987 [Portuguese].

D9. M. Dascal. Rational-choice explanations: The limits to grounding. A comment. In E. Ullman-Margalit (ed.), Science in Reflection. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pages 67-79, 1988.

D10. M. Dascal. Reflections on the crisis of modernity. Crítica 20(58): 3-42, 1988 [Spanish]. [English version in AA11, pages 217-240].

D11. M. Dascal. Artificial intelligence as epistemology?. In E. Villanueva (ed.), Information, Semantics, and Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell, pages 224-241, 1990.

D12. M. Dascal. The arrogance of Reason. Isegoría 2: 75-103, 1990 [Spanish]. [Hebrew version in Metaphora 2: 7-30, 1991].

D13. M. Dascal. The ecology of cultural space. In AA13, pages 279-295, 1991 [Spanish version, in the Spanish transl. of AA13, pages 381-404, 1992; Hebrew version in Metaphora 3: 23-40, 1993].

D14. M. Dascal. Rationality and interpretative tolerance. In Filosofia da Ciencia. Vigo: Grupo Aletheia/Editorial Ir Indo, pages 143-164, 1990 [Gallego].

D15. M. Dascal. Epistemology, controversies, and pragmatics. Isegoría 12: 8-43 (1995) [Spanish] (Portuguese version in Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da Ciencia 12: 73-98, 1994; shorter English version under the title "Epistemology and controversies", in Tian Yu Cao (ed.), Philosophy of Science [= Volume 10 of Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy]. Philadelphia: Philosophers Index Inc., pages 159-192; 2000).

D16. M. Dascal. The balance of reason. In O. Nudler (ed.), La racionalidad: su poder y sus limites. Buenos Aires/Barcelona/Mexico: Paidos, pages 363-381, 1996 [Spanish]. (English revised version, in D. Vanderveken (ed.), Logic, Thought and Action, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 27-47, 2005 ; abridged Chinese version in Studies in Dialectics of Nature 22(7): 97-101; 2006).

D17. M. Dascal. The Beyond Enterprise. In J. Stewart (ed.), Beyond the Symbol Model: Reflections on the Representational Nature of Language. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pages 303-334, 1996.

D18. M. Dascal. Critique without critics?. Science in Context 10(1): 39-62, 1997.

D19. M. Dascal. Controversy in philosophy. In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. 4: Le Discours Philosophique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1583-1604, 1998 [French].

D20. M. Dascal. Three prejudices about prejudice. In R. Amossy and M. Delon (eds.), Critique et Légitimité du Préjugé: XVIIIe-XXe Siècles. Brussels: Presses de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, 113-118, 1999 [French].

D21. M. Dascal. The study of controversies and the theory and history of science. Science in Context 11(2): 147-154, 1998.

D22. M. Dascal. Conditions for the exercise of critique. In G.-E. Sarfati (ed.), Discours, Culture, Politique: Essai de Redefinition de la Fonction Critique. Tel Aviv: Institut Francais, 37-40, 1998 [French].

D23. M. Dascal. How rational can a polemic across the analytic-continental 'divide' be? International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9(3): 313-339, 2001.

D24. M. Dascal. Transparency in scientific communication: From Leibniz's dream to today's reality. Studies in Communication Sciences 3(1): 1-26, 2003.

D25. M. Dascal and V. Dascal. De-fixation of belief. In F. Gil, P. Livet, and J. Pina Cabral (eds.), The Process of Belief. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2004, pp. 321-353 [Portuguese].

D26. M. Dascal, "On the uses of argumentative reason in religious polemics". In T.L. Hettema and A. van der Kooij (eds.), Religious Polemics in Context. Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2004, pp. 3-20.

D27. M. Dascal. Dialectics in the collective construction of scientific knowledge. In A. C. K. P. Regner and L. Rohden (eds.), Philosophy and Science Redrawing Horizons. S. Leopoldo (Brasil): Editora Unisinos, 2005, pp. 15-31 [Portuguese]. (Italian translation in S. Bonfiglioli and C. Marmo (eds.), Retorica e scienze del linguaggio: Teorie e pratiche dell'argomentazione e della persuazione; Roma: Aracne, pp. 119-136, 2005. German translation in W-A. Liebert and M-Denis Weitze (eds.), Kontroversen als Schlüssel zur Wissenshaft? Wissenskulturen in sprachlicher Interaktion; Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 19-38, 2006).

D28. M. Dascal. Debating with myself and debating with others. In AA23, pages 31-73, 2005.

D29. M. Dascal. Normative rationality against praxis in scientific debate? Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik (Deliberation-Knowledge-Ethics) 17(2): 263-265, 2006.

D30. M. Dascal. Dichotomies in debate. In L. Ionescu-Ruxandoiu in collaboration with L. Hoinarescu (eds.), Cooperation and Conflict in Ingroup and Intergroup Communication. Bucharest: Editura Universitatii dom Bucuresti, 2006, pages 21-34.

D31. M. Dascal. Dichotomies and types of debate. In F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (eds.), Controversy and Confrontation: Relating Controversy Analysis with Argumentation Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2008, pp. 27-49.

D32. M. Dascal. Controversiality without controversy?. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik (Deliberation, Knowledge, Ethics) 20(2): 255-257, 2009.

D33. Dialogue of rationalities: A case study. In A.A. Guseinov (ed.), Philosophy in Dialogue of Cultures (Proceedings of the World Philosophy Day, Moscow, 16-19 November, 2009). Moscow: Progress-Tradition Publishers, 15-25, 2010.

D34. M. Dascal. Tradition de controverse et résolution de conflit. In Cyrille B. Koné (éd.), Médiation et gestion des conflits: Essais sur les fins et les moyens pacifiques de sortie de crise. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 121-138, 2011.

D35. M. Dascal. Kontroversen und Polemiken in der frühneuzeitlichen Wissenschaft. In K. Bremer and C. Spoerhase (eds.), Gelehrte Polemik: Intellectuelle Konfliktverschärfungen um 1700. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 146-157, 2011.

D36. M. Dascal. Leibniz y el dialogo entre racionalidades. In O. Nudler, M.A. Fierro, and G. Satne (eds.), La Filosofia a Traves del Espejo: Estudios Metafilosoficos. Buenos Aires: Mino y Davila, 117-135, 2012.

E. Philosophy of Mind/Language, Cognitive Science

E1. M. Dascal, K. Wachowitz, V. Zavarin, and M. T. Singer. Commitment and reference in schizophrenic discourse. In C.S. Masek, R.A. Hendrick, and M.F. Miller (eds.), Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, pages 57-65, 1981.

E2. M. Dascal. Towards psychopragmatics. Investigaciones Semióticas 4: 145-159, 1984. [Also in T. Borbé (ed.), Semiotics Unfolding (= Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Vienna July 1979), vol. 2. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton, pages 1119-1126, 1984]

E3. M. Dascal. Language use in jokes and dreams: sociopragmatics vs. psychopragmatics. Language and Communication 5: 95-106, 1985.

E4. M. Dascal, J. Borges Neto, and E. Francozo. Modeling the psycholinguistic mold. Journal of Pragmatics 9: 345-376, 1985.

E5. M. Dascal. Kaspar Hauser or the fabrication of theory. DELTA - Documentacao de Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada 1: 37-49, 1985 [Portuguese].

E6. M. Dascal and I. Berenstein. Two modes of understanding: comprehending and grasping. Language and Communication 7: 139-151, 1987.

E7. M. Dascal. Language and reasoning: sorting out sociopragmatic and psychopragmatic factors. In J. C. Boudreaux, B. W. Hamill, and R. Jernigan (eds.), The Role of Language in Problem Solving 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pages 183-197, 1987.

E8. M. Dascal. Leibniz vs. Descartes: Competing Paradigms for Cognitive Science. In A. Heinekamp (ed.), Leibniz - Tradition und Aktualität (Proceedings of the Fifth International Leibniz Congress. Hannover, 14-19 November 1988). Hannover: Leibniz Gesellschaft, pages 189-196, 1989.

E9. M. Dascal. Artificial intelligence and philosophy: the knowledge of representation. Systems Research 6(1): 39-52, 1989 [Revised German version in K. Bucholz, S. Rahman, and I. Weber (eds.), Wege zur Vernunft: Philosophieren zwischen Tätigkeit und Reflexion. Frankfurt - New York: Campus Verlag, 1999, pages 161-179].

E10. M. Dascal and E. Francozo. The pragmatic turn in psycholinguistics: problems and perspectives. Theoretical Linguistics 15 (1/2): 1-23, 1989.

E11. M. Dascal. Why does language matter to artificial intelligence?. Minds and Machines 2(2): 145-174, 1992 [Also in J. Lopes Alves (ed.), Information Technology and Society: Theory, Uses, Impacts, Lisboa: APDC & SPF, 1992, pages 52-78; Italian version in Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica (Firenze): vol. 7 (13), 1994, pages 519-556].

E12. M. Dascal and A. Horowitz. Semantics and the psyche. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52(2): 395-399, 1992.

E13. I. Dror and M. Dascal. Can Wittgenstein help free the mind from rules?. In D.M. Johnson and C. Erneling (eds.), The Future of the Cognitive Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 217-226, 1997.

E14. M. Dascal. The language of thought and the games of language. In M. Astroh, D. Gerhardus, and G. Heinzma(eds.), Dialogisches Handeln: Ein Festschrift für Kuno Lorenz. Heildeberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pages 183-191, 1997.

E15. M. Dascal. Language as a cognitive technology. International Journal of Cognition and Technology 1(1): 35-89, 2002. (reprinted in B. Gorayska and J.L. Mey (eds.), Cognition and Technology: Co-existence, Convergence, and Evolution. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 37-62, 2004). [Hebrew translation in Galileo 124: 41-53, December 2008; Italian translation in YOD - cinema, communicazione e dialogo tra saperi 1(1-2): 62-76, 2009].

E16. M. Dascal. Communicating with computers: Between Turing's Test and the "Chinese Room". Ah'shav Literary Review 69/70: 122-129; 2005 [Hebrew].

E17. M. Dascal. Digital culture: Pragmatic and philosophical challenges. Diogène 211: 26-47 [French], 2005; Diogenes 211: 23-309 [English], 2006.

E18. M. Dascal and I. Dror. The impact of cognitive technologies: Towards a pragmatic approach. Pragmatics & Cognition 13(3): 451-457 [Introduction to Special Issue on "Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition"], 2005.

E19. M. Dascal. Is self-debate possible? Dissolving some of its alleged paradoxes. Manuscrito 29(2): 319-349, 2006 [Portuguese].

E20. M. Dascal. Mental diversity and identity: A pragmatic approach to the debate. Pragmatics & Cognition 17(2): 403-420, 2009.

F. Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Action

F1. M. Dascal. The idea of peace in the philosophy of M. Buber. In Filosofia e Desenvolvimento, vol. 1 (= Atas da III Semana Internacional de Filosofia, Salvador 17-23 July 1976). Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofos Catolicos, pages 369-386, 1977 [Portuguese]. [Reprinted in M. Buber, Do Diálogo e do Dialógico, S. Paulo: Perspectiva, 1982, pages 11-29]

F2. M. Dascal. Relevant loyalty. In AA2, pages 29-38 [Hebrew].

F3. M. Dascal. Closed society, open society, abstract society. In H. Berghel, A. Huebner, and E. Kohler (eds.), Wittgenstein, the Vienna Circle, and Critical Rationalism. Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky, pages 253-257, 1979. [Portuguese version in Ciencia e Filosofia 2, pages 89-100, 1980]

F4. M. Dascal and O. Gruengard. Unintentional action and non-action. Manuscrito 4(2): 103-113, 1981.

F5. A. Idan and M. Dascal. Analytical philosophy of social action. Iyyun 36: 35-59, 1987 [Hebrew].

F6. M. Dascal. Tolerance and interpretation. In Z. Rosen and Z. Tauber (eds.), Violence and Tolerance. Tel Aviv: Papyrus, pages157-172, 1989 [Hebrew]. (Enlarged Portuguese version in AA12, pages 217-240 and in Crítica 21 (62): 3-28, 1989).

F7. M. Dascal and A. Idan. From individual to collective action. In F. Vandamme and R. Pinxten (eds.), The Philosophy of Leo Apostel - Descriptive and Critical Essays. Ghent: Communication and Cognition, pages 133-148, 1989.

F8. M. Dascal. Pluralism in education. In W. Nijhoff (ed.), Values in Higher Education: `Bildungsideale'in Historical and Contemporary Perspective. Enschede: University of Twente, pages 125-140, 1990. (Reprinted in R. Shapira and A. Kasher, eds., Reshafim: Historical, Philosophical, and Sociological Aspects of Education, Tel Aviv University, 1991, pages 399-412).

F9. A. Idan and M. Dascal. The basic entities of economy. Methodus 4(1): 149-153, 1992.

F10. M. Dascal. Cultural diversity and educational practice. In L. Olivé (ed.), Etica y Diversidad Cultural. Mexico: UNAM and Fondo de Cultura Económica, pages 229-252 (1993) [Spanish] (also in Educacao e Filosofia 5/6 (10-11): 169-188, 1991).

F11. M. Dascal. Technology and learning: prospects and pitfalls". In A. Aviram and J. Richardson-Deberghes (eds.), Pedagogical Technology and Educational Systems: Guiding Visions for the 21st Century. Beer-Sheva: The Center for Futurism in Education, Ben Gurion University, pages 86-89, 1999.

F12. D. Mishori and M. Dascal. Language change as a rhetorical strategy. In H. Narang (ed.), Semiotics of Language, Literature and Cinema. New Delhi: Books Plus, pages 51-67, 2000.

F13. M. Dascal. Can the loyalty to a community be a morally relevant criterion?. In AA20, pages 263-278, 2001.

F14. M. Dascal. A university for the next millenium. In Isabel Loureiro e Maria C?ndida del Masso (eds.), Tempos de Greve na Universidade P?blica. Mar?lia: UNESP, pages 93-101, 2001 [Portuguese].

F15. M. Dascal. Identities in flux: Arabs and Jews in Israel. In G. Weiss and R. Wodak (eds.), Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Houndmills, Basignstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, pages 150-166, 2003.

F16. M. Dascal. Diskommunikation und Pseudo-Moralität in der Aktion-Reaktion-Dialektik des Terrors. In G. Meggle (ed.), Terror und der Krieg gegen Ihn: Öffentliche Reflexionen. Paderborn: Mentis, pages 135-143, 2003. [English version: The unethical rhetoric of terror. In G. Meggle (ed.), Ethics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. Frankfurt: Ontos, 2005, pages 113-120].

F17. M. Dascal. Argument, war, and the role of the media in conflict management. In T. Parfitt with Yulia Ergorova (eds.), Jews, Muslims, and the Mass Media: Mediating the 'Other'. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 228-248, 2004.

F18. M. Dascal. The challenge of human difference and the ethics of communication. In I. Menuhin and Y. Yovel (eds.), Can Tolerance Prevail? Moral Education in a Diverse World. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2005, pages 94-102 [Hebrew]. [Revised Portuguese version: O desafio da diferença humana e a ética da comunicação. In S. Stein and E. Kuiava (eds.), Linguagem, Ciências e Valores: Sobre as Representações Humanas do Mundo. Caxias do Sul, RS: Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (EDUCS), 85-95.]

F19. M. Dascal. Solomon, Ibn Rushd, Leibniz - und der Israel/Palästina-Konflikt. In G. Meggle (ed.), Deutschland, Israel, Palästina: Streitschriften. Hamburg: Europäische Verlagsanstalt [EVA], 2007, pages 233-250 [German] (English version: "Traditions of controversy and conflict resolution: Can past approaches help to solve present conflicts?", in AA25, pages 281-295; Spanish version: "Tradiciones en la resolución de conflictos y controversias: ¿cómo resolver conflictos actuales con la ayuda de planteamientos del pasado?", in J. Choza and J. de Garay (eds.), Estado, derecho y religión en oriente y occidente, Sevilla/Madrid: Thémata/Plaza y Valdés, 2009, pages 187-211).

F20. M. Dascal. Towards a dialectic of tolerance. L'Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria 16(2): 529-541, 2008.

F21. M. Dascal. Colonizing and decolonizing minds. In I. Kuçuradi (ed.), Papers of the 2007 World Philosophy Day. Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2009, pages 308-332, (Brazilian version: Colonizando e descolonizando mentes (= Cadernos IHU-Idéias No. 118, 2009, xx pages); São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil, Instituto Humanitas Unisinos [accessible in printed or electronically form, the latter at]; English reprint in A.S. Dias, J.A. Raposo, J.L. Alves, L.D. d'Almeida, P. de Sousa Mendes (eds.), Liber Amicorum de José de Sousa e Brito: Estudos de Direito e Filosofia. Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2009, pages 589-610).

F22. M. Dascal and A. Knoll. 'Cognitive systemic dichotomization' in public argumentation and controversies'. In Zenker, F. (ed.), Argumentation: Cognition and Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), May 18-21, 2011. Windsor, ON (CD ROM), pp. 1-35.

F.23. M. Dascal. "Is There a Controversy Concerning the Morality of the Occupation and Its Implications?". In D. Bar-Tal and I. Schnell (Eds.). The Impacts of Lasting Occupation, New York: Oxford University Press, pages 61-92, 2012.

G. Aesthetics

G1. V. Dascal and M. Dascal. What is understanding art?. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 8: 227-245, 1982 [Spanish]. [English version in A. Balis, L. Aagaard-Mogensen, R. Pinxten and F. Vandamme (eds.), Art in Culture, vol. 2. Ghent: Communication and Cognition, 1985, pages 271-298]

G2. V. Dascal and M. Dascal. More on understanding art. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 9: 58-61, 1983 [Spanish].

G3. M. Dascal and V. Dascal. Between illusory comprehension and therapeutic illusion. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 12: 335-345, 1986 [Spanish].

G4. M. Dascal. Futebol e Filosofia. In L. Rohden, M.A. Azevedo, and C.C. De Azambuja (eds.), Filosofia e Futebol: Troca de Passes. Porto Alegre: RS, Editora Meridional, 104-118, 2012.

H. Items in Encyclopedias

H1. M. Dascal. Leibniz as a scientist. The Hebrew Encyclopedia, vol 15, pages 689-690, 1969 [Hebrew].

H2. M. Dascal. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. In T. A. Sebeok (ed.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, vol. 1. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton De Gruyter, pages 443-445, 1986.

H3. M. Dascal. Possible worlds. In T. A. Sebeok (ed.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, vol. 2. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton De Gruyter, pages 747-750, 1986.

H4. M. Dascal. Psychopragmatics. In T. A. Sebeok (ed.), Enclyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, vol. 2. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton De Gruyter, pages 760-761, 1986.

H5. M. Dascal. Relevance logic and Maxim of relevance. In T. A. Sebeok (ed.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, vol. 2. Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton De Gruyter, pages 795-797, 1986.

H6. M. Dascal. Cognitivism. In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. II: Les Notions Philosophiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990, p. 349 [French].

H7. M. Dascal. Cooperation (principle of). In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. II: Les Notions Philosophiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990, p. 349 [French].

H8. M. Dascal. Expression (Leibnizian theory of). In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. II: Les Notions Philosophiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990, p. 934 [French].

H9. M. Dascal. Semiology. In Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. II: Les Notions Philosophiques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990, pages 2343-2344 [French].

H10. M. Dascal. "Yehoshua Bar-Hillel". In D. Huisman (ed.), Dictionnaire des Philosophes, 2nd. ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1993, p. 242 [French].


I. Editing

I1. Since 1979, founder and editor of the series Philosophical Texts (Hebrew translations from the original, with scholarly introductions and notes), published by University Publishing Projects, Tel Aviv.

Titles published: 1. Descartes: Principles of Philosophy and Leibniz: Critical Remarks on Descartes (1979); 2. Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (1981); 3. Averroes: On Decision (1985); 4. Diderot: Lettre sur les aveugles a l'usage de ceux qui voient (1986); 5. Leibniz: Discourse on Metaphysics and Correspondence with Arnauld (1988); 6. Al Farabi: The Political Regime (1992); 7. S. Kripke, Naming and Necessity (1994); 8. M. Heidegger, Papers on Metaphysics and Language (1929-1959) (1999);

I2. Founding member of Manuscrito - An International Journal of Philosophy, published twice a year by the Centro de Logica, Epistemologia, e Historia das Ciencias, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. The journal publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. 1976-1982, Member of the 5-persons Editorial Committee; 1982-1999, Editor; thereafter, member of the Board of Editors.

I3. Since 1974, advisory editor of the Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía (Buenos Aires).

I4. 1980-1998, member of the board of editors of the series of books Foundations of Semiotics, published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam).

I5. Since 1982, member of the board of editors of Iyyun - Hebrew Philosophical Quarterly, (Jerusalem).

I6. Since 1983, member of the board of editors of Crítica - Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía (México).

I7. Since 1984, member of the international board of editors of Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage (Paris).

I8. 1985-1991, member of the board of editors of DELTA - Documentação de Estudos de Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada (São Paulo).

I9. Since December 1987, founder and editor of the series Ma?Da!, published by Dvir (Tel Aviv) [Original Hebrew monographs on a wide variety of topics].

Titles published: 1. The courage to be gifted (1990; 2nd , revised ed. 2001); 2. What is ideology? (1990); 3. Karate (1990); 4. On the Nature of Art (1991); 5. The Language of Theater (1991); 6. Psychodrama (1991); 7. Film and Philosophy (1991); 8. Music in Development: Innovations in music in the Western hemisphere between 1945 and 1990 (1992); 9. Buddhism (1993); 10. Feminism and its Opponents (1993); 11. Rock - Music and Culture (1995); 12. The Aztecs: From the Sun Spear to the Broken Spear (1996); 13. Postmodernism: Culture and Literature at the End of the 20th Century (1997); 14. Resilience: Stories of a Family Therapist (1997); 15. Quantum Theory: Reality or Mystery? (1997); 16. A Gate to Architecture (1999; 2nd, revised ed. 2008); 17. Foucault and Humanism (2006); 18. Rhetoric (2006); 19. Socialism between Politics and Utopia (2008); 20. Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Love (2009);

I10. Since January 1988, member of the board of editors of Analogía - Revista de Filosofía, Investigación y Difusión (México).

I11. Since December 1989, member of the board of editors of Cuadernos Venezolanos de Filosofía (Caracas).

I12. Since January 1990, member of the board of consulting editors of Educação e Filosofia (Uberlândia, Brasil).

I13. Since January 1990, member of the Editorial Committee of Razón Práctica (Caracas and Valencia, Venezuela).

I14. Since August 1990, member of the advisory board of Acciones Textuales (México).

I15. Since January 1991, member of the advisory board of Isegoría (Madrid).

I16. Since January 1991, founder and editor-in-chief of Pragmatics and Cognition (Amsterdam) [First issue published March 1993].

I17. Since February 1995, member of the advisory board of Sorites - Electronic International Journal of Analytical Philosophy (Madrid).

I18. Since January 1996, member of the scientific committee of Interaction & Cognitions (Paris).

I19. 1996-2010, co-editor [with Jan Nuyts and Ray Gibbs] of the book series Human Cognitive Processing (HCP), published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam).

Titles published: 1. Ning Yu, The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: A Perspective from Chinese (1998); 2. David L. Cooper, Linguistic Atractors: The Cognitive Dynamics of Language Acquisition and Change (1999); 3. Catherine Fuchs and Stéphane Robert (eds.), Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations (1999); 4. Klaus-Uwe Panther and Günter Radden (eds.), Metonymy in Language and Thought (1999); ); 5. Jan Nuyts, Epistemic Modality, Language, and Conceptualization (2001); 6. Michael Fortescue, Pattern and Process: A Whiteheadian perspective on linguistics (2001); 7. Izchak Schlesinger, Tamar Keren-Portnoy, and Tamar Parush, The Structure of Arguments (2001); 8. Ted Sanders, Joost Schilperoord, and Wilbert Spooren (eds.), Text Representation: Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Aspects (20010; 9. Carl F. Graumann and Werner Kallmeyer (eds.), Perspective and Perspectivation in Discourse (2002); 10. Royal Skousen, Deryle Lonsdale and Dilworth B. Parkinson (eds.), Analogical Modeling: An Exemplar-Based Approach to Language (2002); 11. Cameron Shelley, Multiple Analogies in Science and Philosophy (2003); 12. Vyvyan Evans, The Structure of Time: Language, Meaning, and Temporal Cognition (2004); 13. Michele Prandi, The Building Blocks of Meaning, 2004; 14. Esa Itkonen, Analogy as Structure and Process (2005); 15. June Luchjenbroers (ed.), Cognitive Linguistic Investigations (2006); 16. Reuven Tsur, 'Kubla Khan' - Poetic Structure, Hypnotic Quality and Cognitive Style (2006); 17. Andreas Langlotz, Idiomatic Creativity (2006); 18. Monica González-Marquez, Irene Mittelberg, Seana Coulson and Michael J. Spivey (eds.), Methods in Cognitive Linguistics (2006); 19. Réka Benczes, Creative Compounding in English (2006); 20. Michel Aurnague, Maya Hickmann, Laure Vieu (eds.), The Categorization of Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition (2007); 21. Mengistu Amberber (ed.), The Language of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective (2007); 22. Erich Berendt (ed.), Metaphors for Learning: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (2008); 23. Jana Holšánová, Discourse, Vision, and Cognition (2008); 24. Vyvyan Evans and Stéphanie Pourcel (eds.), New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics (2009); 25. Klaus-Uwe Panther, Linda L. Thornburg, and Antonio Barcelona (eds.), Metonymy and Metaphor in Grammar (2009); 26. Graham Low, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan, and Lynn Cameron (eds.), Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World (2009);

I20. Since November 1998, member of the Advisory Editorial Board of the book series Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface (CRiSPi), published by Elsevier Science Publishers (Amsterdam).

I21. Since September 1999, member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Revista Patagónica de Filosofía (Bariloche, Argentina).

I22. Since February 2000, member of the International Scientific Board of Cités – Philosophie, Politique, Histoire (Paris).

I23. February 2001 - February 2008, member of the International Advisory Board of Journal of Language and Politics (Amsterdam).

I24. Since April 2001, member of the International Advisory Board of Studies in Communication Sciences (Lugano, Switzerland).

I25. Since May 2001, member of the International Advisory Board of the electronic journal Marges Linguistiques (Aix-en-Provence, France).

I26. Since May 2003, founding editor of the book series Controversies, published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam).

Titles published: 1. Pierluigi Barrotta and Marcelo Dascal (eds.), Controversies and Subjectivity (2005); 2. Frans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser (eds.), Argumentation in Practice (2005); 3. Shai Frogel, The Rhetoric of Philosophy (2005); 4. Marcelo Dascal and Han-liang Chang (eds.), Traditions of Controversy (2007); 5. Douglas Walton, Dialog Theory for Critical Argumentation (2007); 6. Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen (eds.), Controversy and Confrontation: Relating Controversy Analysis with Argumentation Theory (2008); 7. Marcelo Dascal (ed.), The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and his Controversies (2010); 8. Yaron M. Senderowicz, Controversies and the Metaphysics of Mind (2010); 9. Martha Spranzi, The Art of Dialectic Between Dialogue and Rhetoric: The Aristotelian Tradition (2010); 10. Oscar Nudler (ed.), Controversy Spaces: A Model of Scientific and Philosophical Change (2011); 11. Marcelo Dascal and Victor D. Boantza (eds.), Controversies Within the Scientific Revolution (2011);

I27. Since January 2005, member of the International Advisory Board of Análise (Lisbon).

I28. Since February 2005, member of the International Advisory Board of Lexixon Philosophicum. International Journal of the History of Texts and Ideas (Rome).

I29. Since April 2006, member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the book series "Dialogue Studies", published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam).

I30. Since May 2007, member of the Advisory Board of the book series "Studies in Meaning and Communication", published by Davis Group Publishers (Neuchâtel).

I31. Since December 2008, member of the International Advisory Board of the electronic journal Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación (Madrid).

I32. Since May 2009, member of the Advisory Board of Análisis Filosífico (Buenos Aires).

I33. Since December 2009, member of the Scientific Committee of Paradigmi - Rivista di Critica Filosofica (Rome).

I34. Since November 2010, member of the international advisory board of Philosophy Study (Libertyville, IL, U.S.A.)

I35. Since March 2011, member of the international advisory board of the Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal.

I36. Since November 2011, member of the Advisory Scientific Committee of THEMATA, Philosophical Journal (Sevilla).

I.37 Since December 2012, member of the Editorial Board of SAPERE, Springer New Series, edited by Lorenzo Magnani (Pavia).

J. Book Reviews

J1. M. Dascal. Review of Les Problemes Theoriques de la Traduction, by G. Mounin. Iyyun 18: 95-96, 1967 [Hebrew].

J2. M. Dascal. Review of The Philosophy of Leibniz, by N. Rescher. Iyyun 18: 197-200, 1967 [Hebrew].

J3. M. Dascal. The semantics of De Mauro. Iyyun 20: 257-261, 1969 [Hebrew].

J4. M. Dascal. Review of Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 3, by M.W. Wartofsky and R.S. Cohen (eds.). Iyyun 21: 244-249, 1970 [Hebrew].

J5. M. Dascal. Review of Leibniz - Philosophical Papers and Letters, by L.E. Loemker (ed.). Iyyun 22: 139-141, 1971 [Hebrew]. [English version in Philosophia 4: 427-432, 1973]

J6. M. Dascal. Review of The Methodological Status of Grammatical Argumentation, by R. Botha. Philosophia 4: 351-364, 1973.

J7. M. Dascal. Review of Linguistic Relativity versus Innate Ideas, by J. M. Penn. Philosophia 4: 393-400, 1974.

J8. M. Dascal. Review of A Critique of Linguistic Philosophy, by C.K. Mundle. Iyyun 25: 109-113, 1974 [Hebrew].

J9. M. Dascal. Review of Leibniz als Sprachforscher, by S. von der Schulenburg. Historiographia Linguistica 2: 389-401, 1975.

J10. M. Dascal. Review of Konstruktionen vs. Positionen: Beitraege zur Diskussion um die Konstruktive Wissenschaftstheorie (2 volumes), by K. Lorenz (ed.). Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 6: 277-280, 1980 [Spanish].

J11. M. Dascal. Review of Theory of Knowledge, 2nd edition, by R. Chisholm. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 7: 79-81, 1981 [Spanish].

J12. M. Dascal. Review of Leibniz, by G.M. Ross. Iyyun 34: 225-226, 1985 [Hebrew].

J13. M. Dascal. Review of Logik und Semiotik in der Philosophie von Leibniz, by H. Burkhardt. Iyyun 34: 224, 1985 [Hebrew].

J14. M. Dascal. Review of Leibniz: Perception, Apperception and Thought, by R. McRae. Iyyun 34: 221-224, 1985 [Hebrew].

J15. M. Dascal. Review of the Hebrew version of Ludwig Wittgenstein - A Memoir, by N. Malcolm. Haaretz, pages 8-9, Dec. 23, 1988 [Hebrew].

J16. M. Dascal. Review of A Conversa: Linguagem do Quotidiano. Ensaio de Filosofia e Pragmatica, by F. Belo. Análise 16: 177-179, 1992 [Portuguese].

J17. M. Dascal. The conventionalization of language in 17th century British philosophy. Review-article on Language and Experience in 17th Century British Philosophy, by L. Formigari. Semiotica 96 (1/2): 139-147, 1993.

J18. Review of Recovering the Measure: Interpretation and Nature, by R. C. Neville. International Studies in Philosophy 25(1): 100-101, 1993.

J19. M. Dascal. Critical review of The Dilemma of Context, by B-A. Scharfstein. Iyyun 43: 99-106, 1994.

J20. M. Dascal. Cognitive science in the philosopher's mill. Critical review of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, ed. by C. Hookway and D. Peterson. Pragmatics & Cognition 3: 133-145, 1995.

J21. M. Dascal. Review of Father of the Poor? Vargas and his Era, by Robert M. Levine. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina (E.I.A.L.) 11(1): 136-139, 2000.

J22. M. Dascal. On the epistemological role of natural languages according to Leibniz. Historiographia Linguistica. Critical review of De Linguis in Universum: On Leibniz’s Ideas on Language. Five Essays, by S. Gensini. Historiographia Linguistica 30(1/2): 187-204, 2003.