Curriculum Vitae |
2013 |
Click on the [*] sign for the text |
In Print and Forthcoming
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet, Netta Avnoon
& Revital Weil Gottshalk, forthcoming |
“Bottom-up cultural dynamics
of social innovation in childcare for infants in Israel: A distinction
mechanism and educational activism”. In: Social innovation and welfare
state retrenchment: a comparative analysis of early childhood education and
care in Europe and beyond, Raquel Gallego, Sheila González, & Lara Maestripieri, eds. Leeds: Emerald Publishing. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2023 |
identidades marginalizadas entre conhecimento local e cultura global. O
ambientalismo como recurso: exemplos da sociedade árabe em Israel”. Exilium
– Revista de Estudos da Contemporaneidade, 6, pp. 45-68. [Stella,
Marcello trans.] |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2023 |
“What Does it Take to be a Professional Translator? Identity as a
Resource.” In Professions and Proficiency, Glückler,
Johannes, Christopher Winch & Anna Mateja Punstein,
eds. [=Knowledge and Space, 18]. Cham: Springer, pp. 89-111. |
Leshem, Rotem & Rakefet Sela-Sheffy 2023 |
ethnic boundaries and social mobility: transforming identities in the
acculturation of Ashkenazi immigrants in Israel.” Emotions and Society 5 (2), pp.
165-184. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2022 |
“The translation profession.” In The
Cambridge Handbook of Translation, Malmkjær, Kirsten, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 160-180. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2022 |
“Como ser um tradutor (reconhecido):
repensando o habitus, as normas e o campo da tradução.” Cadernos de Tradução 42 (1), pp. 1-38. [Serpa, Talita, trans.] |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2021 |
“The Appeal
of Environmentalism and Managing Marginalized Identities Between Culture Conservation
and Change. Examples from Arab society in Israel.” In Circuits
in Motion: Polysystem Theory and the Analysis of Culture, Souto, David , Aiora
Sampedro & Jon Kortazar, eds. Bilbao:
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua / Servicio
Editorial, pp. 42-58. |
Avnoon, Netta and Rakefet Sela-Sheffy 2021. |
“Counter-professionalization as an occupational status strategy: The production of professionalism
in Israeli child-care workers’ identity work.” Journal of Professions and
Organization. joab014, |
[*] |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2020 |
“Olive Culture as European Heritage.” In Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel européen (online).
Turgeon, Laurier, ed. Saint-Etienne & Quebec
City: ProPeace Project, pp. 1-9. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2020 |
“Naturalists and settlers: The rise of a proto-environmental
ethos in British-Ruled Palestine and early Israeli statehood”. Zmanim 142 (=special issue, Environmental History,
eds. David Schorr and Miriam Shefer-Mossensohn),
pp. 104-119. סלע-שפי, רקפת 2020. “חוקרי טבע
ומתיישבים: הצמיחה של אתוס פרוטו-סביבתי בתקופת המנדט
וראשית המדינה", זמנים 142 (=חוברת מיוחדת בהיסטוריה סביבתית,
בעריכת דוד שור ומירי שפר-מוסנזון), עמ' 104--119. |
Zaradez, Noam, Rakefet
Sela-Sheffy & Tali Tal 2020 |
“The identity work of
environmental education teachers in Israel.” Environmental
Education Research, Environmental Education Research, 26 (6), pp.
812-829. |
Lernau, Hila,
Iris Alkahe & Rakefet
Sela-Sheffy 2019 |
“'If the world has no future, why should I be a
student?'“ Youth participation in climate protests in Israel and a call to
foster climate change education.” Ecology and Environment 10 (4), pp.
100-103. [Hebrew] לרנאו, הילה, איריס אלקחר ורקפת
סלע-שפי 2019. “'אם אין לעולם עתיד, למה לי להיות תלמיד?'“ מחאות האקלים של בני
הנוער בישראל וקריאה לטיפוח האוריינות האקלימית במערכת החינוך. אקולוגיה וסביבה
10 (4) [גליון מיוחד בנושא משבר האקלים], 100-103. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2017 |
"Cultural interference and value making: Innovativeness and
conservatism in culture.” In Festschrift in honor
of Saliha Paker: Essays presented by her colleagues, students and friends
(Part I) [=Journal Of Turkish Studies / Türklük
Bilgisi Araştirmaları,
Vol. 48: December 2017] Tahir Gürçağlar, Şehnaz & Zehra Toska, eds., Cambridge, Mass.:
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University,
pp. 349-360. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2017 |
"A transformación dun campo literario e a creación dun
canon: o caso da literatura
alemana de finais do século XVIII.” In Estudos Literarios e Campo Cultural Galego, López, Teresa, Laurence Malingret
& Elias J. Torres Feijó, eds. [=Cadernos
CIPPCE sobre emerxencia
cultural, 5]. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo
de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, pp. 287-309. [Nogueira, Álex Alonso trans.] |
[*] (Galician) [*] (English) |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2017 |
“Two-way cultural transfer: the
case of the Israeli TV series BeTipul and
its American adaptation In Treatment. Media Culture and Society.39 (6), pp. 781-797. |
Zaradez, Noam
& Rakefet Sela-Sheffy. 2017 |
“The implementation of
environmental education in schools and the question of the application of the
environmental justice ideology -- the viewpoint of educational staff.” Israeli
Sociology [special
issue Environment & Society] 18(2), 173-195. [Hebrew] נועם זרדז
ורקפת סלע-שפי, 2017. “הטמעת
החינוך הסביבתי בבתי הספר ושאלת יישומה של אידיאולוגית הצדק סביבתי - נקודת
המבט של עובדי ההוראה", סוציולוגיה ישראלית [חוברת מיוחדת על סביבה וחברה], יח (2), 173-195. |
Rotem & Rakefet Sela-Sheffy 2016. |
“Emotion-identity management
through talk: Anger talk in young Israeli men’s accounts on a negative
experience.” In Identity in communicative contexts, Ciepiela, Kamila,
ed. Frankfurt am Main & Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 81-98. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet &
Rotem Leshem 2016. |
“Emotion-identity talk in aggressive interactions
and in reflexive accounts.” Culture & Psychology 22 (3),
pp. 448-466. |
[*] |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2016. |
Identity and Status.” In Researching
Translation and Interpreting, Angelelli, Claudia V. & Brian James Baer, eds. Milton
Park & New York: Routledge, pp. 131-145. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2016. |
"Elite and non-elite
translator manpower: The non-professionalized culture in the translation
field in Israel.” In The translation profession: Centers
and peripheries [=The Journal of Specialised Translation, Vol. 25]
Koskinen, Kaisa & Helle Vrřnning Dam, eds., pp.
54-73. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet & Noam Zaradez
"Why do we go green and why
not? On the link between culture & identity and environmental action
the Israeli context.” Eqologya u Seviva [Ecology
and environment: A journal of environmental science and policy] 6 (1), pp. 33-39. [Hebrew] סלע-שפי, רקפת ונועם זרדז 2015. “למה אנחנו סביבתיים ולמה לא?
על הזיקה בין תרבות וזהות לבין
פעולה סביבתית -- ההקשר הישראלי". אקולוגיה וסביבה 6
(1), עמ'
33--39. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2014. |
"Translators’ identity work: Introducing micro-sociological
theory of identity to the discussion of translators’ habitus.” In Remapping Habitus in
Translation Studies, Vorderobermeier, Gisella
M., ed [=Approaches to Translation Studies, 40]. Amsterdam & New
York: Rodopi, pp. 43-55. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2014. |
“Fashion as a field of cultural production, and the
power of the Bourgeoisie in Israeli culture-building: Review of Fashioning
a Young State: Dress Culture in Israel of the 1950s, by Anat Helman", Israel 22 (2014), pp.
201-207 [review-article; Hebrew] סלע־שפי,
2014. “האפנה כשדה ייצור תרבותי וכוחה של הבורגנות בבניית התרבות הישראלית". (מאמר ביקורת על ספרה של ענת הלמן בגדי הארץ החדשה: מדינת ישראל הצעירה בראי הלבוש והאופנה). ישראל 22, עמ' 201–207. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2014. |
"Cómo ser un traductor
(reconocido): un replanteamiento del habitus, las normas y el campo de la
traducción.” In Bourdieu después de Bourdieu, Sanz Roig, Diana, ed [=Bibliotheca Philologica. Serie Lecturas]. Madrid:
Arco/Libros, pp. 167-201. [Usandizaga,
Guillem trans.] |
[*] |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2013. |
"'Europeans in the Levant' Revisited: German
Jewish Immigrants in 1930s Palestine and the Question of Culture Retention.” In Deutsche(s) in Palästina und Israel: Alltag,
Kultur, Politik, Brunner, José, ed [=Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte
/ Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History, 41]. Goettingen: Wallstein Verlag, pp.
40-59. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2013. |
"The Remodeling of
the Literary Profession and Its Role in the Making of Modern German Culture
in Late 18th Century.” In Textual Production and Status Contests in Rising
and Unstable Societies, Bampi, Massimiliano
& Marina Buzzoni, eds. [=Filologie medievali e moderne]. Venice:
Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing, pp. 95-113. |
"Introduction: Identity and Status in the Translational
Professions.” In Identity and Status in the Translational Professions,
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet & Miriam Shlesinger, eds. Amsterdam &
Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 1-10. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2011. |
"Settlers, Environmentalism and Identity: Western Galilee
1949-1965.” In Cultural Heritage and Identity Politics, Roel, During,
ed. Wageningen: Wageningen UR/ The Silk Road Research Foundation, pp. 49-60. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2011. |
"Introduction: Culture Contacts and
the Making of Cultures.” in Culture Contacts and the Making of Cultures:
Papers in Homage to Itamar Even-Zohar, Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet and Gideon
Toury, eds. Tel-Aviv: Unit of Culture Research, Tel Aviv University, pp.
1-16. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2011. |
"High-Status Immigration Group and Culture Retention:
German Jewish Immigrants in British-Ruled Palestine.” In Culture Contacts
and the Making of Cultures: Papers in Homage to Itamar Even-Zohar,
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet and Gideon Toury, eds. Tel-Aviv: Unit of Culture
Research, Tel Aviv University, pp. 79-100. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2010. |
“'Stars' or 'Professionals': The Imagined Vocation and Exclusive
Knowledge of Translators in Israel.” MonTI 2: Applied Sociology in Translation Studies/ Sociologia aplicada a la traducció.
Oscar Diaz Fouces & Esther Monzó, eds.
Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 131-152. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2009. |
solidarity and alienation: Strategies of copying with a negative collective
identity in everyday stories of ‘Israeliness’.”
Israel Studies in Language and Society 2 (2), pp. 15-34 (Hebrew); English
abstract: p. 230. סלע-שפי, רקפת
2009. “בין סולידריות להתנכרות: אסטרטגיות שיח של התמודדות עם דימוי קיבוצי שלילי בסיפורי יום-יום על 'הישראליות'".
עיונים בשפה וחברה 2 (2),
עמ' 15--34.
תקציר באנגלית: עמ' 230. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2009. |
“Struggles over the Canon: Culture Preservation and
Culture Transformation.” In Canon and Holy Scriptures, ed. Yaacov
Shavit. Tel-Aviv University: The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies [=Te'uda research series xxiii], pp. 17-46;
English abstract: XIX-XX. (Hebrew) סלע-שפי, רקפת
2009. “המאבקים על הקאנון: הדינאמיקה של שימור ושל חידוש בתרבות".
בתוך קנון וכתבי קודש, יעקב שביט עורך .תל-אביב: אוניברסיטת תל אביב ,ביה"ס למדעי היהדות .[= סדרת “תעודה", כ"ג ],
י"ז-מ"ו; תקציר
באנגלית: עמ' XIX-XX. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet &
Miriam Shlesinger 2009. |
“Introduction: Profession, Identity and Status.” In:
Profession, Identity and Status: Translators and Interpreters as an
Occupational Group (= Double special issues of Translation and
Interpreting Studies), Rakefet Sela-Sheffy & Miriam Shlesinger (eds),
TIS, 4(2), pp. 123-134. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet &
Miriam Shlesinger 2008. |
"Strategies of Image-Making and Status Advancement of Translators and Interpreters as a Marginal Occupational Group.” In: Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury. A. Pym, M. Shlesinger & D. Simeoni eds. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 79–90. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2008. |
“The Translators’ Personae: Marketing Translatorial
Images as Pursuit of Capital.”Meta LIII, 3,
pp. 609-622. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2006. |
“Integration through Distinction: German-Jewish
Immigrants, the Legal Profession and Patterns of Bourgeois Culture in
British-Ruled Jewish Palestine.” Journal
of Historical Sociology, Vol. 19 No. 1, 34-59. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2006. |
“Detachment and Engagement:
Israelis’ Everyday
Verbal Representations of ‘the Israeli
Person’ and the
Contest for the Right to Condemn a Collective Identity.” Social
Identities, Vol. 12 No. 3. (May
2006), 325-344. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2006 |
“The Pursuit of Symbolic Capital by a
Semi-Professional Group: The Case of Literary Translators in Israel.” In Übersetzen - Translating - Traduire:
Towards a “Social Turn"? Michaela
Wolf ed. Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London:
LIT., 243-252. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2005. |
“Israelis Tell How (Other) Israelis Behave Abroad: Negotiating
Group-Identity in Everyday Stories.” AS/SA Nş
16 (2005.12), 54-65. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2005 |
“How to Be a (Recognized) Translator: Rethinking
Habitus, Norms, and the Field of Translation.” Target 17:1, 1-26. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2004. |
“’What Makes One an Israeli?’ Negotiating Identities
in Everyday Representations of ‘Israeliness’.” Nations and Nationalism
10:4, October 2004, 479-496. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2003. |
“The Jekes in the Legal Field and Bourgeois
Culture in Pre-Israel British Palestine.” Iyunim
bi Tequmat Yisrael, Vol. 13, 295-322. [Hebrew] סלע-שפי, רקפת 2003. “ה'יֶקים' בשדה המשפט ודפוסים של תרבות בורגנית בתקופת
המנדט". עיונים בתקומת ישראל, כרך 13, עמ' 295--322. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2002. |
“Canon Formation Revisited: Canon and Cultural
Production.” Neohelicon XXIX (2002)
2, 141-159. |
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet 2001. |
“The Suspended Potential of Culture Research in TS.”
Target 12:2, 345-355. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1999. |
“Estrategias de canonización y
el campo intelectual en la cultura alemana del siglo dieciocho.” In Teoría
de los polisistemas, Ed. M. Iglesias; ed. of
series: José Antonio Mayoral. Madrid: ARCO Libros, 125-146. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1998. |
“How Textual Models Relate to Reality? The Formation
and Status of Nature and Landscape Description in Late Eighteenth-Century
German Prose-Fiction.” Mimesis. Studies on Literary Representation,
ed. Bernhard F. Scholz, Basel & Tuebingen:
Francke Verlag, 245-257. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1998. |
“On 'Literature for the Masses' in the Eighteenth
Century.” Dapim Lemehqar
Hasifrut, 129-142. [Hebrew] שפי, רקפת 1998. “על בעיית
'הספרות להמונים' בסוף המאה ה-18". דפים למחקר הספרות, כרך 11
(תשנ"ח), עמ' 129--142. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1997. |
“Models and Habituses as
Hypotheses in Culture Analysis.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature /
Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée XXIV/1, 35-47. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1996. |
“The Image of 'The Popular' as Manipulation of Elite
Culture: The Late Eighteenth Century German 'Trivialroman'
as a Literary Problem.” In The Popular Culture. Ed. B. Z. Kedar. ( שפי, רקפת 1996. “תדמית
'התוצר הפופולארי' כמניפולציה של תרבות עילית: 'הרומן הטריביאלי'
הגרמני של סוף המאה ה-18 כבעיה ספרותית". בתוך התרבות העממית: קובץ
מחקרים, ב"ז קדר עורך, ירושלים: מרכז זלמן
שז"ר לתולדות ישראל, עמ' 225--243. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1996. |
“Models of Nature and Landscape Description: Their
Sources and Functions in the Canonization of Late Eighteenth Century German
Prose- Fiction.” Romanticism
On the Net 3 (August
1996) |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1996. |
“'Authentic German Culture': The Rise of New
Intellectual Elite in the Eighteenth Century.” Zmanim
57, fall 1996/7, 47-58. [Hebrew] שפי, רקפת 1997. “צמיחת
עילית אינטלקטואלית חדשה בסוף המאה ה-18". זמנים 57, עמ' 47--55. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1992. |
“The Eighteenth-Century German 'Trivialroman'
as Constructed by Literary History and Criticism.” Texte [ |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1991. |
“Rites of Coronation: Writing on Pierre Bourdieu.” Poetics
Today 12/4, 801-811. (Review Article). |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1991. |
“Canonization of a Non-Literary System: The Case of
the Modern American Popular Song and Its Contact with Poetry.” In Orality
and Literature. Eds. Hans R. Runte and Roseann Runte (New York, Bern:
Peter Lang), 177- 186. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1990. |
“The Concept of Canonicity in Polysystem Theory.” Poetics Today 11/3,
511-522. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1989. |
“Towards a Cognitive Anthropology.” Poetics Today
10/4, 847-850. (Review). |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1989. |
“The Evolution of the Poetics of the Israeli Popular
Song in the Beginning of the 70's.” In:
Ben-Porat, Z. (ed) Lyric Poetry and the Lyrics of Pop: the Israeli Popular
Song as a Cultural System and as a Literary Genre. (Tel-Aviv: Porter
Institute & Hakibutz Hameuchad),
76-98. [Hebrew] שפי, רקפת 1989. “התפתחות
הפואטיקה של הפזמונאות הישראלית בראשית שנות השבעים". בתוך זיוה בן-פורת
1989, ליריקה ולהיט. תל-אביב: הקיבוץ המאוחד, עמ' 76--98. |
Sheffy, Rakefet 1989. |
“On the Canonization of the American Popular Song.”
In: Ben-Porat, Z. (ed) Lyric Poetry and the Lyrics of Pop: The Israeli
Popular Song as a Cultural System and as a Literary Genre. (Tel-Aviv: the
Porter Institute & Hakibutz Hameuchad),
38-66. [Hebrew] שפי, רקפת 1989. “על הקאנוניזאציה בפזמונאות האמריקאית: הפזמונאות כמושא למחקר
לפי תפיסת הפונקציונאליזם הדינמי". בתוך זיוה
בן-פורת 1989, ליריקה ולהיט. תל-אביב: הקיבוץ המאוחד, עמ' 38--65. |