Academic Appointments

1998-TODAY – Senior Lecturer – Department of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University

Main fields of research: globalization and the city, planning rights, gender and planning, cultural diversity, belonging and memory, the history of urban planning in Israel.

1993- 1998 - Lecturer - Department of Geography, Tel Aviv University

Main fields of research: ethnicity, citizenship, culture, space and gender in planning and development, pluralism and planning, participation and planning, globalization and the city.

2000 – Today- External Lecturer- Faculty of Architecture, Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem

Main fields of teaching: the history of planning traditions, local knowledge and planning, gender planning

Professional Experience

2001-2004 - Social Planner – Strategic Master Plan of the Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv

Conducting and analyzing social indicators and attitudes of the citizens and residents of the area including labour migrants.

2000 - Social Planner – Master Plan for Afula

Conducting citizen involvement groups on the first stage of planning.Analysing demographic and migration trends and forcasts to the city

2000 - Social Planner – Master Plan for Kessifa – Bedouin Town

Analysing demographic trends and forcasts. Formulating citizen ivolvement groups in the planning process.

1996 - Social Planner - Women’s Participation in Bairahwa Lumbini Groundwater Project, Nepal

Formulating a plan for women’s participation in the project. Work included; gender awareness workshops, development packages and agricutural and animal raising training.

Team leader and social planner - Bedouin Housing Policies

Analysing current trends in Bedouin housing densities and evlauating possible policies for increasing densities in their towns.

Geographer - Beer Sheva Metropolitan Plan

Advisor on Bedouin involvement in the Metropolitan future plan. Formulating alternatives for Bedouin activities.

1994/5 - Team leader and regional and social planner- Regional Development Plan for the Bedouin in the Negev - Ministry of Housing

Planning a regional development plan for the Bedouin in the Negev.

Work includes:statistical surveys and focus groups on the current changes among Bedouin population and planning regional plan based the collected data.

1994 - Team leader and regional and social planner- City Marketing Plan for Beer Sheva

Planning a city marketing plan for Beer Sheva. work included: adopting marketing concepts and methods to urban development issues.

1992 - Social and Regional Planner - Regional Cooperation of the Arab Villages- the Beit Hakerem Valley

Preparing a report analyzing alternatives for regional cooperation between Arab villages in the Beit Hakerem valley. Work included: identifying present cooperation between the villages and formulating future activities

1992 - Social Planner -Bahirawa Ground Water Irrigation Project - Nepal

Conducting and supervising a socio-economic baseline survey and a ‘Take Over” survey with special reference to cultural pluralism and its impact on the take over procedures

1990-1992 - Regional Planner -Tourism Development Project : Masos Bedouin Project: Masos Regional Council

Formulation of a tourist development program of three Bedouin settlements in Masos Regional Council. Work included: Principle layout, analysis of existing and future tourist trends in Israel and in the Negev and cost benefit analysis

1991 - Regional Planner -Tourist Development Project: Shar Hanegev Regional Council

Planning a tourist development plan for the regional council. Work included: principle layout,analysis of existing and future tourist trends in Israel and in the Negev, and cost benefit analysis.

1991 - Regional and Social Planner: Bedouin Women Handicrafts Project - Masos Regional Council

Planning of Bedouin women handicraft project based on traditional skills adopted to modern manufacture. Work included: an analysis of the Bedouin women's role, the suitability of the different age groups to work in this project, planning of various components included in the project (together with Ruth Dayan)


1989 - Social Planner-Water Supply and Sewage System Master Plan for San Jose - Costa Rica.

Social and environmental analysis of engineering alternatives -identifying and analyzing the "social actors" which were negatively and positively influenced by the project.

1988 - Coordinator and Editor; Water Resources Master Plan in the Year 2000

Responsible for production of reports at national and regional level.

1986 - Project Manager-Voice of America Transmission Station: Socio Economic and Environmental Effects

Leading a team analyzing employment, social, educational and environmental effects of the construction of the transmission station on the development of the Arava Valley.

1985 - Regional and Social Planner: Master Plan for Agricultural Development , Yucatan, Mexico.

Analysis of population trends and forecasts, age-sex divisions, labor forces, housing demands, education system,.health system, planning rural settlement schemes for the traditional Maya society.

1984 - Regional and Social Planner: Removal and Resettlement of the Bedouin in the Negev.

Responsible for production of an interdisciplinary report for the Ministry of Agriculture-evaluating land laws, compensation, implementation of settlement schemes.

1983 - Regional Planner: National Master Plan for Tourism

Social and statistical analysis of the trends in foreign tourism in Israel.

Project Manager: Tourism Development of the Susia Site in the West Bank

Feasibility study of the development of the Susia tourist site-tourist demands, cost-benefit analysis.

1983 - Regional and Social Planner:Development of New Settlement Schemes

Analysis of present and future demands of health and educational systems, practical implications.

1979 - Project Manager: Resettlement of the Bedouin in the Negev

Coordinating a negotiation team on Bedouin land ownership issues, planning settlement schemes.