Student Thesis Seminar
"Does dephasing time saturate at low temperatures?"
Moshe Eshkol
Dept. of Condensed Matter Physics, Tel Aviv University
The observation of quantum
transport phenomena in metals and semiconductors is limited by the
eventual loss of phase coherence of the conducting electrons on the
time scale τφ (dephasing time). We addressed the
question whether τφ saturates at low
temperatures. We used weak localization (WL) studies to measure
τφ in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), in
GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures at low temperatures. We used a novel
temperature calibration method based on the Integer Quantum Hall
Effect, in order to ascertain the temperature of the 2DEG when there
is a lack of good thermal contact with the bath. We claim that the
apparent saturation is an outcome of electron heating due to
electromagnetic radiation or some other extrinsic source, and that
therefore, it does not represent any dephasing-time saturation as
Thesis Adviser: Prof. Alexander Palevsky, x8193