General information:
Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Reshef,
Time and place: Sunday, 10:00-12:00, Kaplun 205
Principles to Obtain Depth Structures from Geophysical time Surveys
Postack Migration
Geometry Migration
Finite DIfference Migration
Kirchhoff Migration
Stolt Migration
Prestack Migration
DMO dmo-psi
FFT Routine pfa.txt(fortran) D. Loewenthal,1976."The wave equation applied to migration", Geophysical Prospecting, V. 24, P.380-399. Forel and Gardner ,1988."A three-dimensional perspective on two-dimensional dip moveout",Geophysics, V. 53, P. 604-610. Stolt,1978."Migration by Fourier transform" Geophysics,V. 43, P. 23-48. Stoffa et al.,1990." Split-Step Fourier Migration " Geophysics, V.55, P. 410-421. Lower et al.,1981." Depth Migration of Imaged Time Section " Geophysics, V.46, P. 734-750. May and Covey, 1981." An Inverse Method for Computing Geologic structures From Seismic Reflections-Zero-Offset Case " Geophysics, V.46, P. 268-287. Whitcombe, D. N., 1994." Fast model building using demigration and single-step ray migration" Geophysics, V. 59, 439-449 Whitcombe, D. N. and Carroll, R. J., 1994." Application of map migration to 2-D migrated data" Geophysics,v. 59, 1121-1132. Baysal E. and Kosloff D., 1983." Reverse Time Migration " Geophysics, V. 48, P. 1514-1524. Kosloff D.and Baysal E., 1983." Migration with the Full Acoustic Wave Equation"" Geophysics, V. 48, P. 677-687. Kosloff D. and Reshef M., 1986." Migration of Common Shot Gather" Geophysics V.51, P. 324-331.