Poets in Early Societies

Reading List

Bloomfield, Morton W. and Dunn, Charles W. 1989. The Role of the Poet in Early Societies. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer

Bonebakker, S. A. 1976. "Religious prejudice against poetry in early Islam". Medievalia et Humanistica 7, 77- 99

Bourdieu, Pierre 1978. "Dialogue sur la poésie orale en kabylie; entretien avec Mouloud Mammeri." Actes 23, 51-69

Cameron, Alan 1965. "Wandering poets: a literary movement in Byzantine Egypt." Historia 14, 470-507

Curschmann, Michael 1967. "Oral poetry in medieval English, French, and German literature: some notes on recent research." Speculum 42, 36-50

Drory, Rina 1996. "The Abbasid construction of the Jahiliyya: cultural authority in the making." Studia Islamica 83, 33-49

Finnegan, Ruth 1977. Oral Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Goody, J. and Watt, I. 1963. "The consequences of literacy." Comparative Studies in Society and History 5, 304-345 (also in: Goody, Jack ed. 1968. Literacy in Traditional Societies. Cambridge. 27-84

McDonald, M. V. 1978. "Orally transmitted poetry in pre- Islamic Arabia and other pre-literate societies." Journal of Arabic Literature 9, 14-31 Murray, Oswyn 1983. "The symposion as social organization." The Greek Renaissance of the 8th c. B.C.: Tradition and Innovation. Hagg, R. ed. Stockholm. 195-199

Murray, Oswyn, ed. 1990. Sympotica: A Symposium on the Symposion. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Opland, Jeff 1976. "Beowulf on the poet." Medieval Studies 38, 442-467 Parry, John J. 1952. "The court poets of the Welsh princes." PMLA 67, 511-520

Schaefer, Ursula 1991. "Hearing from books: the rise of fictionality in old English poetry." Vox Intexta: Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages. Doane, A. N. and Pasternack, Carol Braun, eds. Madison, Wis.: The University of Visconsin Press

Street, Brian V. 1987. "Orality and literacy as ideologicl constructions: some problems in cross-cultural studies." Culture and History 2, 7-30

Thomas, Rosalind 1992. Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 6.3: "Poetry, memory, and performance," 113-127

Turville-Petre, G. 1968. Haraldr the Hard-Ruler and his poets. London: University College