"Stringy Holography: A Modern View of QCD and Hadron
Prof. Cobi Sonnenschein School of
Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
I will start with a brief reminder of the "old" stringy nature of the
strong interactions. Maldacena's string (gravity)/gauge duality will
be reviewed. The construction of gravity "laboratories" of confining
pure gauge theories will be described including their manifestation of
Wilson lines. Fundamental quarks will be added via flavor probe
D-branes. The corresponding spectra of mesons and their decay width
will be extracted. The thermal phase diagram of QCD-like theories will
be deduced. I will compare the "old" and "modern" stringy nature of
mesons and baryons. I will end with the holographic description of
certain properties of baryons and of nuclear interaction.
Prof. Nissan Itzhaki, x6490