"Almost...: Unexploited Potentials in the History of
Dr. Ido Yavetz Cohn
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel
Aviv University
Historians generally feel that they possess a historically plausible
understanding of the emergence of a new idea when they can account for
it as the logical consequence of an existing “state of the art”
combined with some principles that the individual innovator has
brought to the discussion. But to what extent do we “really
understand” the new development when all of these elements have
been put together? Two case studies, one from the optical
investigations of Ptolemy, another from the mechanical investigations
of Galileo, reveal occasions in which a significant step forward has
not been taken despite the availability of all the logical
preconditions specified above. There must exist, therefore, an
additional element or elements, without which innovative moves are not
made, and “historically plausible” accounts of scientific
progress do not constitute a true understanding of the process of
Prof. Ron Lifshitz, x5145