Publications (resulting from Yonni Shaked's PhD)
- Shaked, Y., Agnon, A., Cohen, C., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Sass, E., and Stein, M. 2002. Late Holocene shorelines at the Gulf of Elat: Migrating shorelines despite tectonic and sea level stability. EGS Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 2:105-111. pdf
- Shaked, Y., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Stein, M., Tchernov, D. and Agnon, A., 2003. Detailed evolution of fringing reefs: space and time constraints from the Gulf of Aqaba. Coral Reefs, DOI: 10.1007s00338-004-0454-2. pdf
- Shaked, Y., Agnon, A., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Avner, U. and Stein, M., 2004. Large earthquakes kill coral reefs at the NW Gulf of Aqaba. Terra Nova, 16(3): 133-138. pdf
- Shaked, Y., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Stein, M., and Agnon A., 2012, Late Holocene events that shaped the shoreline at the northern Gulf of Aqaba recorded by a buried fossil reef: Israel J. Earth Sci, v. 58, no. 3-4, p. 355-368. DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3–4.355 pdf