"News from the Dark World"
Dr. Tomer Volansky Institute
for Advanced Study, Princeton
Various astrophysical observations suggest that most of the matter in
our Universe is non-baryonic and dark. Still, the identity of the
Dark Matter remains a mystery. Recently, there has been a series of
perplexing cosmic-ray and gamma-ray measurements, suggesting the
indirect detection of Dark Matter in our Galaxy. Such an
interpretation points towards a much richer structure than that of the
garden-variety Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) candidate,
suggesting an extended 'dark sector' rather than a single Dark Matter
particle. In this talk I will review the signals and anomalies and
suggest a new picture that emerges for the dark sector. Its
implications on particle physics and predictions for upcoming
experiments will be discussed.
Prof. Nissan Itzhaki, x6490