Dr. Pavel Kishcha
Principal Research Associate

Department of Geosphysics, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel.
Tel.: +972 3 6409643
Fax: +972 3 6409282
E-mail: pavelk@tauex.tau.ac.il


Fields of interest:
Global distribution and trends of atmospheric aerosols using satellite data and ground-based measurements;
Modelling and forecast of Saharan dust transport over the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Europe, and over the Atlantic Ocean;
Dust dry deposition over Israel.

Modelling and forecast of space-time distribution of marine aerosols over the Mediterranean Sea and their effects on weather and climate;


Lake remote sensing;
Asymmetry in surface temperature between the east and west sides of the Dead Sea;

Increasing warming of Dead Sea surface water;
Positive feedback loop between the shrinking of the Dead Sea and the increasing trend in Dead Sea surface temperature.

List of Publications



65.  Kishcha, P.; Lechinsky, Y.; Starobinets, B. Lake and atmospheric heatwaves caused by extreme dust intrusion in freshwater Lake Kinneret in the Eastern Mediterranean. Remote Sens. 16, 2314. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16132314 , 2024 (open access).


64.  Kishcha, P.; Lechinsky, Y.; Starobinets, B. Impact of a severe dust event on diurnal behavior of surface water temperature in subtropical Lake Kinneret. Remote Sens. 15, 5297. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15225297 , 2023 (open access).


63.  Kishcha, P.; Lechinsky, Y.; Starobinets, B. Cooling by Cyprus lows of surface and epilimnion water in subtropical Lake Kinneret in rainy seasons. Remote Sens. 14, 4709. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14194709 , 2022 (open access).


62.  Kishcha P., Starobinets B., Lechinsky, Y., Alpert, P. Absence of surface water temperature trends in Lake Kinneret despite present atmospheric warming: Comparisons with Dead Sea trends. Remote Sensing 13, 3461; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13173461 , 2021 (open access).


61.  Kishcha P., Starobinets B. Spatial heterogeneity in Dead Sea surface temperature associated with inhomogeneity in evaporation. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 93; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13010093 , 2021 (open access).


60.  Volpov, E., Kishcha, P. Advanced modeling and mapping of severe pollution stress required for outdoor insulation coordination. Electrical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-021-01333-2, 2021.


59.  Kishcha, P., Volpov, E., Starobinets, B., Alpert, P., Nickovic, S. Dust dry deposition over Israel. Atmosphere,  11(2), 197;  https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11020197, 2020 (open access).


58.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Pinker, R., Kunin, P., Alpert, P. Spatial non-uniformity of surface temperature of the Dead Sea and adjacent land areas. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 107; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010107, 2020 (open access).


57.  Kishcha, P., Pinker, R., Gertman, I., Starobinets, B., Alpert, P. Observations of positive sea surface temperature trends in the steadily shrinking Dead Sea. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3007-3018, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-18-3007-2018, 2018 (open access).


56.  Kishcha P., Wang S.-H., Lin N.-H., da Silva A., Lin T.-H., Lin P.-H., Liu G.-R., Starobinets B., Alpert P. Differentiating between local and remote pollution over Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2017.10.0378, 2018 (open access).


55.  Volpov E., Kishcha P. An advanced technique for outdoor insulation pollution mapping in the IECo power grid. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 24(6), 3539 – 3548, doi: 10.1109/TDEI.2017.006917, 2017


54.  Kishcha P., Starobinets B., Savir A, Alpert P., Kaplan A. Foehn-induced effects on dust pollution, frontal clouds and solar radiation in the Dead Sea valley. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, doi:10.1007/s00703-017-0521-1, 2017.


53.  Kishcha P., Starobinets B., Gertman I., Ozer T., Alpert P. Observations of unexpected short-term heating in the uppermost layer of the Dead Sea after a sharp decrease in solar radiation. International Journal of Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5810575, 2017 (open access).


52.  Provençal S., Kishcha P., da Silva A., Elhacham E., and Alpert P. AOD distributions and trends of major aerosol species over a selection of the world's most populated cities based on the 1st version of NASA's MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis. Urban Climate, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2017.04.001, 2017.


51.  Kishcha, P., da Silva, A., Starobinets, B., and Alpert, P. Shallow stratocumulus clouds created below the base of the Saharan Air Layer by the action of Saharan dust. ProScience – Vol. 3, 62 – 66, DOI:10.14644/dust.2016.010, 2016 (open access).


50.  Kishcha P., Rieger D., Metzger J., Starobinets B., Bangert, M., Vogel H., Schaettler U., Corsmeier U., Alpert P., and Vogel B. Modeling of a strong dust event in the complex terrain of the Dead Sea valley during the passage of a gust front. Tellus B, 68, 29751, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v68.29751, 2016 (open access).


49.  Kottmeier C., Agnon A., Al-Halbounib D., Alpert P., Corsmeier U., Dahm T., Eshel A., Geyer S., Haas M., Holohan E., Kalthoff N., Kishcha P., Krawczyk C., Lahti Y., Laronne J., Lott F., Mallast U., Merz R., Metzger J., Mohsen A., Morin E., Nied M., Rödigerd T., Salameh E., Sawarieh A., Shannak B., Siebertd C., Weber M. New perspectives on interdisciplinary earth science at the Dead Sea: the DESERVE project. Science of the Total Environment, 544 (2016), 1045–1058 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.003, 2016.


48.  Kishcha P., A. da Silva, B. Starobinets, C. Long, O. Kalashnikova, and P. Alpert. Saharan dust as a causal factor of hemispheric asymmetry in aerosols and cloud cover over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36, 3423-3445, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1060646, 2015 (open access).


47.  Kishcha P., A. da Silva, B. Starobinets, C. Long, O. Kalashnikova, and P. Alpert Meridional distribution of aerosol optical thickness over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, 23309-23339, doi:10.5194/acpd-14-23309-2014, 2014 (open access).


46.  Kishcha, P., da Silva, A., Starobinets, B., Alpert, P. Air pollution over the Ganges basin and north-west Bay of Bengal in the early post-monsoon season. J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020328, 2014 (open access).


45.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Long, C.N., Alpert, P. Unexpected increasing AOT trends over north-west Bay of Bengal in the early post-monsoon season. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D23208, doi 10.1029/2012JD018726, 2012 (open access).


44.  Alpert, P., Shvainshtain, O., Kishcha, P. AOD trends over megacities based on space monitoring using MODIS and MISR. American Journal of Climate Change, 117-131, doi:10.4236/ajcc.2012.13010, 2012 (open access).


43.  Kishcha, P., B. Starobinets, R. Udisti, S. Becagli, A. di Sarra, D. Sferlazzo, C. Bommarito, P. Alpert. Sea-salt aerosol mass concentration oscillations, derived from long-term measurements in Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean). ISRN Meteorology, V. 2012, doi:10.5402/2012/679120, 2012 (open access).


42.  Israelevich, P., Ganor, E., Alpert, P., Kishcha, P., Stupp, A. Seasonal variations of Saharan dust transport over the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D02205, doi:10.1029/2011JD016482, 2012 (open access).


41.  Carnevale, C., Finzi, G., Pisoni, E., Volta, M., Kishcha, P., and Alpert, P. Integrating Saharan dust forecasts into a regional chemical transport model: a case study over Northern Italy. Science of the Total Environment, V. 417-418, 224-231, 2012.


40.  Kishcha, P., S. Nickovic, B. Starobinets, A. di Sarra, R. Udisti, S. Becagli, D. Sferlazzo, C. Bommarito, P. Alpert. Sea-salt aerosol forecasts compared with daily measurements at the island of Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean). Atmospheric Research, 100(2011), doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.021, 28 – 35, 2011.


39.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Kalashnikova, O., Alpert, P. Aerosol optical thickness trends and population growth in the Indian subcontinent. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, No. 24, 9137-9149, 2011.


38.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Kalashnikova, O., Long, C., Alpert, P. Variations in meridional aerosol distribution and solar dimming. J. Geophys. Res., 114, D00D14, doi:10.1029/2008JD010975, 2009 (open access).


37.  J.Joseph, O. Yaron, E. Yaroslavich, P. Israelevich, I. Koren, Y. Yair, A. Devir, P. Kishcha Determination of most probable height of desert dust aerosol layer from space. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D20S93, doi:10.1029/2007JD009646, 2008 (open access).


36.  Alpert, P. and P. Kishcha Quantification of the effect of urbanization on solar dimming. Geophys. Res. Letters, 35, L08801, doi:10.1029/2007GL033012, 2008 (open access).


35.  Kishcha, P., Alpert, P., Shtivelman, A., Krichak, S., Joseph, J., Kallos, G., Spyrou, C., Gobbi, G.P., Barnaba, F., Nickovic, S., Perez, C., and J.M. Baldasano. Forecast errors in dust vertical distributions over Rome (Italy): Multiple particle size representation and cloud contributions. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D15205, doi:10.1029/2006JD007427, 2007 (open access).


34.  Kishcha, P., Alpert, P., Starobinets, B. Latitudinal variations of cloud and aerosol optical thickness trends based on MODIS satellite data. Geophys. Res. Letters, 34, L05810, doi:10.1029/2006GL028796, 2007 (open access).


33.  Alpert, P., Barkan, J. and P. Kishcha. A potential climatic index for total Saharan dust – the Sun insolation.  J. Geophysical Research, 111, D01103, doi:10.1029/2005JD006105, 2006 (open access).


32.  Alpert, P., Price, C., Krichak, S., Ziv, B., Saaroni, H., Osetinsky, I., Barkan, J., Kishcha, P. Mediterranean climate and some tropical teleconnections. Nuovo Cimento C, doi:10.1393/ncc/i2005-10225-y, v. 29, No. 1, 89-97, 2006.


31.  Alpert, P., Kishcha, P., Kaufman, Y. and Schwarzbard, R. Global dimming or local dimming? – Effect of urbanization on sunlight availability. Geophys. Res. Letters, 32, L17802, doi:10.1029/2005GL023320, 2005 (open access).


30.  Kishcha, P., Barnaba, F., Gobbi., P., Alpert, P., Shtivelman, A., Krichak, S.O., Joseph, J.H. Vertical distribution of Saharan dust over Rome: comparison between 3-year model predictions and lidar soundings. J. Geophysical Research, 110, D06208, doi:10.1029/2004JD005480, 2005 (open access).


29.  Barkan, J., Alpert, P., Kutiel, H., and Kishcha, P. The synoptics of dust transportation days from Africa toward Italy and Central Europe. J. Geophysical Research, 110, D07208, doi:10.1029/2004JD005222, 2005 (open access).


28.  Barkan, J., Kutiel, H., Alpert, P., Kishcha, P. Investigation of the synoptics of dust intrusion days from the African continent into the Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophysical Research 109, D08201, doi:10.1029/2003JD004416, 2004 (open access).


27.  Alpert, P., Kishcha, P., Shtivelman, A., Krichak, S.O., and Joseph, J.F. Vertical distribution of Saharan dust based on 2.5-year model predictions. Atmospheric Research, 70, 109-130, 2004. 


26.  Alpert, P., Price, C., Krichak, S.O., Ziv, B., Saaroni, H., Osetinsky, I., Barkan, J., and Kishcha, P. Tropical tele-connections to the Mediterranean climate and weather. Advances in Geosciences, 2, 1-4, 2004.


25.  Kishcha, P., Alpert, P., Barkan, J., Kirchner, I., and Machenhauer, B. Atmospheric response to Saharan dust deduced from ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) temperature increments. Tellus, 55B, 901-913, 2003 (open access).


24.  Krichak, S, Kishcha, P. and Alpert, P. Decadal trends of main Eurasian oscillation and the Mediterranean precipitation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, v. 72, p. 209-220, 2002.


23.  Kishcha P., Dmitrieva I.V., and Obridko V.N. Long-term variations of solar-geomagnetic correlation, total solar irradiance and the Earth’s temperature (1868-1997). Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 61, p. 799-808, 1999.


22.  Kishcha P. and Dmitrieva I. Decadal variations of time shift between indices of solar and geomagnetic activities. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 39, No. 2, p. 19-23, 1999.


21.  Kishcha P. and Dmitrieva I. Spatial structure and long-term variations of the ground-level temperature variance. Studia geophysica et geodaetica. Prague. v. 42, p. 511-520, 1998. 


20.  Kishcha P., Ivanov-Kholodny G.S. and Zhivolup T.G. A mid-latitude E-layer peak height model. Advances in Space Research, v.22, No. 6, p.767-770, 1998. 


19.  Kishcha P. Short-term prediction of ionospheric peak parameters and total electron content by the updated IRI model. Advances in Space Research, v. 20, No. 9, p. 1733-1740, 1997.


18.  Kishcha P. Indices and updating procedures for modelling of ionospheric disturbances. Advances in Space Research, v. 15, No. 1, p.55-64, 1995.


17. Kishcha P., Krasheninnikov I.V. and Lukashkin V.M. Latitudinal behavior of the regular noon absorption. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 35, No. 1, p. 89-97 (p. 66-72 in English issue of the journal), 1995.


16.  Shashunkina V.M., Kishcha P. and Goncharova E.E. Analytical model of variations of foF2 during substorm in the nighttime ionosphere. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 35, No. 1, p. 147-151 (p. 113-117 in English issue of the journal), 1995.


15.  Kishcha P. and Kochenova N.A. Model for the height of the ionosphere maximum in the main ionospheric trough zone. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 35, No. 6, p. 78-81 (p. 787-789 in English issue of the journal, 1996), 1995.


14.  Kishcha P. and Lukashkin V.M. Peculiarities of annual variations of the regular midnight absorption. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 34, No. 2, p. 84-90, 1994.


13.  Shashunkina V.M., Kishcha P. and Goncharova E.E. Operative estimations of the AE-index greater than 500 nT using current magnetic data of one auroral observatory. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 34, No. 1, p. 137-140, 1994.


12.  Besprozvannaya A.S., Kishcha P. et al. The distribution of the F2-layer's ionozation during the period of SUNDIAL intervals of March 16 – 20 and December 5 – 10, 1988, and  a comparison of it with an empirical model of the high-latitudes, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 33, N1, 20-28, 1993.


11.  Kishcha P., Shashunkina V.M. and Goncharova E.E. Updating the IRI ionospheric model for effects of substorms. Advances in Space Research, v. 13, No. 3, p. 67-70, 1993.


10.  Kishcha P., Krasheninnikov I.V. and Lukashkin V.M. Modelling of the multifrequency propagation of HF signals at the high latitudes. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 33, No.1, p. 131-134, 1993.


9.   Shashunkina V.M., Kishcha P., Goncharova E.E. Ionospheric effects of the substorms during the SUNDIAL periods and their modelling. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 33, No. 1, p. 47-50,

      (p. 69-74, in the Russian issue), 1993.


8.   Goncharova E.E., Kishcha P. and Shashunkina V.M. Modelling of the ionospheric effects of isolated and consecutive substorms according to current magnetic data. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,

      v. 32, No. 3, p. 456-459 in English issue of the journal, 1992.


7.   Zhulina E.M., Izraitel, A.G., Kishcha P., and Lukashkin V.M. Testing of models of regular and auroral absoption on shortwave radio links, v. 32, N5, 707-710, 1992.


6.   Zhulina E.M., Kishcha P., Osepyan A.N., and Vlaskov V.A. A model of the lower auroral ionosphere for calculating the propagation characteristics of radio waves, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,

      v. 31, N6, 831-833, 1991.


5.   Benkova N.P., Fligel M.D., Kishcha P. et al. Comparison of topside electron density profiles in the subauroral ionosphere with IRI and SMI-85 models. Advances in Space Research, v.10, No. 11,

      (11)79-(11)82, 1990.


4.   Zhulina E.M., Izraitel A.G., and Kishcha P. An analytic model of auroral absorption with different magnetic disturbances, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 30, N3, 441-442, 1990.


3.   Benkova N.P., Kishcha P., Kozlov E.F. et al. Profiles of the outer ionosphere and their model representation, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 30, N6, 800-802, 1990.


2.   Izraitel A.G., Lobachevskiy L.A., Zhulina E.M., and Kishcha P. A model of regular absorption in the lower ionosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 29, N1, 118-120, 1989.


1.   Zhulina E.N., Kishcha P., Bezprozvannaya A.S. The effect of perturbability on the characteristics of radiowave propagation at high latitudes. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, v. 29, N3, p. 453-455,





13.  Kishcha, P., Wang S.-H., Lin N.-H., da Silva A., Lin T.-H., Lin P.-H., Liu G.-R., Starobinets B., Alpert P. Differentiating between local and remote pollution over Taiwan: an approach based on pollution homogeneity analysis. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXVI, Chapter 44, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22055-6_44, 279-283, 2020.


12.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., and Alpert, P. Modelling of foehn-induced extreme local dust pollution in the Dead Sea valley. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXV, Chapter 68, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57645-9_68, 433 – 437, 2017.


11.  Kishcha, P., da Silva, A., Starobinets, B., and Alpert, P. Saharan dust as a causal factor of significant cloud cover along the Saharan Air Layer in the Atlantic Ocean. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXIV, Chapter 92, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24478-5_92, 569 – 573, 2016.


10.  Provençal, S., Kishcha, P., Elhacham, E., da Silva, A., and Alpert P., Estimates of AOD Trends (2002 – 2012) over the World’s Major Cities based on the MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis. NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation. NASA TM-2014-104606, 32, 38p, 2014.


9.  Kishcha, P. da Silva, A., Starobinets, B., and Alpert, P. Modeling of air pollution over the Ganges basin and north-west Bay of Bengal in the early post-monsoon season using the NASA GEOS-5 model. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXIII, Chapter 98, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04379-1, 593 – 598, 2014.


8.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Udisti, R., Becagli, S., di Sarra, A., Nickovic, S., and Alpert, P. Sea-salt aerosol forecasts over the Mediterranean Sea evaluated by daily measurements in Lampedusa from 2006 – 2010. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXII, Chapter 54, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-5577-2_54, 321-325, 2014.


7.  Carnevale, C., Finzi, G., Pisoni, E., Volta, M., Kishcha, P., Cursi, G., Alpert, P. Improved CTM boundary conditions using DREAM desert dust forecasts: A case study over the Po Valley. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXI. Chapter 99, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1359-8_51, 599 – 605, 2012.


6.  Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Bozzano, R., Pensieri, S., Canepa, E., Nickovic, S., di Sarra, A., Udisti, R., Becagli, S., Alpert, P. Sea-salt aerosol forecasts compared with wave height and sea-salt measurements in the open sea. In: Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications XXI. Chapter 51, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1359-8_51, 299 – 303, 2012.


5.  Kishcha, P., Nickovic, S., Luvchik, A., Janjic, Z., Perez, N., Viana, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Mamane, Y., Yossef, O., Alpert, P. Sea-salt aerosol forecasts over the Mediterranean Sea. In: D. Steyn and S. Rao (Eds), Air pollution modeling and its applications XX, Chapter 2.5, Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-90-481-3812-8, 133-137, 2010.


4.  Kishcha, P., Nickovic, S., Ganor, E., Kordova, L., Alpert, P. Saharan dust over the Eastern Mediterranean: Model sensitivity. In: Air pollution modelling and its applications XIX. Editors: C. Borego and A.I. Miranda. Chapter 4.2, Springer, ISSN: 1874-6519, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4020-8453-9_39, 358-366., 2008.


3.  Kishcha, P., P. Alpert, A. Shtivelman, S. Krichak, J. Joseph, G. Kallos, P. Katsafados, C. Spyrou, G.P. Gobbi, F. Barnaba, S Nickovic, C. Perez and J.M. Baldasano, Assessment of dust forecast errors by using  lidar measurements over Rome.  In: Air pollution modelling and its applications XVIII. Editors: C. Borego and E. Renner. Chapter 1.5, pp. 44-54, Elsevier, ISSN:1474-8177/DOI:10.1016/S1474-8177(07)06015-9, 2007.


2.  Alpert, P., Baldi, M., Ilani, R., Krichak, S., Price, C., Rodo, X., Saaroni. H., Ziv, B., Kishcha, P., Barkan, J. Relations between climate variability in the Mediterranean region and the tropics: ENSO, the Indian and the African monsoons, hurricanes and Saharan dust. Chapter 2 in the book "Mediterranean Climate Variability", Elsevier, 2006.


1.  Zjulina E.M., Kishcha P., Lukashkin V.M. and Shirochkov A.B, 1983. Additional power losses in high-latitudinal radio channels. Moscow. Nauka, 208 p., in Russian, 1983.





            American Geophysical Union (AGU)

            European Geophysical Union (EGU)

            Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

            International Society of Salt Lake Research (ISSLR)

            Israel Physical Society (IPS)

            Israel Meteorological Society (IMS)

            Israel Association of Aerosol Research (IAAR)


                                                                                                Name of Academic

Year                Name of Student       Title of Thesis                         Institution


2007 – 2009                Avi Luvchik    Modeling of sea-salt aerosols    Tel Aviv University

over the Mediterranean region     Porter School of Environmental

                                                   Studies (with Prof. P. Alpert)

2008 – 2011                Olga Shvainshtain       Space monitoring of aerosol      Tel Aviv University

trends over world megavities        Department of Geophysics

                                                   and Planetary Sciences

                                                    (with Prof. P. Alpert)