QLib features |
Below is a complete detailing of QLib's current capabilities.
Entities - General |
QLib is capable of handling a variety of objects - classical probability distributions (CPD), pure states and density matrices (DM).
All of which allow any number of particles, with any number of degrees of freedom (henceforth, DoF).
Many of the QLib functions expect a "descriptor" of the state - a row vector specifying the number of DoF of each particle.
For example, a qubit, qutrite, qubit would be [2,3,2]
Desc is often used as a shorthand for the descriptor.
Name descriptor
An array of names for the "particles".
Default naming convention is {'A','B','C',...}
Some functions which change the participating particles in the state can also manipulate the name index to match the output.
Tensoric representation
In addition to the normal representation (column vector for CPDs and pure states, square matrix for DMs), a tensoric representation
is also available, where each particle state is represented as a tensor.
If we consider for example a CPDs or pure state with the descriptor [2 3 5], the indexes would be (A_index, B_index, C_index), and the tensoric
representation would be a 3d tensor 2-by-3-by-5.
The same descriptor applied to a DM would create a 6d tensor, 2x2x3x3x5x5, indexed (A_ket,A_bra,B_ket,B_bra,C_ket,C_bra), with "ket" being the
DM's row number and "bra" the column.
Note that while the tensoric representation may be more convenient for various calculations, it does not imply any additional semantics.
Bipartition mask
For various purposes, one needs to bipartition a state (Schmidt decomposition, partial trace, etc).
In these instances, QLib requires the partition be specified using a mask - a vector, the same length as the descriptor,
with "1" for one side of the partition (the "selected part", if applicable) and "0" for the other.
Entities |
Pure states
A column vector of complex numbers, of length: prod(desc).
Phase normalization often used so that the first non-zero element is real.
Ordering of elements is with A being the most significant digit.
For example, consider a state with descriptor [3,2]. If A=0,1,2 and B=0,1, then the order of elements
is (left to right) 00,01,10,11,20,21, with A being the left-most/most
significant digit.
CPD - Classical Probability Distribution
Similar in structure to a pure state, except all numbers are real (normalization is, of course L1).
Density matrix
A complex (Hermitian) matrix of product(desc)^2 elements.
Ordering within each row/column is as for pure states.
Entities - Functions |
Handling entities - General |
validate_dm | Make sure a matrix describes a good DM. If yes, return unchanged. If not, issue an error |
validate_pure | Make sure a vector describes a good pure state. If yes, return unchanged. If not, issue an error |
validate_cpd | Make sure a vector describes a good CPD. If yes, return unchanged. If not, issue an error |
is_dm_valid | Is the matrix a DM? |
is_pure_valid | Is the vector a proper pure state? |
is_cpd_valid | Is the vector a proper CPD? |
comm, a_comm | Matrix (anti) commutation |
validate_pure | Make sure a value describes a good pure state |
validate_dm | Make sure a value describes a good DM |
gen_desc | Generate a descriptor assuming all qubits (2^N) |
gen_name_desc | Generate the default name descriptor |
dephase_pure | Remove global phase from a pure state |
is_pure | Does the DM represent a pure state? |
normalize_classical | Normalize a classical probability distribution |
normalize_pure | Normalize a pure state |
normalize_dm | Normalize a density matrix to have trace 1 |
cannonize_pure | Set the global phase of a pure state to 1 (i.e. make the first non-zero element real) |
is_product | Is the DM/pure a product of the single-density DMs? |
Schmidt_decomp | Find the Schmidt decomposition (coefficient and base) for a pure state |
trace_norm | Compute the trace norm of a matrix |
all_masks | Generate masks for all partitions of a set of particles |
all_bipartition_masks | Generate all bipartition masks |
pure_norm | Find the norm of a pure state (should be 1) |
Handling entities - Shape shifting |
pure2dm | Convert a pure state to a density matrix |
dm2pure | Convert a DM representing a pure state to a state-vector |
dm2tensor | Transforms a matrix into a density tensor |
tensor2dm | Transforms a density tensor to a density matrix |
partial_trace | Trace out any number of DoF from a DM |
partial_trace_pure | Trace out any number of DoF from a pure state |
partial_trace_cpd | Trace out any number of DoF from a CPD |
permute_dof_dm | Permute DoF of a DM |
permute_dof_pure | Permute DoF of a pure state |
ipermute_dof_dm | Inverse-permute DoF of a DM |
ipermute_dof_pure | Inverse-permute DoF of a pure state |
partial_transpose | Transpose any subset of particles |
classical2dm | Convert a classical distribution vector to a DM |
dm2classical | Convert a DM to a classical distribution vector |
pure2tensor | Convert a pure state or classical distribution vectors to a tensor |
tensor2pure | Convert a tensor to a pure state or classical distribution vectors |
reorder_and_merge_dm_dims | Reorder and/or merge DoF in a DM |
reorder_and_merge_pure_dims | Reorder and/or merge DoF in a pure state |
purify_compact | Purify a mixed state using the minimal number of DoF possible |
purify_full | Purify a mixed state using the same no. of DoF as in the original state |
Handling entities - Famous states |
Note: The Bell states are provided as constants under the qlib.Bell global variable.
See below.
GHZ | Generate a (generalized) GHZ state |
W101 | Generate a (generalized) W state |
Werner | Generate a (generalized) Werner state |
Gisin | Generate the Gisin state |
rho3 | Generate the rho3 state |
Entropy, Entanglement, Distances, etc |
Entanglement |
concurrence | Compute the concurrence of a 2-qubit DM |
concurrence_pure | Compute the concurrence of a 2-qubit pure state |
entanglement_of_formation | Compute the entanglement of formation for a two qubit state |
entanglement | The entanglement of a given bipartition of a pure state |
logarithmic_negativity | Compute the logarithmic negativity of a DM |
is_entangled_pt | Peres-Horodecki entanglement witness (yes/no/don't-know) for a given bipartition of a DM |
is_entangled_all_pt | Peres-Horodecki entanglement witness for all bipartition of a DM (is there any entanglement in a state) |
negativity | Compute the negativity of a DM |
relative_entanglement | Relative entanglement (minimal Kullback-Leibler distance to a separable state) |
robustness_pure | The robustness of a pure state (minimal mixing with random state to be separable) |
singlet_fraction | Compute (by searching for) the (generalized) singlet fraction for any given bipartition of any DM |
Schmidt_number | The number of non-zero Schmidt coefficients |
tangle | Compute the tangle (for 3-qubit pure state or 2-qubit DM) |
Entropy and mixedness |
H_Shannon | Shannon entropy |
S_Von_Neumann | Von-neumann entropy |
SvN2 | Compute the Von-neumann entropy for [p 1-p] |
linear_entropy | Compute the linear entropy of a given density matrix |
relative_entropy | Relative entanglement (minimal Kullback-Leibler distance to a product state) |
participation_ratio | Estimate of the effective number of states in the mixture |
purity | The purity (measure of mixedness) of a given density matrix |
Mutual information |
mutual_info_dm | Mutual information for a given bipartition of a DM |
mutual_info_pure | Mutual information for a given bipartition of a pure state |
mutual_info_cpd | Mutual information for a given bipartition of a CPD |
Measurements |
act_on | Act with an operator on some of the DoF of a system |
expand_op | Expand / reorder DoF in an operator to fit the entire system |
measure | Perform a measurement on a (sub)system, returning the resulting mixed state |
collapse | Compute the various collapsed "universes" and their probabilities when measuring a system |
weak_measurement | Compute the real part of a weakly measured value |
is_Krauss_set_valid | Check if you have a complete valid set of Krauss operators (Boolean function) |
validate_Krauss_set | Validate you have a complete valid set of Krauss operators (error if not) |
complete_Krauss_set | Complete a Krauss set to unity |
collapse_povm | Perform a generalized measurement using a set of Krauss operators |
Distance Measures |
dist_trace | The trace distance |
fidelity | Fidelity between two DMs |
dist_KL | Compute the Kullback-Leibler "distance" between two density matrices |
dist_KL_CPD | Compute the Kullback-Leibler "distance" between two CPDs |
dist_Bures | Compute the Bures distance between two density matrices |
dist_Bures_angle | Compute the Bures angle between two density matrices |
dist_Fubini_Study | The Fubini-Study metric for two pure states |
dist_Hilbert_Schmidt | Compute the Hilbert Schmidt distance (i.e. square root of inner product) between two density matrices |
Hilbert_Schmidt_norm | Compute the Hilber Schmidt norm between two elements, abs(<A,B>), with abs(X) == sqrt(X'*X) |
Gates |
Deutsch_gate | The Deutsch gate (for pi/2 this is the Toffoli gate) |
control_gate | Activate a operation if the control bit is 1 |
swap_gate | Swap gate of arbitrary sion |
cnot_gate | The generalized CNOT gate - cyclically permutes the basis vectors |
Majorization |
is_majorized_by | Tests majorization of the first DM by the second |
is_weakly_majorized_by | Tests weak majorization of the first DM by the second |
is_super_majorized_by | Tests super-majorization of the first DM by the second |
is_majorizationally_incompatible | Tests for incompatibility |
Spinor geometry |
theta_phi_from_spin | Direction of a given spinor |
spin_at_theta_phi | Spinor at requested direction |
sigma_at_theta_phi | A sigma matrix for a given 3D direction |
unitvec_from_theta_phi | Compute the unit vector for a given angle |
theta_phi_from_unitvec | Extract (theta, phi) from a unit vector |
unitvec_ortho_to_unitvec | Create a unit vector orthogonal to a given unit vector |
spin_rotation_matrix | The matrix rotating FROM a given direction TO the z basis |
| |
SU(N) |
QLib can generate the SU(N) generators and use them both for parameterization of SU(N) elements, pure states and DMs, and as a base with which to
expand any Hermitian and unitary matrices. See the individual functions for details.
The generators are cached under the QLib.SU global variable. See below for details.
calc_SU_gen | Calculates the generators of SU(N), in the fundamental (NxN) representation |
prod_SU_gen | Find all products of the SU(desc(k)) generators |
exp_rep_for_unitary_op | Exponential representation for unitary operator (using prod_SU_gen) |
Parameterization |
In order to search a space of some type of entity (say DMs), one needs to formulate a coordinate system for that space. Depending
on the application, some requirements may be imposed on this coordinate system, and in most cases, more than a single coordinate system
is possible. Once a coordinate system is in place, one may search for a coordinate which extremizes some condition, draw a random coordinate, etc.
QLib is capable of a wide range of parameterizations:
- CPDs
- pure states
- separable states
- DMs
- (special) unitary matrices
- Hermitian matrices
For each, more than one parameterization is provide. Trial and error are normally the best guide as to which parameterization of the space is better suited.
All parameterization routines have a common guidelines which they all follow:
- Coordinates (parameters for a point) are always a row of real numbers
- Only measure zero of the coordinate space may not be translatable to the object it represents (for example the axis origin)
- All coordinate spaces are infinite (so all optimization can be unbounded) and often cyclic.
- Scaling of coordinates is almost always within a small finite range (well under 100). Therefore, generating a random number in the thousands range will cover the entire space. See individual parameterizations for exact details.
In addition, there are standard naming rules which apply to all parameterization functions
- Often more than one parameterization is implemented for each entity type. The functions will be called param_XXX_1, param_XXX_2, ...
- If a parameterization requires more parameters than is strictly required, the numeral will be followed by x, such as param_sep_2x. This is often done for speed and/or to simplify the topology for searches.
- To find the number of parameters required, call param_XXX_n_size(desc)
- To generate a random object, call param_XXX_n_rand(desc)
Finally, refer to the search & optimization functions below for details on how to optimize within the parametrized space.
Specific parameterizations |
param_p_1,2x,3 | Classical probability distribution (CPD) parameterization |
param_p_1,2x,3_sqrt | Parameterization for square root of param_p_1,2x,3 |
param_pure_1,2x | Parametrize a pure state |
param_dm,_2x | Density matrix parameterization |
param_sep_1,2x | Separable DM parameterization |
param_prod | Product DM parameterization |
param_prod_pure | Product pure state parameterization |
param_prod_cpd | Product CPD parameterization |
param_H_1,2 | Hermitian matrix parameterization |
fully_entangled_state | Parameterization of a fully entangled bi-partite state with 2N DoF |
SU(n), U(n) Parameterization |
param_SU_1,2 | Parameterizations of SU(N) |
param_U_1,2 | Parameterizations of U(N) |
param_SU_over_U | Parameterization of SU(N) without the phase-per-column redundancy |
SU_gen_cache | Caches various calculations having to do with the SU group and it's |
Help & Demos |
For general help (an abridged version of this page), use help qlib.
For help on a specific function, use help function-name.
This help is also available in the help browsers.
Following is a list of demos distributed as part of QLib.
- demo_werner_measures
- Subject: Basic example, Measures
Plot various measures of the entanglement within a Werner state
- demo_Werner_measures
- Subject: Basic example, measures
Plot multiple entanglement and entropy measures for the Werner states
- demo_negativity_scale
- Subjects: Basic example, Negativity, GHZ, partial states
Show the scaling of the negativity for a division an "n of M" bipartition of the GHZ state
- demo_check_entropy_measure_additivity
- Subject: Basic example, Parameterization, Measures
Check the additivity of any entropy measure
- demo_fidelity_vs_dist_trace
- Subject: Basic example, Measures, Parameterizations
Show the relationship between fidelity and trace distance for a pair of randomly chosen pure states & DMs
- demo_dist_measures
- Subject: Basic example, Measures, Parameterizations
Examine how different DM distance measures relate to each other for random density matrices of various sizes
- demo_test_distance_measure
- Subject: Basic example, Parameterization, Measures
Is a given function a good distance measure?
You specify the function, and the program tests the measure for the various required properties.
- demo_dense_coding
- Subject: Basic example, Measurements
Step-by-step implementation of dense coding
- demo_teleportation
- Subject: Basic example, Measurements
Step-by-step implementation of teleportation
- demo_show_SU_decompositions
- Subject: SU(N)
Is a sum of matrices from SU(n) x SU(m) equivalent to SU(n*m)?
- demo_SU_comm
- Subject: SU(N)
Compute the SU(N) commutation relations in terms of SU(N) elements
- demo_SU_param_equiv
- Subject: searches, parmatrizations of SU(N)
Check equivalence between the two parameterizations of SU(N)
- demo_check_SU_over_U_does_span
- Subject: SU(N) algebra
Show that the diagonal SU(N) generators, together with I,
span the diagonal matrices
- demo_factoring_of_dm
- Subject: SU(N), linear algebra, multipartite DMs
Decompose a density matrix into a sum of SU generators.
For example: singlet = 1/4* (1 - sx*sx - sy*sy - sz*sz)
- demo_log_mat_and_prod_gens_for_exponent_decomp
- Subject: matrix exponentiation, linear algebra, multipartite DMs, SU(N)
Decompose a unitary operator into expm(sum of SU(N) krons)
For example: CNOT = expm i*pi/4*(sz*sx-sz*I-I*sx+I)
- demo_reconstructing_param_sep
- Subject: Parameterizations, searches, separable states
Given a state, find the closest separable state, and display the parameterization
in human-readable form
Global variables |
QLib defines a set of often-used global variables, for example QLib.Singlet.
These can be accessed in any function by adding global QLib; to the beginning of the function.
All global variables are under members of the QLib structure.
- Singlet
- The canonical psi_minus (00-11)/sqrt(2)
- sigma.*
- Spin half states: x,y,z,I
- Bell.*
- psi_plus, psi_minus, phi_plus, phi_minus
- Guess
- gates
- With the sub-fields CNOT, cpahse, Hadamard, swap, Toffoli
- close_enough
- Accuracy limit for the various numerics (such as is_close)
- eps{n}
- The anti-symmetric tensors, generated by epsilon_tensor
- SU{n}
- A structure containing the generators and other info. See SU_gen_cache for details
- base_path
- Path under which the QLib package currently resides
- Version
- QLib version number
Searching and optimization |
QLib implements a search algorithm alternating stages of hill-climbing and simulated annealing.
Our experience with this search indicates it is able to avoid almost all local extrema and almost always locate the global extreme with good accuracy, provided that the topology of the space scanner
is almost-everywhere smooth.
The search function requires the goal function to extremize, and an "initial guess" coordinates, which also serve to specify the size of the parameter space. Finally, many options
can be used to control how the optimization process proceeds.
fmin_combo | A combined search function utilizing both fminsearch and simulated annealing, alternatively it can locate the place in param-space where a goal value is reached |
fmax_combo | Complementary to the above |
fmin_combo_opt | Option setting for fmin/fmax_combo |
fmin_anneal | Simulated annealing search for a global minima |
fmax_anneal | Complementary to the above |
fmin_anneal_opt | Option settings for fmin/fmax_anneal |
fmaxsearch | A complementary routine for Matlab's fminsearch |
fmaxunc | A complementary routine for Matlab's fminunc |
Utilities |
QLib includes a wide selection of utilities, which while not strictly "quantum" go a long way towards achieving QLib's goal of quickly testing hypothesis. |
Linear algebra |
is_Hermitian | Is a matrix Hermitian? (or close_enough) |
is_Unitary | Is a matrix unitary? (or close_enough) |
is_normal_matrix | Is this matrix a normal matrix (A*A' == A'*A)? |
is_pos_semidef | Is this matrix positive semi-definite? |
direct_sum | The direct sum of any number of matrices |
kron2 | kron any number of matrices |
gram_schmidt | Transform a set of objects (vectors, matrices, tensors) into an orthonormal set using the Gram Schmidt process |
gram_schmidt_t | A gram_schmidt process, but in this version the calculation done by a diagonalization technique. This results in "nicer" vectors, with more zeros |
are_these_linearly_independent | Are these vectors/matrices/tensors linearly independent? |
find_span | Decompose an object as linear sum of objects of same sionality |
span | Reconstructs a decompose an object as linear sum of objects of same sionality |
jordanFix | There is a bug in matlab's "jordan" - the maple eval does not go through |
jordan2 | Jordan decomposition, returning the list of blocks (eigenvalues) as three-column matrix |
jordan3 | A refined jordan2, with sorting of eigenvalues & Gram-Schmidt where applicable |
eig2 | A variant of "eig" with sorted & normalized eigenvectors |
mat_abs | Absolute value of (any) normal matrix |
mat2sun | Convert a matrix (DM, unitary or Hermitian) to the kron(SU(desc(1)), SU(desc(2)), ...) basis |
sun2mat | Convert a matrix (DM, unitary or Hermitian) from the kron(SU(desc(1)), SU(desc(2)), ...) basis to the normal representation |
epsilon_tensor | Compute the epsilon anti-symmetric tensor to any given degree |
Math - Metrics |
Euclidean | Returns the Euclidean distance between two vectors |
Manhattan | Returns Manhattan distance (sum of differences) between two vectors |
Chebyshev | Returns Chebyshev distance (max of differences) between two vectors |
Math - general |
steps | Generate a vector with a given number of equally spaced points |
randrow | Generate a row of random numbers |
irand | Generate integer random numbers in a given range |
vrand | Choose an element at random given a vector of element probabilities |
rand_direction | Generates a uniform distribution of points on the surface of a sphere |
mminn,mmaxx | Global minimum/maximum over all matrix elements (arbitrary dim) |
ssumm | Global summation |
frac | The fractional part |
clip | Clip all elements to a given range |
is_nice | Is it a "normal" number (not NaN of Inf)? |
is_eql | Compare matrices NaN ~= NaN, same as build-in isequal |
is_eql_2 | Compare matrices, NaN == NaN |
is_close | Compare two values (scalar or matrix) up to "QLib.close_enough" accuracy |
is_close_2 | Same as above, except NaNs are close to each other as are equal-signed Infs |
cleanup | Huristic clean-up of values (almost integers are rounded, almost reals almost imaginary are "treated") |
mat_scale | Find the scale factor between two matrices or NaN if it doesn't exist |
NaNs | Similar to "zeros", except it returns NaNs |
all_perm | Generate all unique permutations of a given data |
all_perm_by_count | As above, with data given as values and number of repetitions |
yn3_and/or | 3-way logic (yes/no/don't-know). Useful for combining witness functions |
log_quiet | Natural logarithm returning -Inf for 0 |
p_log2_p | Compute -p*log_2 (p), returning 0 for p==0 |
smooth_ma | Smoothed moving average |
smooth_min | Smoothed minimum using a moving window |
bilinear_interp | Given a grid of values for a 2D function, compute additional points using bilinear interpolation |
General |
format_delta_t | Format a period of time suppied in seconds as an easy-to-read string |
gen_all_idxs | A list of indexes into all elements of a multisional tensor |
num2mask | Convert a number to a mask |
permute_1D_cell_array | Permute a 1D cell array |
runstamp | Print the script/function being executed, and the time it was run |
sub3ind | A version of sub2ind accepting the indevidual indexes as an array |
to_row, to_col | Convert anything to a row/column vector |
to_square | Convert a vector to a square matrix of sqrt(length(v))^2 elements |
unique2 | Find unique values in an array and the number of times they appear |
iff | State a condition as a function call (similar to the C language "?" operator) |
swap | Swap values without resorting to a temporary variable |
RatMat | Convert a matrix to symbolic form (fix for Matlab's sym) |
doubleFixMatlabRootOfBug | Fix a matlab bug in the "double" function converting a symbolic matrix from Maple |
print_matrix_for_mathematica | Convert a Matlab matrix to a format you can copy & paste into Mathematica |
Graphics |
draw2d_func | Draw a 1d function in 2d of a given function |
draw3d_func | Draw a 2d function in 3d of a given function |
draw_hist | Draw a histogram of the values returned by a given function |
set_x/y/z_axis | Force axis limits on graphs |
save_current_plot | Saves the current plot in 3 formats - PNG, EPS and FIG |