"Infrared Transmitting
Fibers and their Applications in Science, Industry, & Medicine"
Abraham Katzir
of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
lecture will take place in Lev Auditorium
Silica glass fibers are totally opaque in the mid-IR in the spectral range
3-30µm. Optical fibers were extruded in our lab from crystalline
silver halides (e.g. AgClBr), which are highly transparent in the Mid-IR.
These fibers make it possible to carry out novel measurements in remote
locations and in real time. Some of these will be discussed:
Non contact thermometry.
Fiberoptic thermal imaging.
Fiberoptic spectroscopy and its applications:
A. Environmental protection and pollution monitoring.
B. Early diagnosis of diseases.
C. Phase transition measurements.
Endoscopic laser surgery and therapy.
Laser bonding of tissues.
Fiberoptic interferometry for Mid-IR astronomy.
Mid-IR fiber lasers.
Near Field Scanning Mid-IR microscope.
transmitting fibers will pave the way for totally new methods and applications
in science, industry, environmental protection and medicine.