Lecturer: |
Prof. Moshe Reshef![]() Kaplun Building, Room 212 |
Teaching Assistant: |
Pavel Sinitsyn Kaplun Building, Room 602 Reception hours: Coordinate by pavelsin@post.tau.ac.il. |
Lectures Schedule: |
Sunday, 12:00 - 15:00 Tuesday, 12:00 - 13:00 |
Final Grade: |
25% - Homework 25% - Final Project 50% - Final Exam |
The course focuses on elementary and advanced numerical methods for scientific computing.
Main programming language is C.
Visualization will be done with gnuplot or Matlab.
Week # | Topics | Exercise |
1 | Root finding: bisection, newton-raphson, secant, synthetic division |
Exe1 - Basic Programming & Visualization (pdf) Data for exercise (zip) |
2 | Class programming exercise and root finding (cont.) | |
3 | Solving Linear Systems: gauss-Jordan, gauss elimination, LU decomposition, Crout algorithm, Cholesky decomposition, partial pivoting, Jacob iterative method, Gauss-Seidel, matrix inversion, bonded systems | Exe2 - Root finding (pdf) |
4 |
Cramer method Interpolation: linear, Vandermonde matrix, horner method, direct method, lagrange |
Exe3 - Linear equations (pdf) |
5 | Neville method, newton method, splines, cubic splines, natural spline | Exe4 - Basic interpolation (pdf) |
6 | Hermite interpolation | Exe5 - Advanced interpolation (pdf) |
7 |
B-spline Numerical integration: Trapezoid rule, simpson method, close/open interval integration |
Exe6 - Numerical integration (pdf) |
8 |
Richardson extrapolation / Romberg method, quadrature, gauss-quadrature, Newton-Cotes, Orthogonal polynomials: Legendre, lagrange etc. Numerical Derivatives: backward/forward/central difference |
9 |
Roundoff/truncation errors ODE: single/multi step methods in IVP, forward Euler method, implicit method, backward euler, global/local errors, runga-kutta |
10 |
predictor-corrector, leap-frog BVP: shooting |
Exe7 - Numerical derivatives and ODE (pdf) |
11 |
Collocation PDE: elliptic (laplace)/parabolic (heat/diffusion)/hyperbolic (waves) equations, boundary conditions: dirichlet/neuman, Courant condition/CFL |
Exe8 - High order ODE (pdf) |
12 | ||
13 | Final Project - Acoustic Waves and Heat/Diffusion equations (pdf) |
Programming exercises will be graded according to the following criterions.