
To execute the game manager (server) extract the game manager package and from its root directory run the gamemanager.jar with the following arguments: <player1:port1> <player2:port2> <repetitions> <timelimit>
For example, the following "java -jar gamemanager.jar localhost:9147 localhost:9148 3 25" will connect to two localhost players, one on port 9147 and the other on port9148, will run the game three times and will enforce a limit of 25 seconds for each move.

To implement a playing agent use the player.jar library and implement a class (instead of the provided sample) that implements the FourInARow interface. To execute, run the main method of the class player.gamer.statemachine.sadna.SadnaGamer with arguments <port> <yourplayerclass>. For example, running the main method with the parameters "9147 sampleGamer.RandomFourInARow" will execute the sample random player on port 9147. 

Important: first run the two playing agents and only then run the game manager.
Mariano Schain,
Oct 28, 2011, 5:00 PM
Mariano Schain,
Oct 28, 2011, 5:00 PM
Mariano Schain,
Oct 28, 2011, 10:54 PM
Mariano Schain,
Oct 28, 2011, 11:01 PM
Mariano Schain,
Oct 28, 2011, 5:38 PM