"Dynamics of Molecular Motors on Heterogeneous Tracks"
Dr. Yariv Kafri
of Physics, Harvard University
There are many biological functions that involve movement of
motors along a filament or polymeric molecule. The motors use
chemical energy to propel themselves along the track. The
interpretation of single molecule experiments which study them is
in many cases model based. These models typically ignore the
effect of the heterogeneous track (such as DNA). Independent of
the microscopic details, these descriptions lead to a motion
described by a biased random walker.
Using exact results and general arguments it will be shown that
disorder leads to anomalous dynamics of motors. Most notably,
experiments should exhibit a region where the displacement of the
motor as a function of time grows sublinearly. The implications on
the interpretation of experiments on RNA polymerase, DNA
polymerase / exonuclease and others will be discussed.
Dr. Ron Lifshitz, x5145