"Quantum dots with superconducting electrodes"
Prof. Yshai Avishai
Dept. of Physics and Ilse Katz Center for Nanotechnology,
Ben Gurion University
A quantum dot is a tiny region of a semiconductor material,
containing a small number of strongly interacting electrons.
The dot can be connected to source and drain contacts
(usually electrodes composed of NORMAL metals).
The physics of transport through quantum dots reveals
many interesting features which are at the front of
contemporary condensed matter physics. It combines
fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics and many body
aspects. One of them is the Kondo effect[1], which is
known to occur in metals containing a small amount of
magnetic atoms.
Recently, an experiment in which a quantum dot (in fact,
a carbon nano-tube) is attached to SUPERCONDUCTING leads
has been reported[2]. It demonstrates an intimate relation
(in fact, a competition) between the Kondo effect and the
presence of the superconducting gap.
We will briefly review the theoretical framework for the
underlying physics[3], and discuss also the situation where
the electrodes are composed of "unconventional" superconductors[4].
[1] D. Goldhaber-Gordon et. al.,
Nature 391, 156-159 (1998).
S. M. Cronenwett et al.,
Science 281, 540-544 (1998).
[2] M. R. Buitelaar et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 256801 (2002).
[3] Y. Avishai, A. Golub and A. D. Zaikin,
Phys. Rev. B63 13-4515 (2001).
[4] T. Aono, A. Golub and Y. Avishai,
Rev. B68 045312 (2003).
Dr. Ron Lifshitz, x5145