Luise von Flotow
School of Translation and Interpretation
University of Ottawa
70 Laurier East
Ottawa K1N 6N5, CANADA
fax: 613-562-5141; e-mail:
Conference topics include: Translation Theory, History of
Translation, Linguistic Aspects of Translation, Sociocultural and
Sociolinguistic Aspects of Translation, Interpretation, Didactics of
Translation and Interpretation, Terminology and Translation, Machine
Translation and helpful computer tools for the Translator,
Professional Translation, Specialized Translation, Literary
For more information contact:
Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores
Facultad de Filología-A
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria
E-28040 Madrid, SPAIN
fax: +34-1-394 52 85; e-mail:
For more information and enrollment please contact:
John Milton
CP 8105, 05508-900
Sao Paulo, SP, BRAZIL
fax: +55-11-818 5041 or +55-11-211 6281
For details contact the organizer:
Anna Valcerová
Katedra slovenského jazyka a literatúry
Filozofická fakulta, Presovská univerzita
ulica 17. novembra 1
08078 Preshov, SLOVAKIA
Send in five copies of a 6-8-page double-spaced preliminary version
of paper by October 1, 1997 to the Congress Organizers:
EURALEX'98, University of Liège
Department of English Language & Linguistics
Building A2, 3, Place Cockeril
B-4000 Liège, BELGIUM
fax: +32-4-3665721
Internet: http://engdep1.phil
Papers are invited for the Second International Congress of EST, the
European Society for Translation Studies, to be held at the new
Exhibition and Conference Centre (Palacio de Congresos) in Granada,
Spain, 23-26 September 1998.
The Congress aims at providing an international forum for scholars,
teachers and practitioners involved in Translation Studies and
Research, EST members and non-members alike. The Congress program
will consist of different types of sessions, particularly those with
an interactive format, and poster submissions will be especially
welcome. The Congress languages will be English, French, German and
Abstracts (max. 500 words), which should make clear the original
nature and/or `added value' of the poster/paper, should be sent by 31
October 1997 to
EST - European Society for Translation Studies
Gymnasiumstraße 50
A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA
fax: +43-1-31352-280
A Pre-Registration form can be downloaded from the EST website:
Silvana E. Carr, Roda P. Roberts, Aideen Dufour and Dini Steyn, eds. The Critical Link: Interpreters in the Community. Papers from the 1st International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Geneva Park, Canada, 1995. Amsterdam- Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996. viii + 322 pp. ISBN 90-272-1620-7. Hfl. 140,-. [Benjamins Translation Library, 19.]
What is community interpreting? What are the roles of the community
interpreter? What are the standards, evaluation methods and
accreditation procedures pertaining to community interpreting? What
training is available or required in this field? What are the current
issues and practices in community interpreting in different parts of
the world? These key questions are addressed in this collection of
selected conference papers.
The merit of this volume is that it presents the first comprehensive
and global view of a rapidly growing profession, which has developed
out of the need to provide services to those who do not speak the
official language(s) of a country. Both the problems and the
successes related to the challenge of providing adequate community
interpreting services in different countries are covered in this
volume. (JB)
Joan Colin and Ruth Morris. Interpreters and the Legal Process. Winchester, England: Waterside Press, 1996. ISBN 1-872- 870-28-7. £12.00.
This enlightening book, written by a justice of the peace and an
interpreter, deals with spoken language and sign language. It
concentrates on England and Wales but several sections are of
international import. Interpreting problems can so easily catch
practitioners unawares and ill-prepared. This book is essential
reading for people who wish to understand the issues involved, and -
equally important - to be ready for the inevitable. (WP)
Katrin van Bragt, avec la collaboration de Lieven D'hulst et José Lambert. Conception technique: Ludo Meyvis. Bibliographie des traductions françaises (1810-1840). Répertoires par disciplines et analyses électroniques. Leuven: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 1995. xviii + 1034 pp. ISBN 90 6186 707 X. 3250,- BEF. CD-rom: ISBN 90 6186 780 0. 3250,- BEF.
Ce répertoire contient les notices de tous les livres traduits
en français et publiés en France de 1810 à 1840,
tels qu'ils ont été enregistrés dans la
Bibliographie de la France, source de base. Relativement
brève, cette période est l'une des plus denses de
l'histoire culturelle moderne, elle inaugure une série de
mutations profondes, dont l'expression consacrée est sans
doute le romantisme littéraire. Les traductions ont en effet
joué un rôle éminent dans l'évolution des
lettres françaises, et cet ouvrage permet pour la
première fois une analyse globale et comparée des
traductions de toutes les langues et de tous les auteurs.
Doris Bachmann-Medick, Hrsg. Übersetzung als Repräsentation fremder Kulturen. Berlin, Bielefeld, München: Erich Schmidt, 1997. viii + 328 S. ISBN 3-503-03765-9. DM 76,-. [Göttinger Beiträge zur Internationalen Übersetzungsforschung, 12.]
Die vielfältigen Prozesse der Auseinandersetzung zwischen
Kulturen sind als komplexe Übersetzungsvorgänge
aufzufassen. Angesichts des übergreifenden Zusammenspiels des
Literatur- und Kulturenkontakts erscheint auch die Übertragung
von Sprachen und Texten in einem neuen Licht. Grundlegende Aspekte
der kulturellen und literarischen Übersetzung werden in diesem
Band in den Blick gerückt: Probleme der Repräsentation von
(nichteuropäischer) Fremdheit und Andersheit, rhetorische und
praktische Strategien und kultureller Aneignung, von Austausch oder
Verhandlung sowie Formen der Autorität und Machtausübung
durch Übersetzung im Kontext kultureller Hegemonie, besonders am
Beispiel des Kolonialismus. Solche Fragestellungen markieren ein
erweitertes Übersetzungsverständnis in anthropologischer
und kulturhistorischer, aber auch in kulturpolitischer
Sicht. (E.Sch.)
Fernando Poyatos, ed. Nonverbal Communication and Translation: New Perspectives and Challenges in Literature, Interpretation and the Media. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997. ix + 361 pp. ISBN 90-272-1618-5. Hfl. 165,-. [Benjamins Translation Library, 17.]
This is the first book relating nonverbal communication studies to
the specific tasks and problems involved in the translation of
literary works as well as film and television texts, and in the live
experience of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. Its
sixteen contributions by translation scholars and professional
interpreters from fifteen countries fall into seven groups:
- Discourse and Nonverbal Communication
- Cultures in Translation
- Narrative Literature
- Theater
- Poetry
- Interpretation
- Audiovisual Channels for Translation: Film and Television
Anne-Marie Loffler-Laurian. La traduction automatique. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1996. 160 pp. ISBN 2-85939-502-4. 110 F.
La traduction automatique paraît une gageure, et pourtant elle
est utilisée par de grands organismes internationaux et par
d'importantes industries. Elle a été le sujet de
nombreuses controverses tant scientifiques qu'économiques. Les
opinions sont multiples mais les faits existent. Cet ouvrage
présente l'histoire de la T.A. et les différents
systèmes. On y discute des problèmes linguistiques
(lexique, morphologie, syntaxe, style) posés par la T.A. telle
qu'elle est pratiquée en Europe. Ce n'est pas un ouvrage
technique sur l'analyse ou la génération de textes.
C'est un réflexion sur la lecture et l'utilisation des
documents produits par T.A. L'application de la T.A. à
l'enseignement multilingue font partie de cette réflexion
générale. Ce livre s'adresse tant aux linguistes
qu'à un vaste public non spécialisé.
Michaela Wolf, Hrsg. Übersetzungswissenschaft in Brasilien: Beiträge zum Status von "Original" und Übersetzung. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1996. 214 pp. ISBN 3-86057-242-3. DM 64,-. [Studien zur Translation, 3.]
Die übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Ansätze aus Brasilien
sind im deutschsprachigen Raum nahezu unbekannt geblieben. In den
Beiträgen werden interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen aus den
Bereichen Dekonstruktion, Sprachphilosophie oder Psychoanalyse im
Kontext postkolonialer Übersetzung diskutiert. Kritisiert werden
die Übersetzungs-Modelle der logozentrischen Tradition des
westlichen Denkens, in welcher der Original-Text als alleiniges
Paradigma galt und der Übersetzer "unsichtbar" bleiben mußte.
Als Argumetationshintergrund für die "Dekonstruktion" dieser
Übersetzungs-Tradition dienen den VerfasserInnen die Arbeiten
von Derrida, Foucault und Barthes. (Stauffenburg)
Heidemarie Salevsky, Hrg. Dolmetscher- und Übersetzerausbildung gestern, heute und morgen: Berliner Beiträge zur Translationswissenschaft. Akten des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums anläßlich des 100jährigen Jubiläums der Dolmetscher- und Übersetzerausbildung Russisch an der Berliner Universität (1894-1994), veranstaltet an der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin am 12. und 13. Mai 1995. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 1996. 288 S. ISBN 3-631-30426-9. DM 79,-.
Die Beiträge zum Jubiläum 100 Jahre
Dolmetscherausbildung Russisch an der Berliner Universität
verdeutlichen den integrativen Charakter der Translationswissenschaft:
Probleme interkultureller Wirtschaftsverhandlungen, Tendenzen moderner
Bibelübersetzungen im jüdisch-christlich-muslimischen Dialog,
Strategien russischer Faust -Übersetzer und deutscher Nachdichter
russischer Lyrik, Spezifika deutscher juristischer Fachtexte und ihrer
Übertragung, Übersetzung in Plansprachen. Deutlich wird die
Abgrenzung des professionellen Übersetzens vom Übersetzen
als Methode im Fremdsprachenunterricht und die Notwendigkeit einer
universitären Ausbildung professioneller Dolmetscher und
Übersetzer für das Europa von morgen. (Lang)
Roger Ellis and René Tixier, eds. The Medieval Translator / Traduire au Moyen Age: Proceedings of the International Conference of Conques (26-29 July 1993). Turnhout: Brepols, 1995. 504 pp. ISBN 2-503-50448-5. 2450 BEF + VAT.
The heart of the 5th volume of The Medieval Translator is the
thorough study of many medieval translations of texts religious and
secular, learned and popular, named and anonymous. Post-medieval
translation is also represented as are some classical antecedents of
medieval translation and twentieth-century recuperations of classical
and medieval literature. Other papers widen the focus of study to
consider the ways in which translation intersects with issues of
geography, gender, politics, and national identity.
The Centre for Translation and Interpretation in Hyderabad,
established in 1995 and headed by Dr. Amrit Mehta, is the first and
only Statutory Centre/Department of its kind in India at any
The Centre offers courses/research facilities in both Translation and
Interpretation. The languages involved are all the major foreign
languages and the major regional languages of India.
The faculty is presently engaged in two projects on lexicography,
viz., on specialized bilingual dictionaries (German-Hindi and
English-Telugu) with their contextual meanings. A handbook of German-
Punjabi proverbs is also ready for publication.
For more details write to:
Dr. Amrit Mehta, Head
Centre for Translation and Interpretation
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages
Hyderabad 500 007
Qustandi Shomali. An Introduction to Translation. Jerusalem: Arab Study Society, 1996. 316 pp. [in Arabic]
This book is intended to provide students of translation in the Arab
World with the necessary background for studying translation. It is a
well-informed introduction to the problems of translating from
English into Arabic and vice versa. The content of the book arises
directly out of courses taught by the author at Beth-Lehem University
and it is written with the student in mind. The book's chapters
include: history of translation in the Arab World, Translation
process, Translation procedures, The role of the translator, Theory
of translation, Dictionaries for translation, Literary translation,
Translation and culture, Translation of idioms, Translation of
poetry, Translation of religious texts. (QS)
Ron Buckley, Basil Hatim and Abdullah Shunnaq. The Legal Translator at Work: Arabic-English Legal Translation. A Practical Guide. Irbid, Jordan: Dar Al-Hilal for Translation and Publishing, 1995. 206 pp. £12.00.
This book seeks to redress a deficiency in translating legal texts
from Arabic into English in that it provides for the first time a
practical guide to the discipline rather than concentrating on the
theoretical aspects. It contains over 70 Arabic legal documents with
suggested model translations into English. The reader is introduced
to a variety of texts ranging from birth certificates, promissory
notes, contract leases and educational certificates to specifically
Islamic documents such as certificates of legacy, of guardianship and
maintenance of legal minors. Thus, the material is realistically
selected to reflect the practical needs of the legal translator at
work and is supplied to guide translators when working with similar
documents. (RB/BH)
Sherry Simon. Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. London-New York: Routledge, 1996. x + 195 pp. Hb.: ISBN 0 415 11535 3, £35.00; Pb.: ISBN 0 415 11536 1, £12.99. [Translation Studies.]
Gender in Translation highlights the politics of identity
involved in the transmission of literary texts. It explores the role
of influential `culture brokers' such as Aphra Behn, Madame de Stael,
Eleanor Marx, Constance Garnett and Gayatri Spivak. The book examines
contemporary debates around feminist translation practices, feminist
issues in Bible translation, the `missed connections' of
transatlantic feminism, and the indifference to language in Anglo-
American culture studies. (S.S.)
*Yves Gambier and Mary Snell-Hornby, eds. Problemi e tendenze
nella didattica dell'interpretazione e della traduzione: Atti del
Convegno Internazionale Misano Adriatico, 28-29-30 settembre
1994. 216 pp. [Special Issue of Koiné, 1994.]
*Mariella Colin, Marie-José Tramuta et Viviana Agostini-Ouafi,
dir. Les écrivains italiens et leurs traducteurs
français. Narration, traduction, réception: Actes du
colloque de Caen (11-13 mai 1995). Caen: Presses Universitaires
de Caen, 1996. 149 pp. ISBN 2-84133-073-7. 75 FF.
*Hans J. Vermeer. A Skopos Theory of Translation: (Some Arguments
For and Against). Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT-Verlag, 1996. 136 S.
ISBN 3-9805370-0-5. DM 32,-. [Reihe Wissenschaft, 1.]
*Hans J. Vermeer. Die Welt, in der wir übersetzen: Drei
translatologische Überlegungen zu Realität, Vergleich und
Prozeß. Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT-Verlag 1996. iv + 320 S. ISBN 3-
9805370-1-3. DM 61,-. [Reihe Wissenschaft, 2.]
*Hans J. Vermeer. Übersetzen als Utopie: Die
Übsersetzungstheorie des Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin.
Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT-Verlag, 1996. iv + 268 S. ISBN 3-9805370-2-1.
DM 49,-.
*Hans J. Vermeer. Das Übsersetzen im Mittelalter (13. und 14.
Jahrhundert), 1: Das arabisch-lateinische Mittelalter.
Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT-Verlag, 1996. x + 390 S. ISBN 3-9805370-4-8.
DM 49,00. [Reihe Wissenschaft, 4.]
*Hans J. Vermeer. Das Übsersetzen im Mittelalter (13. und 14.
Jahrhundert), 2: Deutsch als Zielsprache. Heidelberg:
TEXTconTEXT-Verlag, 1996. 340 S. ISBN 3-9805370-5-6. [Reihe
Wissenschaft, 4.]
*Hans J. Vermeer. Das Übsersetzen im Mittelalter (13. und 14.
Jahrhundert), 3: Literaturverzeichnis und Register.
Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT-Verlag, 1996. 211 S. ISBN 3-9805370-6-4.
[Reihe Wissenschaft, 4.] [Bd. 1-3: DM 132,-.]
*Eugene A. Nida. The Sociolinguistics of Interlingual
Communication. Bruxelles: Les Éditions du Hazard, 1996.
118 pp. ISBN 2-930154-00-4. [Traductologie.]
*Rainer Kohlmayer. Oscar Wilde in Deutschland und Österreich:
Untersuchungen zur Rezeption der Komödien und zur Theorie der
Bühnenübersetzung. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1996.
xii + 452 S. ISBN 3-484-66020-1. DM 174,-. [Theatron, 20.]
*Klaus Martens, Hrsg. Literaturvermittler um die Jahrhundertwende:
der J.C.C. Bruns' Verlag, seine Autoren und Übersetzer. St.
Ingbert: Röhrig, 1996. 223 S. ISBN 3-86110-094-0. [Schriften der
Saarländischen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 1.]
*Martin Sutton. The Sin-Complex: A Critical Study of English
Versions of the Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmärchen in the
Nineteenth Century. Kassel: Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft, 1996.
viii + 352 S. ISBN 3-929633-28-0. DM 98,-. [Schriften der Brüder
Grimm-Gesellschaft, 28.]
*Erich Feldweg. Der Konferenzdolmetscher im internationalen
Kommunikationsprozeß. Heidelberg: Groos, 1996. 508 pp. ISBN 3-
87276-760-7. DM 62,-.
*Verena Rutschmann and Denise von Stocklar. Zum Übersetzen
von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Lausanne: Centre de traduction
littéraire, Université de Lausanne, 1996. ISBN 2-88357-
027-2. [CTL, 27.]
*M. Antonia Alvarez Calleja. Traducción jurídica
inglés-español. Madrid: U.N.E.D., 1996. ISBN 84-
*Miguel Gallego Roca. Poesia importada: Traducción
poética y renovación literaria en España (1909-
1936). Almería: Universidad de Almería.
*Francisco Lafarga, ed. El discurso sobre la traducción en
la historia. Antología bilingüe. Barcelona: EUB. ISBN
*Wendy Ayres-Bennett et Philippe Caron. Les Remarques de
l'Académie française sur le Quinte-Curce de
Vaugelas, 1719-1720. Contribution à une histoire de la norme
grammaticale & rhétorique en France. Paris: Presses de
l'École normale supérieure, 1996. 427 pp. ISBN 2-7288-
0219-X. FF 390. [Collection Études & Documents en Histoire de
la langue française.]
*Basil Hatim and Ian Mason. The Translator as Communicator.
London - New York: Routledge, 1996. xii + 244 pp. ISBN Hb.: 0-415-
11736-4 (£45.00) - Pb.: 0-415-11737-2 (£13.99).
*V.I. Khairullin. Perevod i kognitologija. Ufa: Bashkir State
University, 1997. 80 pp. ISBN 5-86759-024-0. [in Russian]
*Daniela Pirazzini. Cinque miti fella metafora nella
Übersetzungswissenschaft: Problemi di traduzione delle immagini
figurate nella coppia di lingue: Tedesco (Lingua di partenza) -
Italiano (Lingua d'arrivo). Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 1997.
234 pp. ISBN 3-631-30097-2. DM 69,-. [Europäische
Hochschulschriften, Reihe 9: Italienische Sprache und Literatur,
*Martin Stegu & Rudolf de Cillia, Hrsg. Fremdsprachendidaktik und
Übersetzungswissenschaft: Beiträge zum VERBAL-Workshop
1994. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 1997. 358 pp. ISBN 3-631-
30148-0. DM 89,-. [Sprache im Kontext, 1.]
*Horst Weber. Von Hieronymus bis Schlegel: Vom Übersetzen und
Übersetzern. Heidelberg: Winter, 1996. 104 pp. ISBN 3-825-
30343-8. DM 24,-.
The European Institute for the Media, in its capacity as a media
research institute, has become a clearing house of information and a
reference point for the area of language in the media. In association
with the European Cultural Foundation, the Institute has produced the
following two publications:
* Josephine Dries. Dubbing and Subtitling: Guidelines for
Production and Distribution [in English].
A handbook designed to show producers and distributors how to take
language transfer into account and contribute to a high standard of
language transfer in their productions.
* Georg-Michael Lukyen. Overcoming Language Barriers in
Television: Dubbing and Subtitling for the European
Audience [English and French].
A Study providing answers to the most commonly asked questions by
program planners and directors to language experts and policy makers
such as how language is transferred, which methods are best and the
skills required.
For more details contact:
Ms. Anne English
The European Institute for the Media
Kaistraße 13
D-40221 Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Please note that the Study Program for Bible Translators offered for
English-speaking Bible translators (see TRANSST 27 [December 1996],
15-16) has been re-scheduled to the fall semester of the
Hebrew University (October 1998-February 1999) and not for
Spring 1997.
The Hebrew University is also offering a special summer course for
Old Testament Bible translators: "Translation Workshop for Bible
Translators" (July 1-August 14, 1997).
For more details contact:
Home for Bible Translators
P.O. Box 34120
Jerusalem 91341, ISRAEL
fax: +972-2-534.2524
The School of Translation in Toledo (Spain) is organizing the third
seminar on translation from Arabic and Hebrew into Spanish. The
seminar will be held on September 15-19, 1997. For more information
write to:
Escuela de Traductores de Toledo
Plaza de Santa Isabel, 5. Apartado 192
Apdo. 192
E-45080 Toledo, SPAIN
fax: +34-25-214105
The third edition of the International Directory of Historians of
Translation published by the Committee for the History of
Translation of FIT (see TRANSST 26 [August 1996], 7), has also been
reprinted as part of Translatio, FIT Newsletter (XV: 2 [1996],
Historians of translation wishing to be included in later editions
are requested to write to
Prof. Jean Delisle
23, rue Villefranche
Gatineau (Québec)
A special double issue of Nouvelles de la FIT / FIT Newsletter
(XIV: 3-4 [1995]) has been devoted to the proceedings of the
International Forum "Audiovisual Communication and Language
Transfer", which took place in Strasbourg on 22-24 June, 1995.
The papers are presented in four sections:
- Modes of Language Transfer (8 papers)
- National Practices (6 papers)
- Interpreting (5 papers)
- Comprehension and Reception of Subtitling and Dubbing (4
- Technological Tools for Language Transfer (2 papers)
- Copyright (1 paper)
- Training (3 papers)
- The European Audiovisual Media of the Future (3 papers)
The second issue of VICEVERSA, the journal of translation
studies in the Galician language, has just appeared. This new journal
aims to bring together original contributions in Galician as well as
translations into the language of articles which have already appeared
elsewhere in other languages; both new and historically significant
ones. This time, the translated "classic" is an updated version of
Itamar Even-Zohar's seminal paper on the position of translated
literature in the literary polysystem (with a lengthy introduction by
the editor, Ma Camino Noia Campos).
The editorial address is:
Dto. de Filoloxía Galega
da Universidade de Vigo
Apdo. 874
E-36200 Vigo - Galicia, SPAIN
Research papers on translation and interpreting are sought for a
special issue of TRANS: revista de traductología on
"The Rights of the Original". Papers might focus on: Fidelity,
Adaptation, Manipulation, Mutilation, Ethical problems. Deadline for
submissions is 1 September 1997.
TRANS: revista de traductología
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Málaga
E-29071 Málaga, SPAIN
Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie. Dictionary of Translation Studies. Brooklands, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 1997. 240 pp. ISBN 1-900650-03-7. £19.50.
Published at a time of unprecedented growth of interest in
translation, this Dictionary aims to present the insights of a
number of different approaches to translation in an unbiased, non-partisan
way. With more than 300 entries, this volume provides the
reader with a snapshot of a rapidly developing discipline, based on
work produced in several languages.
The Dictionary provides a comprehensive, highly accessible
survey of key terms and concepts, types of activity, and schools and
approaches. Each term is presented within the context in which it
first occurred and given a clear and informative definition. Major
entries include a discussion of relevant viewpoints as well as
comments on how the usage and application of the terms have developed
subsequent to its coining. All entries provide suggestions for
further reading, and an extensive bibliography is included at the
Basil Hatim. Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1997. xvi + 235 pp. ISBN: (pb) 0-85989-497-5, £12.99; (hb) 0- 85989-490-8, £35.00.
This intervention into the area of translation and intercultural
communication brings together the three disciplines of contrastive
linguistics, text linguistics and translation theory. The author
argues that a heightened awareness is needed of what actually happens
when a piece of text is re-interpreted in translation across cultural
and linguistic boundaries. The book addresses central issues and
controversies through the example of Arabic/English translation using
a wide range of texts from sacred works to recent journalism.
Authentic data from spoken and written English are included to
clarify the theoretical insights which are universally relevant for a
variety of languages.
Ingrid Kurz and Angela Moisl, eds. Berufsbilder für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher: Perspektiven nach dem Studium. Vienna: WUV-Universitätsverlag, 1997. 193 pp. ISBN 3-85114-307-8.
This book is a collection of profiles of graduates from the Institute
for Translator and Interpreter Training at the University of Vienna.
By describing the many activities for which studies at the Institute
prepares its graduates, the editors hope to provide guidance for
high-school graduates or those approaching graduation who consider
themselves gifted for languages and are interested in other cultures,
literatures and peoples. (The Jerome Quarterly )
Doug Robinson. Becoming a Translator: An Accelerated Course. London - New York: Routledge, 1997. 368 pp. Hb: ISBN 0-415-14860-X, £45.00; Pb: ISBN 0-415-14861-8, £14.99.
By integrating translation theory and the practical skills required
by the working translator, Robinson presents an innovative approach
to the practice. Becoming a Translator draws on a broad range
of contemporary translation theories and integrates the latest in
learning theory, memorization skills and brain science. In addition,
the book provides the type of practical information and advice that
novice translators need: how to translate faster and more accurately,
how to deal with arising problems, how to deal with stress, how the
market works.
A wide variety of activities and exercises are included in the book,
along with a detailed Teacher's Guide. (Routledge)
Hartmut Heep. A Different Poem: Rainer Maria Rilke's American Translators Randall Jarrell, Robert Lowell, and Robert Bly. New York etc.: Peter Lang, 1996. 229 pp. ISBN 0-8204-2874-4. $46.95.
A traditional reading of Rilke's oeuvre is based on the assumption
that Rilke is a German poet. For decades however, Rilke has left his
mark on American poetry. His multicultural biography and poetry
attracted the poets-translators Randall Jarrell, Robert Lowell and
Robert Bly. This comparative study of cultures, translations and
poetic translatability offers new insights into the works of all four
Yves Gambier, Daniel Gile and Christopher Taylor, eds. Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research. Proceedings of the International Conference on Interpreting: What do we know and how? Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997. iv + 246 pp. ISBN 90-272-1626-6. Hfl 135,-. [Benjamins Translation Library, 23.]
"Conference Interpreting: What do we know and how?" is the title of a
conference (Turku, 1994) organised to assess the state of the art in
conference interpreting research. The result is collected in this
volume with fully coordinated reports on the round tables. The book
presents an exciting coverage of the field, touching on methodology,
communication, discourse, culture, neurolinguistic and cognitive
aspects, quality assessment, training and developing skills.
Beate Hermes. Felix Paul Greve als Übersetzer von Gide und Wilde: Eine Untersuchung zum Übersetzerstil. Frankfurt a.M. etc: Peter Lang, 1997. viii + 184 pp. ISBN 3-631-31783-2. DM 65,-. [Neue Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 71.]
In der Übersetzungswissenschaft stellt der Stilbegriff und der
Nachweis eines Individualstils ein besonderes Problem dar. Am
Beispiel von Felix Paul Greve und seinen um die Jahrhundertwende
entstandenen Übertragungen von André Gides
L'Immoraliste und Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian
Gray ins Deutsche wird gezeigt, daß sich mit Hilfe eines
sprachwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten, für
übersetzungswissenschaftliche Zwecke modifizierten Stilbegriffs
ein in einem bestimmten Zeitraum aktueller Individualstil nachweisen
läßt. Anhand der Analysen von Greves Übersetzungen aus
verschiedenen Sprachen und dem Vergleich mit seinen eigenen
literarischen Werken lassen sich über den Übersetzer- bzw.
Autorenstil hinaus Merkmale des Individualstils bei Greve ausmachen,
die nicht sprachpaar- bzw. gattungsbedingt sind und die, wie der
Vergleich mit Stefan George und seinem Kreis zeigt, von
Zeitstilelementen beeinflußt wurden.
A special double-issue of Studies in the Humanities, published
at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (22: 1&2 [1995]), was devoted
to "Translation and Culture". Included are articles by: Douglas
Robinson, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Igor Klyukanov,
César Braga-Pinto, Anu Aneja, Kristine K. Anderson, Ali-Asghar
Aghbar, Kathleen Davis, Jacqueline Vanhoutte, Lance Eccles and John
This is an extended (224 pp.) theme issue of The Translator
(Volume 2:2 [1996]), guest-edited by Dirk Delabastita. It includes
contributions on wordplay in Chicano poetry, simultaneous
interpreting, dubbed television comedy, fiction and journalism,
children's literature, ancient Chinese texts, as well as pedagogical
issues in wordplay translation. The volume also includes a
comprehensive introductory overview by the editor of types of word-play
and their implications in translation, an up-to-date
bibliography and reviews of past and present publications on the
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