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Spectroscopy in general

  1. Birks, “Photophysics of Aromatic Molecules”.
  2. P. Atkins, “Physical Chemistry”
  3. Schulman, “Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectroscopy”, pp 1-60 (library position: 541.224 Sch).
  4. J.M. Hollas, “Modern Spectroscopy”, John Willey and Sons (1998).
  5. Beer-Lambert Law 

Single photon counting technique

  1. Shaver and Love, in “Progress in Analytical Chemistry”, Vol. 8, p.249.
  2. Love and Shaver, in “Analytical Chemistry”, Vol. 48, pp 364 A (1976).

Spectral properties of Bimanes

  1. Kosower et al, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 90, pp. 5552 (1986).
  2. Meech and Phillips, Journal of Photochemistry, Vol. 23, pp. 193 (1983).