Art and Archaeology:
The Preservation of the Site

The Tel Aviv - Heidelberg Joint Project

Aims | Results | Publications

O. Lipschits
     Ein Privatsiegelabdruck aus Ramat Rahel. in: Kottsieper, I., Schmitt, R., and
               Wörle, J. (eds.). Berührungspunkte. Studien zur Sozial- und
               Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt. Festschrift für Rainer Albertz
               zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (AOAT 350). Münster: 491-498
     The Time and Origin of the Volute-Capitals from Judah, Moab and Ammon.
               Cathedra (Hebrew).
in press RAMAT-RACHEL. The New Encyclopedia Judaica.
in press RAMAT-RAHEL. The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible.

O. Lipschits and Y. Gadot
     Ramat Rachel and the Emeq Rephaim sites - Links and interpretations. in: Amit,
               D. and Stiebel, G.D. (eds.). New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its
               Religion, Collected Papers, vol. II. Jerusalem: 88-96.
forthcoming Further Thoughts on Ramat Rahel and its surroundings at the End of the Iron
               Age and during the Persian Period. Tel-Aviv

O. Lipschits and M. Oeming
2006      Palast der Könige Judas und eines der ältesten Marienheiligtümer der Welt.
       Welt und Umwelt der Bibel: 64-65.

O. Lipschits, M. Oeming and Y. Gadot
forthcoming    Tieferes Verstehen Die Epistemologie der Archäologie am Beispiel der
                         Ausgrabung von Ramat Rahel (Jerusalem) reflektiert. Trumah.

O. Lipschits, M. Oeming, Y. Gadot, B. Arubas and G. Cinamon
2006      Ramat Rahal 2005. Israel Exploaration Journal 56: 227–235.

     Ramat Rahel 2005. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 118 (Internet edition). (Hebrew) (English)

O. Lipschits, M. Oeming, Y. Gadot and B. Arubas
     The 2006 and 2007 Excavation Seasons in Ramat Rahel. Israel Exploration
     Journal 59: 1-20 (download PDF format)

O. Lipschits, M. Oeming, Y. Gadot and D.S. Vanderhoof
     Four New Yehud Stamp Impressions Found in the Renewed Excavations at
      Ramat Rahel. Tel-Aviv 34 (1): 74–89.
     24 New Yehud Stamp Impressions from the 2007 Excavation Season at Ramat-
     Rahel. Maarav 15: 7-25, 97-100

O. Lipschits and D.S. Vanderhoof
forthcoming    40 Unpublished Stamp Impressions from Aharoni's Excavations at Ramat
                      Rahel. Eretz Israel (Ephraim Stern's volume). (Hebrew).

O. Lipschits, O.Sergi and I. Koch
 The Date of the lmlk and 'Private' Stamp Impressions: A Fresh Look.
                      Tel Aviv.