TRANSST , No. 35 (March 2001) AN INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER OF TRANSLATION STUDIES - NEW SERIES NUMBER THIRTY FIVE / MARCH 2001 -- ISSN 0792-058X TRANSST, an international newsletter of translation studies, is published by the M. Bernstein Chair of Translation Theory, Tel Aviv University (Israel). It is edited by Gideon Toury. Editorial and administrative address: The M. Bernstein Chair of Translation Theory, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv, Israel. e-mail:; tel.: +972-3-6407022; fax: +972-3-6408980. UPCOMING CONFERENCES
Topics to be covered: Translation and Globalization for further information and a registration form: or 19-21 April, 2001 at Almuñécar (Costa Tropical, Province of Granada). The main aim of the Conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners of conference interpreting to discuss the different aspects of quality. The issue of quality is one of the most important in interpreting and involves many different facets: methodology problems in research, quality teaching in interpreter training, professional practice and the social recognition of the profession. Quality is therefore an issue which, in one way or another, affects practically all those involved in conference interpreting. Conference Themes: * Research on quality in conference interpreting Papers may be presented in English, French, German and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from Spanish into English and English into Spanish. Abstract (500 words maximum) with title and key words or concepts must be received by 31st January 2001. Angela Collados Aís LANGUAGES & THE MEDIA
The Third International Conference and Exhibition will be held at Hotel InterContinental, Berlin, October 12-13, 2000. During the Conference, the following themes will be addressed: * Language Policy For more details write to: ICEF - Languages & The Media INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION DAY
This year's International Translation Day will be celebrated on Friday,
September 29, 2000. EST YOUNG SCHOLAR AWARD
Applications are invited for the first EST Young Scholar Award, to be
presented at the EST Copenhagen Congress in August 2001, with the financial
support of John Benjamins. The value of the award is 2500 euros. Yves Gambier The application must include three copies of the work submitted (to be retained by the referees), plus an abstract, plus a curriculum vitae of the applicant. The work may be in any language. The abstract must be in English. Each application will be assessed by three referees, on the criteria of originality and importance, methodological quality, and quality of presentation. The jury of referees will be arranged and coordinated by the EST Award Working Group (Andrew Chesterman, Daniel Gile, Christiane Nord, Miriam Shlesinger, Mary Snell-Hornby). SPECIAL ISSUE OF TEXTconText
No. 3-4 of Volume 13 of TEXTconTEXT (NS 3 [1999]) was devoted to a
detailed report by Annette Wußler of the Institut für
Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung at Graz (Austria) under the
suggestive title of Anforderungsprofile für Übersetzer und
Dolmetscher (166 pp.). PERSPECTIVES
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, in its eighth year of
publication, is now published by Multilingual Matters. The editorial address
remains as before: Centre for Translation Studies Further information: NEW BOOKS
Jean Boase-Beier and Michael Holman, eds. The Practice of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity. Manchester: St Jerome, 1999. 176 pp. ISBN 1-900650-19-3. £ 22.00. The essays in this volume address one of the central issues in literary translation, namely the relationship between the creative freedom enjoyed by the translator and the multiplicity of constraints to which translation is necessarily subject. The contributors draw on a wide variety of genres, cultures and languages, maintaining a balance between the theory and practice of literary translation. What emerges most clearly from these discussions is that the translator's task is subject to constraint and at the same time supremely creative. It is constrained not only by the original text but also by the different ways in which source and target languages encode reality, by target-culture ideological expectations and the functional non-equivalence of apparently identical poetic patterns. On the other hand, the translator reatively exploits the altered cultural, linguistic and literary context, thus realizing the different potential of the target language in an act of literary re-creation. Wilhelm Büttemeyer & Hans Jörg Sandkühler, Hrsg. Übersetzung - Sprache und Interpretation. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 2000. 258 pp. ISBN 3-631-36308-7. DM 79,-. [Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Studien und Quellen, 44.] Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge aus der italienischen und deutschen Forschung sind in hermeneutischen, phänomenologischen und analytischen Perspektiven der Problematik der Übersetzung und Interpretation gewidmet. Diskutiert werden wichtige Übersetzungstheorien, so z.B. die von Friedrich Schleiermacher, Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, Emilio Betti, Willard Van Orman Quine und Jacques Derrida. Der Übersetzungsbegriff wird systematisch in den Dimensionen der Erkenntnistheorie, der Sprachphilosophie und der Philosophiegeschichte verhandelt. In Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis der Übersetzung werden Probleme insbesondere bei der Übersetzung philosophischer Texte erörtert. Mabel Erasmus, ed. Liaison Interpreting in the Community. Pretoria: JL van Schaik, 1999. ISBN 0627024483. South African Rand 139,99. This volume of contributions on liaison interpreting and translation focuses on the practical application of this important activity in today's South Africa. Several experts, local and international, address a wide range of issues relating to the broader topics of contextualization, practice, training and professionalism. Examples are taken from various fields, such as health care, the public service, social work, community life, psychiatry and psychology. Various language texts, including Sign Language, feature. Fotios Karamitroglou. Towards a Methodology for the Investigation of Norms in Audiovisual Translation: The Choice between Subtitling and Revoicing Children's TV Programmes in Greece. Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2000. ca. 200 pp. ISBN 90-420-0619-6. ca. Hfl. 90,-/US$ 49.50. [Approaches to Translation Studies.] Here is presented for the first time a methodology for the investigation of norms which operate in audiovisual translation. Based on the principles of the polysystem approach, the book aims to demonstrate that it is possible to investigate this kind of translation and the norms that operate in it in a systematic way. Human agents, (audiovisual) products, recipients, and the mode itself are thoroughly investigated and stratified under a lower, middle and upper level. Specific techniques for collecting and analysing data are suggested. The model is then tentatively applied to the investigation of norms which seem to determine the choice between subtitling and revoicing children's TV programmes in Greece. However, one will soon notice that the same model could be applied to the investigation of audiovisual translation norms in any country. Moreover, with minute modification, the model can prove effective for the study of norms in other modes of written translation too. Don Kiraly. A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education: Empowerment from Theory to Practice. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. c. 340 pp. Hbk: ISBN 1-900650-32-0; £ 45.00; Pbk: ISBN 1-900650-33-9; £ 22.00. The author uses social-constructivist theory to critique the traditional teacher-centred method of translator education and to propose an alternative approach based on collaboration among and between teachers and students. Well-grounded in theory, the book also provides numerous examples. Kiraly uses a number of classroom case-studies to illustrate his method. Astrid Krake. How art produces art: Samuel Richardsons Clarissa im Spiegel ihrer deutschen Übersetzungen. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 2000. ix + 417 pp. ISBN 3-631-36432-6. DM 98,-. [Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur, 23.] Samuel Richardsons Briefroman Clarissa (1747-48) war ein europäisches Literaturereignis und fasziniert noch heute durch seine von mehrfachen Änderungen geprägte Entstehungs- und Transmissionsgeschichte. Bereits während der ersten englischen Teilveröffentlichungen erschien eine deutsche Übetragung, zwei weitere folgten bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts. Der Textvergleich rekonstruiert an editionsphilosophischen Schlüsselstellen den Weg des Originals über französische Zwischenstationen zu den deutschen Übersetzungen und beleuchtet Arbeitsweise und -bedingungen der Übersetzer. Darüber hinaus finden übersetzungstheoretische, literatur- und buchsoziologische sowie interkulturelle Aspekte des literarischen Lebens im anglophilen 18. Jahrhundert Berücksichtigung. Holly Mikkelson. Introduction to Court Interpreting. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. C. 160 pp. ISBN 1-900650-30-4. £ 15.00. [Translation Practices Explained, 1.] Court Interpreting is becoming increasingly professionalized as the number of practitioners grows and judicial systems and legislatures throughout the world focus more on language rights as an element of the process. This is the first course book for court interpreter training that is not oriented toward the judicial system of a particular country, but can be used anywhere for training interpreters in any language combination. It covers the history of the profession, the legal basis for the interpreter's presence in the courtroom, criminal and civil procedure, comparative law, the role of the interpreter in the judiciary setting, ethical principles, techniques of interpreting, and resources for continuing education and research. It also contains numerous practical exercises and suggestions for further reading, as well as a comprehensive bibliography. Antje Oldenburg. Form und Funktion des Passivs in deutschen und englischen Romanen und ihren Übersetzungen. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 2000. 349 pp. ISBN 3-631-36234-X. DM 89,-. [Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 14: Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 370.] In dieser Arbeit wird das Passiv in deutschen und englischen Romanen unter kontrastiven und übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Für die quantitative und qualitative Analyse des Korpus wird ein erweiterter Passivbegriff entwickelt, der mit dem Vorgangspassiv, dem Zustandspassiv und dem Passivparaphrasen drei Passivtypen umfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß der Passiv in beiden Sprachen ein multifunktionales Mittel ist, dessen Verwendung in epischen Texten von der literarischen Darbietungsform beeinflußt wird. Neben der detaillierten Analyse der Textfunktionen werden die potentiellen Übersetzungsäquivalente der verschiedenen Passivtypen ermittelt und die Faktoren und Bedingungen untersucht, die die Wahl aktueller Entsprechungen determinieren. Anthony Pym. Negotiating the Frontier: Translators and Intercultures in Hispanic History. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. 320 pp. Hbk: ISBN 1-900650-24-X; £ 39.00; Pbk: ISBN 1-900650-25-8; £ 19.50. Why would a Latin Qur'an be addressed to readers who know no Latin? What happens when translators work on paper rather than parchment? Why should a Jewish rabbi translate a bible for Christians? How can a theorist successfully criticize a version of Aristotle without knowing any Greek? Why were children used to bring down an Amerindian civilization? Why does the statue of Columbus in Barcelona point to Israel? This book uses such questions to discuss some of the most fundamental and complex issues in contemporary Translation Studies and Cultural Studies. Identifying cultural indeterminacies as members of medieval frontier society, it traces the stages by which that society has assisted in the creation of Hispanic cultures. Katharina Reiss. Translation Criticism: Potential and Limitations. Categories and Criteria for Translation Quality Assessment, tr. Erroll F. Rhodes. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. xii + 128 pp. ISBN 1-900650-26-6; £ 13.50. [co-publisher: American Bible Society.] Katharina Reiss's now classic contribution, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik, first appeared in 1971. This first English translation of the work will allow students and practitioners of translation in non-German cultures to make extensive use of a pioneering treatment of how to develop reliable criteria for the evaluation of translations. Using a wealth of examples, Reiss offers a systematic text typology, a pragmatic approach to text analysis, a functional perspective on translation and a hermeneutic view of the translator, thus accounting for some of the most important aspects of the translation process: the text (both ST and TT), the conditions which determine the translator's decisions, and the translator as an individual. Christina Schäffner and Beverly Adab, eds. Developing Translation Competence. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xvi + 244 pp. ISBN 90-272-1643-6, NLG 150.00; 1-55619-985-6, USD 75.00. Benjamins Translation Library, 38.] This volume presents a comprehensive study of what constitutes Translation Competence, from the various sub-competences to the overall skill. Contributors combine experience as translation scholars with their experience as teachers of translation. The volume is organized into three sections: Defining, Building, and Assessing Translation Competence. The chapters offer insights into the nature of translation competence and its place in the translation programme in an academic environment and show how theoretical considerations have contributed to defining, building and assessing the translation competence, offering practical examples of how this can be achieved. Kåre Solfjeld. Sententialität, Nominalität und Übersetzung: Eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Sachprosatexte und ihrer norwegischen Übersetzungen. Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang, 2000. 369 pp. ISBN 3-631-36315-X. DM 98,-. [Osloer Beiträge zur Germanistik, 26.] Die Arbeit ist eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Sachprosatexte und ihrer Übersetzungen ins Norwegische. Es wird nachgewiesen, daß die norwegischen Übersetzungen sententialer als die deutschen Originale sind, das heißt mehr Strukturen mit finiten Verben enthalten. Diesem Sententialisierungsprozeß wird näher nachgegangen, indem eine Übersicht über nichtsatzförmige Strukturen des Deutschen gegeben wird, die beim Übersetzen typischerweise Sententialisiert werden. Es wird gezeigt, daß die stärkere sententialität der norwegischen Fassungen teils auf divergierende stilistische Normen in deutscher und norwegischer Sachprosa, teils auf Strukturkontraste zwischen dem Deutschen und dem Norwegischen zurückzuführen ist. Abschließend wird demonstriert, wie durch die Sententialisierung zugleich die Übertragung der in der syntaktischen Struktur beziehungsweise in der Textstruktur enthaltenen Informationen aus dem Deutschen ins Norwegische erschwert wird. Robert C. Sprung, ed. Translating into Success: Cutting-edge Strategies for Going Multilingual in a Global Age. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xii + 239 pp. Hb.: ISBN 90-272-3186-9, NLG 100.00; Pb.: ISBN 90-272-3187-7, NLG 50.00. [ATA Scholarly Monograph Series, 11.] This book represents select case studies that illustrate the state-of-the-art of language management. It covers a cross-section of sectors, each of which has particular subtleties in language management: software localization; finance; medical devices; automotive. The book also covers a cross-section of topical and strategic issues: time-to-market; global terminology management; leveraging Internet, Intranet, and email; centralized vs decentralized management models; financial and budgeting techniques; human factors; management issues unique to language projects; technological innovation in language management. Carole-Anne Upton, ed. Moving Target: Theatre Translation and Cultural Relocation. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. c. 220 pp. ISBN 1-900650-27-4; £ 22.00. Moving Target offers twelve essays exploring the practice of translating for the theater, focusing on the production process, and especially on the notion of "performance text". How does the theater translator mediate between source text, performance text and target audience? What happens when theatre is transposed from one culture to another? What are the obstacles to theatre translation, and what are the opportunities? OF ADJACENT INTEREST
Rita Temmerman. Towards New Ways of Terminology Description: The Sociocognitive Approach. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xvi + 258 pp. ISBN 90-272-2326-2, NLG 150.00; 1-55619-772-1, USD 75.00. [Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 3.] Based on an empirical study of categorisation and lexicalisation processes in a corpus of scientific publications on the life sciences, the author questions the validity of traditional terminology theory. Her findings are that the traditional approach impedes a pragmatic and realistic description of a large number of categories and terms. Inspired by the cognitive sciences, she develops an alternative. The main principles of this new theory imply: a combined semasiological and onomasiological perspective; only few categories can be clearly delineated; form and content of definitions vary according to category types and user's requirements; synonymy and polysemy are functional in special language and a diachronic approach is unavoidable. This last principle implies the varying importance of historical information in definitions, the non-arbitrariness of lexicalisation and the importance of cognitive models. In a last chapter the author shows how the methods and principles of the alternative approach are applicable in terminography and how this is going to have an impact on software for terminological database construction.
===================================================== additions - 8.9.2000
The British Comparative Literature Association and the British Centre for
Literary Translation announce the 2001 Translation Competition. Mrs Mary Fox School of Language, Linguistics and Translation Studies University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ, England e-mail: PLATFORM PAPERS ON TRANSLATION STUDIESThe Platform Papers on Translation Studies is a series of booklets devoted to the analysis of the cultural-linguistic phenomenon of translation from a product-oriented, process-oriented, and function-oriented point of view. The volumes in this series will be concerned with questions such as: By what features can one characterize translated texts and what, in any particular instance of translation, might be the linguistic and institutional constraints governing the process? In studying a corpus, which translation strategies can be distinguished, what is their precise communicative effect, and what conditions determine the selection of a particular strategy? One of the main issues will be the way in which target texts function in their communicative environment. The concept of norm is considered to be one of the central notions, with particular emphasis on the norms that currently prevail in institutional and professional settings.The series is edited by Cees Koster and Ton Naaijkens (Utrecht University). The first book in the series was Kirsten Malmkjaer's Descriptive Linguistics and Translation Studies: Interface and Differences). Contact address: AURHOR'S STATEMENTMichael Cronin. Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation. Cork University Press, 2000. 172 pp. Hb.: ISBN 1-85918-182-1, £ 35.00; Pb.: ISBN 1-85918-183-X, £ 14.95.Across the Lines presents the image of the traveller as translator in the modern world, constantly negotiating between word, place and image. This is a world in which the translator too is traveller. The book explores the nomadic dimension to translation activity and sees translators as key figures in nomadic representations of late modernity. What does it mean to be endlessly travelling between languages and cultures in translation activity? Does human translation still have a role to play in the context of globalisation, the rise of English as a world language and the revival of interest in machine translation? How is language difference and translation dealt with in a travel industry that aims to minimise risk for the traveller while still promising the different and the unexpected? - The book stresses the importance of a translation studies perspective in any attempt to understand current developments linked to globalisation, travel and cultural change.
EDITOR'S STATEMENTBeyond the Western Tradition, volume 11 of "Translation Perspectives", was designed to correct the Eurocentric repertory of this biennial, published since 1983. The essayists approach translation either globally or regionaly, but not Eurocentrically with sections representing the fringe of Europe, the Middle East and africa, the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, and Latin America. There is also an addendum of "Advice for Translating between any Two Natural Languages" with essays on analytic strategies, bibliographic aids, copyright, etc. Thus, two-thirds of the volume is addressed to translation scholars; the final third to their students.A caveat from the editor, Marilyn Gaddis Rose: the title "beyond" is literally true. It is not "outside." Whatever the formation of most contributors, they do not write independent of the Western tradition but move out from it, using this conglomeration of received ideas as points of departure. The volume is available in North America through Center for Research in Translation, Binghamton University, POBox 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000. St. Jerome Publishing is the exclusive international distributor. ===================================================== additions - March 2001
will be held on April 27, 2001, at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), in Spanish. There will be four theme-based discussion Panels, designed to be open to the floor throughout each session: (I) Research Methodology and Theoretical Models: e.g. audiovisual translation (AT) and language; AT and New Technologies; AT, Communication, and Semiotics; Historical overview of recent developments in AT research. (II) Practical Issues: professional issues, language planning and policies, market issues, etc. (III) AT in Spanish Universities: specific training in AT; pedagogical applications of AT in general translation courses. (IV) Looking into the Future: Presentation of future or ongoing research projects (personal or institutional). Debate on unexplored areas of research. The aim of this Conference is to provide an overview of the kind of AT research and teaching that is being carried out in Spain and possible future directions. Pre-Conference papers will be distributed among Conference participants. For last-minute details contact: SETAM - P. Zabalbeascoa (SETAM is presented elsewhere in this issue of TRANSST.)
All correspondence should be sent to: Dr. A. Lotriet October 18-20, 2001. The conference aims to assemble scholars, professionals (particularly those from the business community) and other interested parties to explore the horizons of dubbing and subtitling in theory and practice (the who, what, where, why, and how), to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between business and academia, and to investigate and ascertain, from a wider perspective, the relevance of dubbing and subtitling to the theory of translation. The first two days will be devoted to academic papers. On the third day there will be a round table discussion among professionals and academics from around the world. For further information write to: International Conference on Dubbing and
The aim is to explore what translation competence means and how it can be conveyed in the context of a university training. The Conference languages will be German, English, French and Spanish. The registration form and a topic for a 20-minute talk should have reached the organizers by 30 November, 2000 and a one-page abstract - by 31 January 2001. For further information please contact: Universität Leipzig
NEW BOOKSAllison Beeby, Doris Ensinger and Marisa Presas, eds. Investigating Translation: Selected Papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona, 1998. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xiv + 299 pp. ISBN 90-272-1637-1, NLG 196.00; 1-55619-8, USD 98.00. [Benjamins Translation Library, 32.] This volume brings together a selection of papers presented at an international conference held in Barcelona in 1998. the papers illustrate four areas that are of particular interest in translation research today in Europe, Asia and Latin America. The purpose of the first section, "Investigating Translation Paradigms", is to reach a critical revision of existing paradigms and to develop new ones in approaching the translated text. The second section, "Investigating the Translation Process", focuses on the skills, knowledge and strategies that make up translation competence. The third section, "Investigating Translation and Ideology", addresses not only the ‘invisible’ influence of ideologies on the translator, but also the role of translators in transmitting ideology. The fourth section, "Investigating Translation Receiver"”, envisages translators as communicators caught between the opposing trends of localisation and globalisation.
Birgitta Englund and Kenneth Hyltenstam, eds. Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam- Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xvi+164 pp. ISBN 90-272-1645-2, NLG 135.00; 1-58811-008-7, USD 61.00. [Benjamins Translation Library, 40.]This volume brings together papers from the areas of psychology, general linguistics, psycholinguistics, as well as from simultaneous interpreting. Their common focus is how theories and methodologies from various disciplines can be applied to the study of simultaneous interpreting, and also to suggest ways in which the study of simultaneous interpreting in its turn might contribute to knowledge in other areas. General topics dealt with include memory, language processing, bilingual processing, and second language acquisition. The articles more specifically focused on simultaneous interpreting discuss implications of the general topics and report on empirical studies on expertise in interpreting and on phonological interference in spoken language interpreting. Requirements for further interdisciplinary research in the context of simultaneous interpreting are considered.
Andrew Chesterman, Natividad Gallardo San Salvador and Yves Gambier, eds. Translation in Context: Selected Papers from the EST Congress, Granada 1998. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. x + 394 pp. ISBN 90-272-1644-4, NLG 190.00; 1-55619-986-4, USD 95.00. [Benjamins Translation Library, 39.] Translation in Context is a collection of contributions from the 1998 Congress arranged by EST, the European Society for Translation Studies, in Granada, Spain. It illustrates some of the latest research interests and achievements in Translation Studies at the turn of the millennium. The contributions show how the context of Translation Studies has expanded to cover new documentation techniques, cultural and psychological factors, the latest computer tools, ideological issues, media translation, and new methodologies. A total of 32 papers (in English, French, German and Spanish) deal with: (I) Conceptual analysis in Translation Studies, (II) Situational, sociological and political factors, (III) Psychological and cognitive aspects, (IV) Translation effects, (V) Computer aids, (VI) Text- type studies, (VII) culture-bound concepts, and (VII) Translation history.
Roda P. Roberts, Silvana E. Carr,D iana Abraham and Eideen Dufour, eds. The Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam- Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. vii + 324 pp. ISBN 90-272-1636-3, NLG 190,00; 1-55619-790-X, USD 95.00. [Benjamins Translation Library, 31.] This is a collection of papers from the Second International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Setting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 19-23 May 1998. Topics covered include: Overview of Community Interpreting; Role of the Community Interpreter; Training of Community Interpreters and of Personnel Working with Interpreters; Assessment and Accreditation of Community Interpreters; Issues in Community Interpreting; Community Interpreting in Practice; Community Interpreters at the End of the 20th Century.
Terry Crowley. The Lord's Prayer in Erromangan: Literacy and Translation in a Vanuatu Language. München: Lincom Europa, 2000. ISBN 3-89586- 973-2. ca. 24 pp. Ca $ 10.00. [Languages of the World, 13.] Erromangan, an Oceanic language of southern Vanuatu, has a written literature that until recently was restricted exclusively to materials relating to recently introduced Christianity. This literature is entirely translated, with the materials written by European missionaries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In many respects, these translations are structurally deviant to the point where intelligibility is sometimes impaired.
Lieven D’hulst and John Milton, eds. Reconstructing Cultural Memory: Translation, Scripts, Literacy. Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA, 2000. 178 pp. ISBN 90-420-0460-6. NLG 75,-/USD 32.00. [Textxet, 31; Volume 7 of the Proceedings of the XVth Congress of ICLA, Leiden, 16-22 August 1997.] Comment les litéatures du monde entire ont-elles, chacune à sa façon ou s'inspirant mutuellement, vécu, assumé rejeté les modèles culturels, artistiques et linguistiques, que de force ou de gré elles ont été amenées à accueillir au long des siècle? Comment les traductions, vecteurs premiers des relations interlittéraires, ont-elles joué de leurs immenses ressurces pour dissimuler, encourager ou décourager la constante et périlleuse mise en cause des traditions nationale? Les quatorze contributions de ce volume nous offrent un éventail de réponses à ces deux questions. De la France au Japon, de la Chine aux Etats-Unis, du Brésil à la Pologne, nous viyons de déployer les multiples stratégies médiatrices de la traduction, toutes révélatrices des tensions quit traversent les cultures où elle prend naissance, que ces tensions soient de nature culturelle, langagière ou littéraire. Ni simples transferts linguistiques, ni fenêtres transparentes sur l’Ailleurs, ni discours désincarnés relèvent plus exactement d’un processus complexe de communication, auquel prennent également part tant les traducteurs que leurs lecteurs: vivant et agissant au coeur des litératures adoptives, ils en investissent aussi bien les grands genres que la paralittérature, ils en infléchissent, souvent de concert, les valeurs et les modes d’écrire, et en démontent, pour mieux les exhiber, les rouages intimes.
John Hutchins, ed. Early Years in Machine Translation: Memoirs and Biographies of Pioneers. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xii + 400 pp. ISBN 90-272-4586-X, NLG 190.00. [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 97.] Machine Translation (MT) was one of the first non-numerical applications of the computer in the 1950s and 1960s. With limited equipment and programming tools, researchers from a wide range of disciplines (electronics, linguistics, mathematics, engineering, etc.) tackled the unknown problems of language analysis and processing, investigated original and innovative methods and techniques, and laid the foundations not just of current MT systems and computerized tools for translators but also of natural language processing in general. This volume contains contributions by or about the major MT pioneers from the United States, Russia, East and West Europe, and Japan, with recollections of personal experiences, colleagues and rivals, the political and institutional background, the successes and disappointments, and above all the challenges and excitement of a new field with great practical importance. The editor provides an overview, chronology and list of sources for the period.
Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit and Riitta Jääskeläinen, eds. Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting: Outlooks on Empirical Research. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. x+176 pp. ISBN 90-272-1642-8, NLG 120.00; 1-55619-796-9, USD 55.00. [Benjamins Translation Library, 37.] This volume brings together cognitive psychologists, interpreting scholars and translation researchers, who look at the process phenomena involved in translation and interpreting (T/I) from various linguistic vantage points. The focus is on methodology and the problems that loom large in a multidisciplinary discipline. The topics discussed range from simultaneous interpreting, subtitling, translating in pairs, the sub-skills involved in T/I, to issues of expertise and management. Three major challenges emerge from T/I process research as it is portrayed in this book: -- How to maintain a clear vision of the object of study? -- How to ensure methodological sobriety? -- How to transfer the emerging knowledge of expertise to translation pedagogy?
Heidrun Witte. Die Kulturkompetenz: des Translators: Begriffliche Grundlegung und Didaktisierung. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 235 S. ISBN 3-86057-248-2. DM 88,-. [Studien zur Translation, 9.] Ausgehend davon, daß Übersetzen und Dolmetschen transkulturelle Interaktionen darstellen, gelangt die Studie erstmals zu euner differenzierten Bestimmung translatorischer Kulturkompetenz. In einem interdisziplinären Ansatz werden die Ergebnisse moderner Transtologie und Interkultureller Kommunikationsforschung zusammengeführt. Es wird gezeigt, wie sehr die Kommunikation zwischen Kulturen von jeweils verschiedenen Werten, Normen, Erfahrungen und Erwartungen peprägt ist und was dieses für den Translator bedeutet: Soll Translation Interkulturelle Kommunikation ermöglichen, so muss er über eine spezifische Kulturkompetenz verfügen. Diese umfasst nach dem hier vorgestellten Modell nicht nur eine genaue Kenntnis der eigenen wie der fremden Kultur. Der Translator sollte ausserdem über die Fähigkeit verfügen, beide Kulturen bezüglich ihrer gegenseitigen Fremdbilder einzuschatzen, um interkulturellem Missverstehen gegebenenfalls translatorisch entgegensteuern zu können.
OF ADJACENT INTERESTBassey Edem Antia. Terminology and Language Planning: An Alternative Framework of Practice and Discourse. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000. xxiv + 261 pp. ISBN 90-272-2325-4, NLG 158,-; 1-55619-771-3, USD 79.00. [Terminology and Lexicopgraphy Research and Practice, 2.] Changing socio-political landscapes, the dynamics of ‘glocalisation’, among other factors, are spawning new policy attitudes towards multilingualism, and again putting language planning (LP) on the map - in a manner reminiscent of the 1960s and 1970s. With respect to terminology, this book suggests that to be relevant and sustainable, current LP would have to define its mission as the deregulation of access to specialised knowledge, and correspondingly be founded on substantially different methods and rhetorical bases: epistemology and ontology of specialised domains; research on language for special purposes (LSP) and collocations; corpus linguistics; knowledge extraction and knowledge representation; language engineering technologies. On the one hand, the book recommends itself to decision-makers and language planning project managers. On the other, it should be of interest to students of LSP and terminology, language planning, concept and object theories, knowledge modelling, artificial intelligence, translation process analysis, text and African linguistics.
AUTHORS' and EDITORS' STATEMENTSJorge Diaz Cintas. La traducción audiovisual: El subtitulado. Salamanca: Ediciones Almar, 2000. 173 pp. 2400 pesetas. ISBN 84-7455-069-6. [Biblioteca de Traducción.] La traducción audiovisual: El subtitulado is the first Spanish book that focuses exclusively on subtitling. The author offers a comprehensive approach to the world of subtitles, taking a look at its historical dimension as well as the socio-cultural and professional ones: from the origins of this type of translation activity and its articulation in Spanish society, primarily by opposition to dubbing, to the different professional phases needed in the generation of subtitles, via the linguistic and formal aspects that characterise their presentation on screen. Besides establishing a taxonomy of the different types of subtitles that exist, the book also considers questions related to the semiotic value of the image, the pedagogical dimension of subtitles, the vulnerability of a translation practice that finds itself in the rare and difficult situation of having to cohabit with source text and dialogue, the systematic invisibility of the translator and the legislative and economic factors that regulate this profession.
Basil Hatim. Teaching and Researching Translation. Longman, 2001. ISBN 0 582 32899 3. [Applied Linguistics in Action.] Teaching and Researching Translation is a recent offering from Longman's. The book reports on what has been happening in the last 50 years or so in both the theory and practice of translation. It introduces students and teachers of translation to the intricacies of the process and the diverse demands of the profession. The book explains how research can be used in practice by translators and interpreters, and also the contribution it can make to the teaching of these skills. Teaching and Researching Translation includes: * An assessment of basic theoretical assumptions and influential modes of thinking about translation. * An outline of the important research trends that have emerged in recent years in a variety of professional settings. * A list of important web and other resources for the translator and a glossary of terms. There will be a companion website at <http://www.booksitesnet/hatim> which provides reflections on salient issues raised in the book as well as information on web and other resources.
Cees Koster. From World To World: An Armamentarium for the Study of Poetic Discourse in Translation. Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi, 2000. 261 pp. ISBN 90-420-1392-3. [Approaches to Translation Studies, 16.] In this book one of the old traditions of translation studies is revived: the tradition of the comparative study of translation and original. The aim of the author is to develop an armamentarium, a set of analytical instruments and a procedure, for the systematic study of poetic discourse in translation. The armamentarium provides the means to describe the 'translational interpretation', that is: the interpretation of the original as it emerges from the translation and may be constructed in the course of a comparison between the two texts. The practical result of this study is based on a solid theoretical foundation. This study most of all reflects on the possibilities of translation comparison and description per se. It is one of the few books in which an in-depth study is undertaken into the principles of translation comparison itself, into its limits and possibilities, and into its central concepts ('shift', 'unit of comparison' etc.). Before presenting his own proposal for a comparative procedure, the author critically evaluates several existing methods, particularly those of Toury, Van Leuven-Zwart and the German transfer-oriented approach. The theoretical considerations in this book are amply illustrated by analyses of translated works of poets as Rutger Kopland and Robert Lowell. The book also contains an extensive case study into the translations, by the German poet Paul Celan, of a selection of Shakespeare's sonnets.
Rosa Rabadán, ed. Traducción y censura ingles español: 1939-1985. Estudio preliminar. León: Universidad de León, 2000. 346 pp. ISBN 84-7719-920-5. 2500 pts.This volume contains a preliminary study of the translation practices in Spain from 1939 to 1985 and their interaction with some extra-textual factors. The contributions stem from members of TRACE, the TRAducciones CEnsuradas [Translations Censored] Project launched by the Universidad de León and the Universidad del País Vasco in the mid-1990s. The data are drawn from the Spanish censorship records and the study covers the fields of cinema, theatre and prose fiction, translated from English into Spanish. The period of the study, a very influential one in the political, cultural, and ideological history of modern Spain, not only covers the Franco years (1939-75) but has been extended to 1985, when all francoist control mechanisms finally disappeared. The members of TRACE are currently working on a common analytical approach to be applied to the different textual areas under study. A second volume containing textual analyses and new findings is in preparation.
NEW TITLES* Maria Parianou. "Falsche Freunde" im Sprachenpaar (Neu-) Griechisch/Deutsch. Frankfurt/M., etc.: Peter Lang, 2000. 240 pp. ISBN 3-631-36126-2. DM 69.–. [Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft, 3.] * Miriam Salama-Carr, ed. On Translating French Literature and Film II. Amsterdam / Atlanta, GA, 2000. xi + 241 pp. (Bound) ISBN 90-420-1451-2, Hfl. 125,- / USD 53.00; (Paper) ISBN 90-420-1441-2, Hfl. 45,- / USD 19.00. [Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature, 22.] * Thomas Bodenmüller. Literaturtransfer in der Frühen Neuzeit: Francisco López Úbedas „La Picara Justina“ und ihre italienische und englische Bearbeitung von Barezzo Barezzi und Captain John Stevens. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000. vii + 412 S. ISBN 3-484-63025-6; DM 108.-. [Communicatio, 25.] * Christina Schäffner, ed. Translation in the Global Village. Clevedon etc.: Multilingual Matters, 2000. 72 pp. ISBN 1-85359-488-1. £26.00; US$44.95; CAN$52.95. [also available as vol. 6:2 of the Journal Current Issues in Language an Society.]
ALICE IN TRANSLATIONA special monographic issue of the journal Fragmentos (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil), Volume 9, No. 1 (January- June 1999) was dedicated to Lewis Carroll's Alice's projection into other languages and literatures. The issue was edited by Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta. Contributors: Maria Cristina Schleder de Borba, Oriol Masseg?, Fiona J. Mackintosh, Chris Heffer, Sílvia Mas, Maria González Davies, Carmen Millán Varela, Glória Bastos, José António Gomes, Nicholas G. Round.
PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LOCALIZATION UPDATEDA Practical Guide to Localization by Bert Esselink has now been fully updated and revised to reflect the latest technologies, best practices, and industry developments. The book was written for technical translators, localization engineers, testing engineers, desktop publishers, project managers, and anyone else who may be involved in the release of multilingual products. In this second edition, translators can learn more about localizing software, online help and documentation files, and the latest translation technology tools. Localization engineers can learn all about developing, engineering, and testing multilingual software and online help projects. For project managers, there is all the information needed for planning translation and localization projects, finding resources, and ensuring product quality. New to this second, fully updated and revised edition are chapters on internationalization, multilingual desktop publishing, and software quality assurance. The book has been designed both as a reference work and a teaching tool. Visit the web site for additions and updates to the book, as well as references and links relevant to technical translation and localization. The web site also contains extracts from the book, reviews, and ordering information.
WHAT IS SETAM?SETAM, Seminari d'Estudis sobre la Traduccio Audiovisual i Multimédia (Seminar for Audiovisual and Multimedia Translation Studies), is a research group within the Institut Joan Lluís Vives. 1. Aims and activities The Seminar has been created for the purpose of promoting research in a sub-field of Translation Studies, the translation of audiovisual and multimedia texts. It also intends to provide professional and academic guidance and courses, debate forums, and other initiatives to achieve a more widespread and fruitful exchange of ideas, reports and information from other groups and individuals with similar interests. Objectives and future activities -- Promote a better understanding of the nature of audiovisual and multimedia translation in Universities and Professional environments. -- Help to set up research projects. -- Organize courses, conferences, debates. -- Collect and provide information. 2. Organization and membership SETAM is an initiative launched by a group of teachers and researchers that work in the universities of the Institut Joan Lluís Vives which offer programmes or do research in Translation Studies (esp. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Jaume I, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat de Vic). The group is open to anyone engaged in teaching or researching audiovisual or multimedia translation. We would also like to attract people who are professionally involved in this field and feel they would like to exchange ideas or help with university research. Further information to be found at: Please contact us at: The first SETAM Conference is advertised elsewhere in this issue of TRANSST.
THE 13th CETRA SUMMER SESSIONCETRA - The Leuven Research Centre for Translation, Communication and Cultures - announces the 13th CETRA Summer Session in Translation Studies, 10-26 September 2000, at the Scuola Superiore Traduttori Interpreti "San Pellegrino" (Misano Adriatico, Italy). This year's CETRA Professor will be Mona Baker (UMIST [University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, GB]). Supervisors will include Dirk Delabastita, Lieven D'hulst, Daniel Gile, Theo Hermans, José Lambert, Andreas Poltermann. The aims of CETRA are to train researchers in the study of translation and to stimulate high-level research into the cultural functions of translation. The summer seminar offers intensive training under the supervision of a team of prominent scholars and the CETRA Professor of the year. During the session, the participants work out a paper and prepare it for publication. Applicants are requested to forward their cv and/or questions to: CETRA |