"Statistical Mechanics of the Glass
Prof. Itamar Procaccia Dept. of
Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Recipient of the 2009 Israel Prize in Physics
Using two extremely different models of glass formers in two and
three dimensions we demonstrate how to encode the subtle changes in
the geometric rearrangement of particles during the scenario of the
glass transition. We construct a statistical mechanical description
that is able to explain and predict the geometric rearrangement, the
temperature dependent thermodynamic functions and the
α-relaxation time within the measured temperature range and
beyond. The theory is based on an up-scaling to proper variables
(quasi-species) which is validated using a simple criterion. Once
constructed, the theory provides an accurate predictive tool for
quantities like the specific heat or the entropy at temperatures
that cannot be reached by measurements.
Prof. Ron Lifshitz, x5145