Reuven Tsur
Poetic Conventions
as Cognitive Fossils
Where Do Conventions Come From?
Sound files for Chapter 7
Listen to the European Cuckoo's call:
Listen to the cardinal vowels i-a-u read by a professional reader:
Figure 7.1 Wave plot, and the first and second formants of the cardinal vowels i-a-u, and of the European cuckoo's call. (Formants are
concentrations of overtones that determine vowels and sound colour). Note that the formants of the bird's call are most similar to, but not
identical with, the vowel [u] (produced on SoundScope).
Figure 7.2 Wave plot and pitch abstract of the European cuckoo's call and of the cardinal vowels read by a professional reader.
![Toy symphony](Figure7.3.jpg)
Figure 7.3 Sound waves and pitch extract of the imitation of
the cuckoo's call in L. Mozart's "Toy Symphony" (produced on Praat).
![Chanson d](Verlaine.jpg)
Listen to three readings of Verlaines stanza:
Les sanglots longs
Listen to a reading of the above Hungarian translation:
Tóth translation
Listen to a reading of the above Hungarian translation:
Szabó translation
Listen to a reading of the above Hebrew translation:
Jabotinsky translation
Hebrew Exercise
Excerpt from Hamlet:
It is not, nor it cannot come to good
It is not, nor it cannot come to good
[Trans. Abraham Shlonsky]
[Trans. Reuven Tsur]
Listen to readings of the two Hebrew versions:
Hamlet translation1
Hamlet translation2