Scholars in the Abbasid Culture

Reading List

Blacèhre, Regis 1950. "Les savants iraqiens et leurs informateurs bédouins aux IIe-IVe siècles de l'hégire." Mélanges William Marçais. Paris. 37-48

Drory, Rina 1996. "The Abbasid Construction of the Jahiliyya: Cultural Authority in the Making." Studia Islamica 83, 33-49

Duri, A. A. 1957. "Al-Zuhrî: A Study on the Beginnings of History Writing in Islam." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19, 1-12

Goldziher, Ignaz 1967. Muslim Studies. vol. I: Ch. V: "The Shu'ûbiyya and its manifestation in scholarship." 164- 198; vol. II: Ch. VI: "Talab al-hadîth," 164-180; ch. VII: "The writing down of the Hadîth," vol II, 181-188

Goldziher, Ignaz 1994. On the History of Grammar Among the Arabs. Devenyi, K. & Ivanyi,T., trs.& eds., Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company

Leemhuis, Fred, 1995. "The Koran and Its Exegesis: From Memorising to Learning." Centres of Learning: Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East. Leiden: Brill. 91-102

Mez, Adam 1937. The Renaissance of Islam. tr. Bakhsh, Salahuddin Khuda and Margoliouth, D. S., Panta: Jubillee Printing and Publishing House. Ch. XII: "The Savant," 170-188

Pellat, Charles 1953. Le milieu Basrien et la formation de Gahiz. Paris: Maisonneuve

Rosenthal, Franz 1947. The Technique and Approach of Muslim Scholarship. Roma: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum (Analecta Orientalia 24)

Rosenthal, Franz 1970. Knowlegde Triumphant; the Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam. Leiden: Brill

Zakeri, Mohsen 1994. " 'Alî Ibn 'Ubaida ar-Raihânî, a forgotten belletrist (adîb) and Pahlavi translator." Oriens 34, 76-102