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Bad Breath (halitosis) Research


Recent Articles Related to Oral Malodor or Oral Hygiene

Mel Rosenberg, Ph.D.

  1. M. Rosenberg, M. Barki and S. Portnoy
    A simple method for estimating oral microbial levels
    Journal of Microbiological Methods 9:253-256, 1989.
  2. M. Rosenberg
    Microbial films in the mouth: some ecologically-relevant observations, pp. 246- 251
    In: Microbial Mats: Ecological Physiology of Benthic Microbial Communities, Y. Cohen and E. Rosenberg (eds) ASM Publications, Washington, D.C., 1989.
  3. M. Rosenberg
    Bad breath: diagnosis and treatment
    University of Toronto Dental Journal 3:7-11, 1990.
  4. H. Cardash and M. Rosenberg
    An innovative method of monitoring denture hygiene
    Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 63:661-664, 1990.
  5. H. Tal and M. Rosenberg
    Estimation of dental plaque levels and gingival inflammation using a simple oral rinse technique
    Journal of Periodontology 61:339-342, 1990.
  6. S. Goldberg, Y. Konis and M. Rosenberg
    Effect of cetylpyridinium chloride on microbial adhesion to hexadecane
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology 56:1678-1682, 1990.
  7. S. Goldberg and M. Rosenberg
    Bacterial desorption by commercial mouthwashes vs two-phase oil:water formulations
    Biofouling 3:193-198, 1991.
  8. M. Rosenberg, I. Septon, I. Eli, R. Bar-Ness, I. Gelernter, S. Brenner and J. Gabbay
    Halitosis measurement by an industrial sulphide monitor
    Journal of Periodontology 62:487-489, 1991.
  9. M. Rosenberg
    Basic and applied aspects of microbial adhesion at the oil:water interface
    CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology 18:159-173, 1991.
  10. M. Rosenberg, K.V. Kulkarni, A. Bosy and C.A.G. McCulloch
    Reproducibility and sensitivity of oral malodor measurements with a portable sulphide monitor
    Journal of Dental Research 70:1436-1440, 1991.
  11. M. Rosenberg, I. Gelernter, M. Barki and R. Bar-Ness
    Daylong reduction of oral malodor by a two-phase oil:water mouthrinse, as compared to chlorhexidine and placebo rinses
    Journal of Periodontology 63:39-43, 1992.
  12. M. Rosenberg
    Halitosis - The need for further research and education
    Journal of Dental Research 71:424 (April), 1992.
  13. M. Rosenberg and C.A.G McCulloch
    Measurement of oral malodor: current methods and future prospects
    Journal of Periodontology 63:776-782, 1992.
  14. M. Rosenberg
    Foreword (Directions in Halitosis Research)
    Journal of Periodontology 9:767, 1992.
  15. M. Rosenberg
    Conference Report: The First International Workshop on Oral Malodor
    Journal of Dental Research 73:586-589, 1994.
  16. A. Bosy, G.V. Kulkarni, M. Rosenberg and C.A.G. McCulloch
    Relationship of oral malodour to periodontitis: Evidence of independence in discrete subpopulations.
    Journal of Periodontology 65:37-46, 1994.
  17. A. Kozlovsky, D. Gordon, I. Gelernter, W.J. Loesche and M. Rosenberg
    Correlation between the BANA test and oral malodor parameters.
    Journal of Dental Research 73:1036-1042, 1994.
  18. S. Goldberg, A. Kozlovsky, D. Gordon, I. Gelernter, A. Sintov and M. Rosenberg
    Cadaverine as a Putative Component of Oral Malodor.
    Journal of Dental Research 73:1168-1172, 1994.
  19. M. Rosenberg
    Diagnosis and treatment of oral malodors (in Hebrew)
    Harefua 128:513-516, 1995
  20. M. Rosenberg, A. Kozlovsky, I. Gelernter, O. Cherniak, J. Gabbay, R. Baht and I. Eli
    Self Estimation of Oral Malodor.
    Journal of Dental Research 74:1577-1582, 1995.
  21. L. Lin, M. Rosenberg, K.G. Taylor, and R.J. Doyle
    Kinetic analysis of ammonium sulfate dependent aggregation of bacteria.
    Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 5:127-124, 1995.
  22. M. Rosenberg
    Developments in diagnosis and treatment of bad breath
    Cosmetics & Toiletries 111:85-90, 1996.
  23. I. Eli, R. Baht, A. Kozlovsky and M. Rosenberg
    The complaint of oral malodor - possible psychopathologic aspects
    Psychosomatic Medicine 58:156-159, 1996.
  24. M. Rosenberg
    Clinical assessment of bad breath: current concepts
    Journal of the American Dental Association 127:475-482, 1996.
  25. A. Kozlovsky, S. Goldberg, I. Natour, A. Rogatky-Gat, I. Gelernter and M. Rosenberg
    Efficacy of a 2-phase oil:water mouthrinse in controlling mouth odor, gingivitis and plaque.
    Journal of Periodontology 67:577-582, 1996.
  26. M. Rosenberg, A. Kozlovsky, I. Gelernter, O. Cherniak, J. Gabbay, R. Baht and I. Eli.
    Self Estimation of Oral Malodor 1996.
  27. S. Goldberg, H. Cardash, H. Browning III, H. Sahly and M. Rosenberg
    Isolation of Enterobacteraceae from the mouth and potential association with    malodor.
    Journal of Dental Research 76:1770-1775, 1997.
  28. R. Bar-Ness Greenstein, S. Goldberg, S. Marku-Cohen, N. Sterer and M. Rosenberg
    Oral malodor reduction by oxidizing lozenges
    Journal of Periodontology  68:1176-1181, 1997.
  29. R. Bar-Ness Greenstein, M. Barki, S. Goldberg, and M. Rosenberg
    Hydrophobic interatctions and inhibition of microbial adhesion
    Nova Acta Leopoldina 75:143-152, 1997.
  30. R. Bar-Ness Greenstein and M. Rosenberg
    (German) Wirkstoffkombination mit oxidierenden Eigenschaften und
    Ascorbinsaure verhindert Mundgeruch am deutlichsten
    Die Zahnarzt Woche 30-31/98: 12-13, 1998.
  31. E. Amir, R. Shimonov and M. Rosenberg
    Halitosis in children
    Journal of Pediatrics 134:338-343,1999.
  32. M. Rosenberg, A. Kozlovsky, Y. Wind, E. Mindel
    Self-assessment of oral malodor 1 year following initial consultation
    Quintessence International 30:324-327, 1999.
  33. I. Eli, H. Koriat, R. Baht, M. Rosenberg
    Self-perception of breath odor: role of body image and psychopathologic traits.
    Perceptual and Motor Skills 91:1193-1201, 2000.
  34. I. Eli, R. Baht, H. Koriat, M. Rosenberg
    Self-Perception of Breath Odor
    Journal of the American Dental Association 132:621-626, 2001.
  35. Sterer N, R Bar-Ness Greenstein, M. Rosenberg
    beta-galactosidase activity in saliva is associated with oral malodor
    Journal of Dental Research 81:182-185, 2002
  36. Sterer N, Rosenberg M. Effect of deglycosylation of salivary glycoproteins on oral malodour production.
    International Dental Journal. 2002 Jun;52 Suppl 3:229-32.
  37. M. Rosenberg, G. Robinson, E. Amir
    Beating bad breath
    Pediatric Medicine (in press).
  38. M. Rosenberg
    The science of bad breath
    Scientific American 286 (4):58-65, 2002
  39. Wolff A, Herscovici D, Rosenberg M. A simple technique for the determination of salivary gland hypofunction. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics. 2002 Aug;94(2):175-8.
  40. Shifman A, Orenbuch S, Rosenberg M. Bad breath--a major disability according to the Talmud. Isr Med Assoc J. 2002 Oct;4(10):843-5.
  41. Rosenberg M. Bad breath: a brief update. Alpha Omegan. 2002 Oct;95(3):10-5.
  42. Leibovitz A, Plotnikov G, Habot B, Rosenberg M, Segal R. Pathogenic colonization of oral flora in frail elderly patients fed by nasogastric tube or percutaneous enterogastric tube. Journal of Gerontol, Series A - Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2003 Jan;58(1):52-5.
  43. Scully C, Rosenberg M. Halitosis. Dental Update. 2003 May;30(4):205-10.
  44. Leibovitz A, Plotnikov G, Habot B, Rosenberg M, Wolf A, Nagler R, Graf E, Segal R. Saliva secretion and oral flora in prolonged nasogastric tube-fed elderly patients. Israeli Medical Association Journal. 2003 May;5(5):329-32.
  45. Greenman J, Duffield J, Spencer P, Rosenberg M, Corry D, Saad S, Lenton P, Majerus G, Nachnani S, El-Maaytah M. Study on the organoleptic intensity scale for measuring oral malodor. Journal of Dental Research. 2004 Jan;83(1):81-5.
  46. Shuster A, Osherov N, Rosenberg M. Alcohol-mediated haemolysis in yeast. Yeast. 2004 Dec;21(16):1335-42.
  47. Levin L, Rosenberg M. Oral hygiene, caries status and bad breath among young Israeli recruits. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 2005 Jan;22(1):27-31, 85. (in Hebrew).
  48. Greenman J, El-Maaytah M, Duffield J, Spencer P, Rosenberg M, Corry D, Saad S, Lenton P, Majerus G, Nachnani S. Assessing the relationship between concentrations of malodor compounds and odor scores from judges. Journal of American Dental Association. 2005 Jun;136(6):749-57.
  49. Rosenberg M. Bad breath and periodontal disease: how related are they? Clinical Periodontology. 2006 Jan;33(1):29-30.