Second Year, First Semester, First Week
Contents     First year review
    1. Vocabulary and grammar review of the first year course.
    2. Supplementary materials: first year review.
Important words     See first year syllabus.
Imprtant grammar     1. Complements (predicative, potential, resultative, single directional, compound directional).
    2. Ba3 sentence.
    3. Comparison.
    4. Adjectival predicates.
    5. see first year syllabus.
(not to submit)
    1. Go over first year syllabus, check out what you've forgotten.
    2. Go over the Yellow Book p. 1 - 85, pick up the forgotten characters and learn them. 
(to submit)
    Depend on your teacher's decision.
Web Assignments     1. Download and preview the next week's syllabus.
    2. This week's web Chinese exercises:
        (1) Listening comprehension.