Special Colloquium in honor of Professor Itzhak Kelson's 70th
"Ion Therapy for Cancer
Prof. Marco Durante GSI
Biophysics Department and Technical University of Darmstadt
Radiotherapy is one of the most common and effective
therapy for cancer. Generally, patients are treated with X-rays
produced at electron accelerators. The use of high-energy charged
particles was proposed several years ago, both for their physical and
radiobiological advantages compared to X-rays. Particle therapy is now
becoming an emerging technique in radiotherapy. Protons and carbon
ions have been used for treating many different solid cancers, and
several new centers with large accelerators are under
constructions. However, there is currently an open debate on the
cost/benefit ratio of this technique. The Biophysics group at GSI had
in the past years an intense activity in the 12C-ion therapy pilot
project. The treatment of tumours at the base of the skull and brain
was extremely successfully, using the technique of raster scanning
(see figure). The therapy project paved the way to hadrontherapy in
Europe, leading to the construction and planning of several clinical
accelerator facilities. This talk considers the present clinical
results in the field, and identifies the open research questions.
Prof. Eli Piasetzky, x9428