1. Eppelbaum, L.V., 1985. Integration of geophysical methods: dialectical approach (in Russian). Trans. of the Republic Conference (Oil and Gas University, Baku, USSR), p.4.
2. Bashirov, A.E., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Mishne, L.R., 1987. Precising of Eotvos correction in air-craft gravimetric investigations using improved Kalman-Busy filtering model (in Russian). Trans. of the All-Union Conference of Young Scientists "Problems the Search and Prospecting of deep-seated oil-and-gas deposits". Baku, USSR, p.36.
3. Eppelbaum, L.V., Shakhnazaryan, L.A., Astakhova, S.I. and Rozhetsky, B.Yu., 1987. Investigation of geological structure of the Kyzylbulakh pyrite deposit using 3-D modeling of gravity and magnetic fields (in Russian). Trans. of the All-Union Conference "Means for Improving the Effectiveness of Geophysical Methods". Moscow, USSR, p.55.
4. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Mishne, L.R., 1987. Quantitative calculation of seasonal temperature variations in near-surface thermal prospecting (in Russian). Trans. of the All-Union Conference "Means for Improving the Effectiveness of Geophysical Methods". Moscow, USSR, p.54.
5. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Gasanova, E.Yu., 1990. Quantitative interpretation of anomalies in the long-wire method. Trans. of the Conference of Young Scientists on Problems of Geology and Geophysics (in Russian), Baku, USSR, p.28.
6. Khesin, B.E. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1991. Geophysical data interpreting system for conditions of rugged relief, variability of geological medium and inclined vector of magnetization. Trans of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting (Appendix), Akko, Israel, pp. 5-6.
7. Khesin, B.E., Alexeyev, V.V. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1992. New methods for rapid quantitative interpretation of geophysical anomalies by inclined profiles and arbitrary polarization. Trans. of XVII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Part 1, C146.
8. Eppelbaum, L., Khesin B., Ginzburg A. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 1992. Quantitative interpretation of magnetic anomalies and preliminary 3-D modeling of gravity and magnetic fields. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting. Ashqelon, Israel, p. 35.
9. Khesin, B.E., Alexeyev, V.V. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1992. 3-D modeling of gravity and magnetic fields as a final stage of application of effective interpretation system of geophysical data under difficult geological conditions. Trans. of 29th World Geological Congress. Symposium II - 22-2. Kyoto, Japan.
10. Khesin, B.E., Alexeyev, V.V. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1992. System of geophysical investigation for mountainous and other almost inaccessible regions. Trans. of the Conference of the Soc. of Exploration Geophysics, Moscow, Russia, pp.378-379.
11. Alexeyev, V.V., Khesin, B.E. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1993. System of 3-D modeling of gravity and magnetic fields for complicated geological media. Trans. of VII Conference of the Europ. Geoph. Union, Strasbourg, France, C1, p.145.
12. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1993. Comparison of thermodynamic conditions between the Salton Trough region (USA) and region of the Dead Sea Rift. Trans. of VII Conference of the EUG, Strasbourg, France. C1, p. 174.
13. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 1993. Determination of lower edges of magnetized bodies by geothermal data. Trans. of VII Conference of the EUG, Strasbourg, France. C1, p. 164.
14. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1994. Los Angeles basin and southern part of the Dead Sea basin: comparative analysis and possible character of origin. Trans. of the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, San Bernardino, USA, 26, No.2, p.81.
15. Khesin, B.E., Alexeyev, V.V. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1994. Advanced procedures for magnetic anomalies interpretation in the middle and low latitudes and some results of its application. Trans. of the Conference of the Soc. of Explor. Geophys., Cairo, Egypt, pp.105-106.
16. Khesin, B.E., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Alexeyev, V.V., 1994. System of geophysical investigation in complicated situations. Conference of the Soc. of Explor. Geophys., Cairo, Egypt, pp.143-144.
17. Khesin, B.E. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1994. Construction of integrated physico-geological model of a medium as necessary condition for successive deep drilling. Conference of the Soc. of Explor. Geoph., Cairo, Egypt, pp. 160-161.
18. Eppelbaum, V.M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1994. Multi-criterion estimation of geological prospecting effectiveness. Trans. of the Conference of Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Ginossar, Israel, p.114.
19. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 1994. New map of Moho discontinuity of Israel. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting. Ginossar, Israel, p. 23.
20. Eppelbaum, L.V., Modelevsky, M.M. and Pilchin, A.N., 1995. New thermal investigation in the Dead Sea Rift zone. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting. Zikharon Yakov, Israel, p. 26.
21. Eppelbaum, L.V., Itkis, S.E. and Khesin, B.E., 1995. Modern interpretation and 3-D modeling of magnetic field by archaeological investigation. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting. Zikharon Yakov, Israel, p. 25.
22. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Khesin, B.E., 1995. VLF-method: a new interpretation scheme and feasibility of its application in Israel. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting. Zikharon Yakov, Israel, p. 24.
23. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Mishne, A.R., 1995. High-precision magnetic survey: elimination of secondary time variations. Trans. of the Conference of the Geological Society of America. Rocky Mountain, USA, 27, No.4, p.10.
24. Eppelbaum, V.M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1995. Advanced approach to formalization and controlling of geological prospecting. Trans. of the Conference of the Geological Society of America. Rocky Mountain, USA, 27, No.4.
25. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum. L.V., 1995. Canada and Israel: geothermal regime investigation in regions of platform and shield jointing. Trans. of the GAC-MAC Annual Meeting, Victoria, Canada.
26. Itkis, S., Eppelbaum, L., Khesin, B., Hartel, M. and Avner, U., 1995. Magnetic investigations of archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of Second International Symposium on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 9.
27. Eppelbaum, L.V., 1996. Combined interpretation of gravity and magnetic fields over the Rosh-Ha'Ayin structure, Israel. Trans. of the Conference of the Geological Society of America, North-Central section, Iowa, USA, 28, No.6, p.38.
28. Khesin, B.E., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Alexeyev, V.V., 1996. Effective interpretation system for solving applied geophysical problems in complex environments. Trans. of 30th World Geological Congress. Beijing, China, 3, 120, 13-4-13.
29. Itkis, S.E. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1996. First results of magnetic prospecting application at Prehistoric sites of Israel. Trans. of the Conference of the Prehistoric Society. Tel Aviv, Israel, p.3.
30. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Itkis, S.E., 1997. Magnetic prospecting as effective mean of studying archaeological sites of Israel. Colloque D'Archeometrie, Rennes, France, p.19.
31. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Itkis, S.E., 1997. Modern interpretation of magnetic data in archaeological sites of Israel. Trans. of IX General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Strasbourg, France, 34/4P01, p.314.
32. Alperovich, L.S., Neishtadt, N.M., Berkovitch, A.L. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1997. Tomography approach and interpretation of the piezoeletric data. Trans. of IX General Assembly of European Geophysical Society. Strasbourg, France, 59/4P02, p.546.
33. Livshits, Yu., Ben-Avraham, Z., Eppelbaum, L. and Flexer, A., 1997. Ring structures and the Dead Sea Rift Zone. Trans. of the Conference of Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Beit Gilyad, Israel, p.68.
34. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 1997. Detailed interpretation of magnetic anomalies in Lake Kinneret. Trans. of the Conference of Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Beit Gilyad, Israel, p. 17.
35. Finkelstein, M. and Eppelbaum, L., 1997. Classification of the disturbing objects using interpretation of low-intensive temporary magnetic variations. Trans. of the Conference of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, 29, No.6, p.326.
36. Eppelbaum, L., Livshits, Yu., Flexer, A. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 1998. Integrated geological-geophysical analysis of Ring Structures phenomenon in the Eastern Mediterranean. Trans. of the Conference of Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel, p.25.
37. Finkelstein, M. and Eppelbaum, L., 1998. A new laser magnetic field detector and its application in geophysics. Trans. of the Conference of Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel, p.30.
38. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 1998. Western Caspian Fault Zone (Azerbaijan) and Dead Sea Basin Zone (Israel): comparison of some physical-geological characteristics. Trans. of III Intern. Symp. of Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus, p.20.
39. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1998. Tectonic evolution of Cyprus area during the Mesozoic period. Trans. of III Intern. Symp. of Eastern Medititerranean, Cyprus, p.55.
40. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Finkelstein, M.I., 1998. Radon emanation, magnetic and VLF temporary variations: removing components not associated with dynamic processes. Proceed. of XXVI General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (Tel Aviv, Aug 1998).
41. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 1998. Some peculiarities of ocean crust activity in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. Trans. of the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Sect: Deep Crustal Processes, 30, No.7, p.A259.
42. Katz, Y.I. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1998. Larson's Mid-Cretaceous Superplume Effect and a new look to Israeli territory as perspective to kimberlite pipes discovering. Trans. of the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America , Sect: Planetary Geology, 30, No.7, p.A352.
43. Eppelbaum, L.V., 1998. Application of the developed non-conventional geophysical system in Israel. Trans. of the Conf. "Geological Problems of Israel", Jerusalem, 27 Oct, pp.30-31.
44. Kutasov, I.M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1998. Evaluation of permeability and porosity of formations by the interference testing method with variable flow rates. Trans of the Conf. "Geological Problems of Israel", Jerusalem, 27 Oct, pp.41-42.
45. Finkelstein, M., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Price, C., 1998. Investigation of radon and magnetic field variations as precursors of dangerous environmental processes. Trans. of the Conf. "Geological Problems of Israel", Jerusalem, 27 Oct, p.32.
46. Itkis, S., Eppelbaum, L. and Gopher, A., 1998. Detailed magnetic investigation of the area in vicinity of the Nahal Zehora site. Trans. of the Conference of the Prehistoric Society of Israel, Be'er-Sheva, Israel, p.12.
47. Katz, Y. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1999. Preliminary results of basin mapping of the Lower Cretaceous traps in northern Israel. Trans. of the Conference of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meeting, Dead Sea, Israel, 40.
48. Aleinikov, A., Belikov, V.T. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1999. Rock destruction effect: a novel physical-mathematical approach. Trans. of the EUG Conf., Hague, 4, No. 1, p.10.
49. Eppelbaum, L.V., 1999. Quantitative interpretation of resistivity anomalies using advanced methods developed in magnetic prospecting. Trans. of XXIV General Assembly of the European Geoph. Society, Strasbourg, France, p.166.
50. Ben-Avraham, Z., Ginzburg, A. and Eppelbaum, L., 1999. Investigation of the Eastern Mediterranean deep structure. Trans. of Intern. Conf., Haifa, Israel.
51. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Finkelstein, M.I., 1999. Revealing Temporary Magnetic variations associated with geodynamic processes at depth using difference measurements. Trans. of the IUGG JSP23 Symp., Australia.
53. Katz, Y.I. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 1999. Levantine phase of tectonic-thermal activity in the Eastern Mediterranean. Trans. of the Annual Meeting of Geological Society of America, Section: Planetary Geology, 31, No.7, p.A119.
54. Eppelbaum, L., Ben-Avraham, Z., and Mishne, A., 2000. Remote pilot vehicle survey and modern geophysical data interpretation. Trans. of the Annual Meet. of Israel Geological Society, Ma'alot, Israel, p.36.
55. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Itkis, S.E., 2000. Detailed magnetic investigations at Roman archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of the XXV Europ. Geoph. Society Meeting, Nice, France, 1, SE31.
56. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Kardashov, V.R., 2000. Recognition of characteristics of non-linear thermal sources using transition waves. Trans. of the XXV Europ. Geoph. Society Meeting, Nice, France, 2, NP2-06.
57. Livshits, Yu. Ya. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2000. Ring structures phenomenon in Israel and Sinai. Trans. of the Ann. EGS Meet., Nice, France, Vol. 2, SE9-03.
58. Eppelbaum, L. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2000. Sea of Galilee (Israel): comprehensive analysis of magnetic anomalies. Trans. of the 1st S. Mueller Conf. of the EGS, Dead Sea, Israel, p.31.
59. Itkis, S.E. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2000. Magnetic investigations at archaeological sites in Israel: Eight years activity in the region. Trans. of the Tallinn-2000 Intern. Geoph. Confer., Tallinn, Estonia.
60. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Itkis, S.E., 2001. Integrated geophysical investigations at Roman archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of the XXVI EGS Meet., Nice, France, GRA3, p. 1509.
61. Eppelbaum, L.V., Vaksman, V.L., Klepatch, C.A., Eppelbaum, V.M. and Itkis, S.E., 2001. Optimization of detailed searching intrusive objects in Israel using informational approach. Trans. of the Annual Europ. Geoph. Society Meet., Nice, France, GRA3, p. 1454.
62. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Khesin, B.E., 2001. Some common aspects of magnetic, induced polarization and self-potential anomalies interpretation: Implication for ore target localization. Trans. of the 4th Intern. Symp. on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey.
63. Eppelbaum, L. Ben-Avraham, Z., Itkis, S. and Kouznetsov, S., 2001. Self-potential method of geophysical prospecting as additional tool for localizing buried archaeological remains in Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society. Annual Meet., Eilat, Israel, p.30.
64. Eppelbaum, L., Ben-Avraham, Z., Itkis, S. and Kouznetsov, S., 2001. First results of self-potential method application at archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of the EUG XI Intern. Symp., Strasbourg, France, p.657.
65. Itkis, S.E., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Petrov, A.V., 2001. Integrated analysis of weak magnetic anomalies at archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of the Colloque D'Archeometrie, Lya-Roshel, France, p.73.
66. Kutasov I.M. and Eppelbaum L.V., 2001. Prediction of formation temperatures in permafrost regions from temperature logs in deep wells: A new approach. Trans. of the Conf. Heat Flow and the Structure of the Lithosphere, Kostelec, Czech Republic.
67. Eppelbaum, L.V., Vaksman, V.L., Klepatch, C.A., Kouznetsov, S.V., Surkov, A.V., Smirnov, S.A., Bezlepkin B.A. and Itkis S.E., 2002. May diamondiferous associations occur in the central Negev (Israel)? Trans. of the XXVII EGS Meet., Nice, France, A-02349, p.111.
68. Eppelbaum, L. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2002. Lake Kinneret area: cooperative analysis of different physical and environmental parameters. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., MaHagan - Lake Kinneret, Israel, pp.22-23.
69. Eppelbaum, L. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2002. On the development of 4D geophysical Data Base of archaeological sites in Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., MaHagan - Lake Kinneret, Israel, p.21.
70. Finkelstein, M., Eppelbaum, L., Starobinets, B. and Price, C., 2002. Comparative analysis of radon gas monitoring in southern and central Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., MaHagan - Lake Kinneret, Israel, p.30.
71. Eppelbaum, L.V., Vaksman, V.L., Klepatch, C.A., Modin, I., Kouznetsov, S.V., Surkov, A.V. Smirnov, S.A., Korotaeva, N.N., Sazonova, L., Bezlepkin, B.A. and Shemesh, M., 2002. Results of preliminary searching of diamondiferous association in the Makhtesh Ramon area, Negev desert (southern Israel). Trans of the Israeli Mining-2002 Conference , p.3.
72. Eppelbaum, L.V., Vaksman, V.L., Klepatch, C.A., Modin, I., Kouznetsov, S.V., Surkov, A.V. Smirnov, S.A., Korotaeva, N.N., Sazonova, L., Bezlepkin, B.A. and Shemesh, M., 2002. Results of preliminary searching of diamondiferous association in the Makhtesh Ramon area, Negev desert (southern Israel). Trans of the Israeli Mining-2002 Conference, p. 3 (full text of paper is presented in attached CD).
73. Katz, Y. and Eppelbaum, L., 2003. Some Eastern Mediterranean volcanic-tectonic ring domes as promising diamond-bearing structures. Trans. of the XXVIII Europ. Geoph. Society Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 03250, Nice, France, 2 pp.
74. Eppelbaum, L., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Katz, Y., 2003. Integrated analysis of magnetic, paleomagnetic and radiometric data in the Lake Kinneret area (northern Israel). Trans. of the XXVIII Europ. Geoph. Society Meet., Nice, France, 2 pp.
75. Eppelbaum, L., Kouznetsov, S., Sazonova, L., Korotaeva, N., Surkov, A., Smirnov, S., Vaksman, V., Klepatch, C. and Itkis S., 2003. Results of integrated geological-geophysical investigations in Makhtesh Ramon (Israel) aimed to revealing diamondiferous associations. Trans. of the XXVIII Europ. Geoph. Society Meet., Nice, France, VGP29, 2 pp.
76. Eppelbaum, L., Ben-Avraham, Z., Katz, Y. and Marco, S. 2003. Geological-geophysical analysis of Neogene-Quaternary basalt associations in the Lake Kinneret area. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Socitey Annual Meet., Dead Sea, Israel, p.28.
77. Eppelbaum, L., Yakubov, Y. and Applebaum, M., 2003. Development of multimodel approach of geophysical data interpretation at archaeological objects. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., Dead Sea, Israel, p.27.
78. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Itkis, S.E., 2003. Geophysical examination of the Christian archaeological site Emmaus-Nicopolis (central Israel). Trans. of the XIX CIPA Conf. New Perspectives to Save the Cultural Heritage, Antalya, Turkey.
79. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2003. Advanced analysis of potential and quasi-potential fields as rapid and reliable mean for localization of karst terranes. Trans. of the IX Multidisciplinary Conf. on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, Alabama, USA.
80. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Yakubov, Ya.S., 2004. Multimodel approach to processing and interpretation of potential geophysical fields at archaeological objects. Trans. of the 1st Europ. Union Geoph. Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Nice, France, Vol. VI, No. 00137, 2 pp.
81. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 2004. Signs of ancient development and ultrahigh pressure conditions in passive continental margin region (on example of Israel). Trans. of Annual USA-Canada Conf. on Geology and Mineralogy, St. Catharines, Canada, GS-15, p.424.
82. Eppelbaum, L.V., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Pilchin, A.N., 2004. Development of a first Curie discontinuity map of Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Ann. Meet., Kibbutz Hagoshrim, Israel, p.22
83. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 2004. Newly developed maps of Moho and Curie discontinuities for Levant as a basis for innovative models of the Earth's crust on Cyprus and in southern Israel. Trans. of Special Session of the 2004 CGU/AGU/SEG Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, GP21A-01.
84. Berkovitch, A., Eppelbaum, L., Scharff, N. and Guberman, E., 2004. Integration of advanced seismic multifocusing technology with potential field analysis. Trans. of the 66th EAGE Conference, Paris, France, P304.
85. Berkovich, A.L. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2004. On applicability of advance seismic processing to GPR data analysis. Trans. of the 32th Intern. Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 131-11.
86. Eppelbaum, L.V., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Pilchin, A.N., 2004. New maps of Moho and Curie discontinuities for Eastern Mediterranean. Trans. of the 32th Intern. Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 163-11.
87. Eppelbaum, L., Kouznetsov, S., Sazonova, L., Korotaeva, N., Smirnov, S., Vaksman, V., Klepatch, C. and Surkov, A., 2004. Does Makhtesh Ramon structure (southern Israel) contain commercial diamondiferous associations? Trans. of the 32th Intern. Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 106-37.
88. Tzivion, S. and Eppelbaum, L., 2004. Water production using air cooling under the conditions of some coastal egions of world. Trans. of the IInd Intern. Scient. Conference organized by the World Congress of Georgian Jews, Bat-Yam, Israel, pp.39-40.
89. Berkovitch, A., Binkin, I., Eppelbaum, L., Scharff, N. and Guberman, E., 2004. Combined Multifocusing and potential field analysis as a powerful tool for structural-stratigraphic analysis of complex geological sections. Trans. of the 17th Israeli Mining Conference, Eilat, Israel.
90. Eppelbaum, L., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Katz, Y., 2005. Does mantle diapir produce Hebron magnetic anomaly? Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., Moshabim Country Logging (Negev), Israel, p.26.
91. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 2005. A quick subsidence of a crustal block in SW Aegean Sea as a possible cause of the end of ancient civilization in 17th century BC. Trans. of the 32th Intern. Conf. "Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land", Milos Island, Greece.
92. Kutasov, I.M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2005. Evaluation of the accuracy of the generalized Horner method. Proceed. of the ASPG and EAGE Meet., Baku, Azerbaijan.
93. Eppelbaum, L., Katz, Y. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2006. Mt. Carmel structure as a plate tectonics phenomenon. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., Beit-Shean, Israel, p.31.
94. Eppelbaum, L.V., Khesin, B.E. and Itkis, S.E., 2006. Modern geophysical methodologies as reliable tool for reducing risk of archaeological heritage destruction. Trans. of the Intern. Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Geophysics, Sea of Galilee, Israel, p.35.
95. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Kutasov, I.M., 2006. Determinations of formation temperatures from temperature logs in deep boreholes: comparison of three methods. Trans. of the 6th International Workshop Heat Flow and the Lithosphere Structure, Bykov, Czech Republic, p.33.
96. Kutasov, I.M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2006. Temperature well testing - utilization of the Slider's method. Trans. of the 6th International Workshop Heat Flow and the Lithosphere Structure, Bykov, Czech Republic, p.62.
97. Einav, S., Eppelbaum, L. and Kardashov, V., 2006. Structural control of transient waves in strongly nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. Trans. of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain, pp.151-152.
98. Katz, Y., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Eppelbaum, L., 2007. Early Mesozoic Facial Distribution and Tectonic-Geophysical Setting in Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., Neve Zohar, Dead Sea, Israel, p.59.
99. Katz, Y., Eppelbaum, L., and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2007. Tectonic setting in Israel derived from examination of facial distribution and magnetic-thermal data analysis. Trans. of the 4th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, EGU2007-A-04138, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
100. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 2007. Tectonic activity and processes preceding the formation of the Dead Sea Fault Zone. Trans. of the Amer. Geoph. Union Conf., San-Francisco, USA, T43A-1087.
101. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2008. Iron Content of Magmatic Rocks as a Marker of Mantle Heterogeneity. Trans. of the 33rd Intern. Geological Conf., Oslo, Norway, EID05421P.
102. Pilchin, A.N. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2008. Some Causes of Initial Mantle Heterogeneity. Trans. of the 33rd Intern. Geological Conf., Oslo, Norway, EID05422P.
103. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2008. Near-surface geophysical monitoring: From the past to future. Trans. of the 5th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-05469, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
104. Eppelbaum, L.V., Ezersky M.G. and Al-Zoubi A.S., 2008. Estimation of the dissolution karst volume based on 3D microgravity modeling in the Dead Sea sinkhole hazards problem. Trans. of the 5th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-10717, Vienna, Austria, 4 pp.
105. Kardashov V.R. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2008. Mathematical Models of Strongly Nonlinear Geophysical Phenomena. Trans. of the 5th Europ. Conf. of Mathematicians, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2 pp.
106. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Soldovieri, F., 2008. Preface: Geophysical monitoring of near-surface by electromagnetic and other methods. Special Issue of Advances of Geosciences, 19, 1.
107. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2009. Archaeological geophysics in Israel: past, present and future. Trans. of the 5th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-1760, Vienna, Austria, 7 pp.
108. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Ezersky, M., 2009. Microgravity as a new tool for examination of archaeological sites in Israel: Results of 3-D gravity field examination on models and vertical derivative computation. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geological Society Annual Meet., Metula, Israel, p. 41.
109. Dayan, A., Finkelstein, M., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Starobinets, B., 2009. Radon Concentration and Convection Within and Around Deep Underground Tunnels. Trans. of the Environmental Conference, Technion, Haifa, Israel.
110. Kardashov V.R. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2009. Structural control of transient waves in strongly nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. Trans. of the XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2 pp.
111. Eppelbaum, L.V., Masini, N. and Soldovieri, F., 2010. Preface: Near surface geophysics for the study and the management of historical resources: past, present and future. Special Issue of Advances of Geosciences, 24, 1.
112. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2010. Methodology of Detailed Geophysical Examination of the Areas of World Recognized Religious and Cultural Artifacts. Trans. of the 6th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-5859, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
113. Eppelbaum, L.V., Masini, N. and Soldovieri, F., 2010. Preface: Special issue on near surface geophysics for the study and the management of historical resources. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 7, 1.
114. Ezersky, M., Eppelbaum, L., Al-Zoubi, A. and Medvedev, B., 2010. Geophysical prediction and following analysis of the Dead Sea sinkhole development through the Ein Gedi - Arugot area. Trans. of the XXXV EGS Meet., Zurich, Switzerland, 4 pp.
115. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2010. An advanced methodology for Remote Operation Vehicle magnetic survey to delineate buried targets. Trans. of the 20th General Meeting of the Intern. Mineralogical Association, CH30G: Archaeometry (general session): Composition, technology and provenance of archaeological artifacts, Budapest, Hungary, p.103.
116. Eppelbaum, L.V., Alperovich, L.S. and Zheludev, V., 2011. Informational and wavelet methodologies for combined analysis of geophysical data within the ISTIMES project. Trans. of the 7th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-1742, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
117. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2011. Interpretation of magnetic anomalies produced by archaeological "quasi thick bed bodies" under oblique magnetization and terrain rugged relief. Trans. of the 7th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-2125, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
118. Levi, E., Ezersky, M. and Eppelbaum, L., 2011. TEM study of the salt layer at the Shalem-2 sinkhole development site, Dead Sea. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geol. Soc. Ann. Meet., Mizpe Ramon, Israel (this paper received a second prize of the Geological Society of Israel for posters).
119. Ezersky, M., Frumkin A., Keydar, S., Eppelbaum, L., Levi, E. and Medvediev, B., 2011. The Dead Sea hazard: geophysical assessment of salt sinkholes hazard in Israel. Trans. of the Conf. of the Israel Geol. Soc. Ann. Meet., Mizpe Ramon, Israel.
120. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Pilchin, A.N., 2011. At the Beginning of the Formation of Terrestrial Planets and Moons of the Solar System. Trans. of the AGU Fall Meet., Session: Planetary and Meteorite Magnetism, , San Francisco, CA, USA, GP21B-0991.
121. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2012. Optimization of archaeogeophysical investigations in complex environments on example of advanced magnetic data analysis. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1382, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
122. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2012. Geophysical Studies in the Caucasus (1925 - 2012): Initial, Basic and Modern Stages. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1341, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
123. Eppelbaum, L.V., Alperovich, L.S., Zheludev, V., Ezersky, M., Al-Zoubi, A. and Levi, E., 2012. Integration of potential and quasipotential geophysical fields and GPR data for delineation of buried karst terranes in complex environments. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-3418, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
124.Ezersky, M., Al-Zoubi, A., Eppelbaum, L., Keydar, S., Akkawi, E., Medvedev, B., Levi, E. and Legchenko, A., 2012. Mechanism of sinkhole formation along the Dead Sea shores - geophysical evidences. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1450, Vienna, Austria.
125. Alperovich, L., Eppelbaum, L., Zheludev, V., Dumoulin, J., Soldovieri, F., Proto, M., Bavusi, M. and Loperte, A., 2012. A new combined wavelet methodology applied to GPR and ERT data in the Montagnole experiment (French Alps). Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-6338, Vienna, Austria, 3 pp.
126. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2012. Combined Magnetic-VLF Remote Operated Vehicle Multi-Altitude Observations: A Powerful Tool for the Transport Infrastructures Geophysical Monitoring. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-7905, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
127. Al-Zoubi, A., Akkawwi, A., Abueadas, A., Eppelbaum, L., Keydar, S., Medvedev, B., Levi, E. and Ezersky, M., 2012. Integrated Geophysical Tools for Sinkholes Study along the Dead Sea Shoreline. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1980, Vienna, Austria.
128. Al-Zoubi, A., Abueadas, A., Akkawwi, A., Eppelbaum, L., Levi, E. and Ezersky, M., 2012. Use of Microgravity Survey in the Dead Sea Areas Affected by the Sinkholes Hazard. Trans. of the 8th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1982, Vienna, Austria.
129. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2012. Quantitative analysis of magnetic anomalies in the Eastern Mediterranean: A review. Trans. of the SAGEEP-2012 Meet., No. 197, Denver, USA.
130. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2013. Interpretation of magnetic anomalies due to archaeological targets designated as "quasi thick bed bodies" in complex physical-geological environments. Trans. of the SAGEEP-2013 Meet., 26, Denver, USA.
131. Chelidze, T. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2013. Comparative analysis of geodynamic activity of the Caucasian and Eastern Mediterranean segments of the Alpine-Himalayan convergence zone. Trans. of the 9th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-8733, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
132. Alperovich, L., Averbuch, A., Eppelbaum, L. and Zheludev, V., 2013. Delineation of karst terranes in complex environments: Application of modern developments in the wavelet theory and data mining. Trans. of the 9th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-11063, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
133. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2013. ROV advanced magnetic survey for revealing archaeological targets and estimating medium magnetization. Trans. of the 9th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-5913, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
134. Klokocnik, J., Kalvoda, J., Kostelecki, J., Bezdek, A. and Eppelbaum, L., 2013. Gravity Disturbances, the Marussi Tensor, Invariants and Other Functions of the Geopotential as Represented by the Global Gravity Field Model EGM 2008 and Suggestions for Geo-applications. Trans. of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.
135. Finkelstein, M. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2015. Classification of Archaeological Targets by the Use of Temporary Magnetic Variations Examination. Trans. of the 11th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-6504, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
136. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Meirova, T., 2015. Potential Geophysical Field Transformations and Combined 3D Modelling for Estimation the Seismic Site Effects on Example of Israel. Trans. of the 11th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-11324, Vienna, Austria, 2 pp.
137. Mukhin, P., Eppelbaum, L., Wirth, R. and Dobrzhinetskaya, L., 2015. First find of 4H SiC polytype in situ in volcanic rocks of northern Israel. Invited Report. Trans. of the Goldschmidt Conference, (European Assoc. of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society), Prague, Vol. 25.
138. Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Mukhin, P., Eppelbaum, L., Wirth, R., Wang, Q. and Zhao, W., 2016. Moissanite (SiC) with metals and silicides inclusions (Israel) for primary source. Trans. of the Goldschmidt Conference, Yokagama, Japan, Vol. 26.
139. Golubkov, G.V., Manzhelii, M.I., Berlin, A.A., Lushnikov, A.A. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2016. Influence of D and E atmospheric layers on the propagation of radio waves and satellite signals. Trans. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, Atlanta, USA.
140. Golubkov, G.V., Manzhelii, M.I., Berlin, A.A., Lushnikov, A.A. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2017. Radio-Chemical Physics of the Earth’s Atmosphere. Trans. of the 38 Intern. Symp. on Progress in Electromagnetic Research. St.-Petersburg, Russia.
141. Golubkov, G.V., Manzhelii, M.I., Berlin, A.A., Lushnikov, A.A. and Eppelbaum, L.V., 2017. The Problems of Remote Sensing of Earth Surface. Trans. of the 38 Intern. Symp. on Progress in Electromagnetic Research. St.-Petersburg, Russia.
142. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Y.I., 2017. Advanced Paleomagnetic Mapping Unmasks Tectonic Pattern of the Easternmost Mediterranean. Trans. of AAPG Europ. Reg. Conf. ''Hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean: Revisiting Mature Plays and Understanding New and Emerging Ideas", Larnaca, Cyprus.
143. Eppelbaum, L.V., Golubkov, G.V., Manzhelii, M.I., Berlin, A.A. and Lushnikov, A.A., 2017. Distortion of the 4.0-6.0 GHz range radio signal in the E and D atmospheric layers. Proceed. of the World Congress on Marine Sciences. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
144. Arsen'yev, S., Eppelbaum, L.V. and Ermakova, N., 2018. Interannual variability of tornado: From modeling to prognosis. Trans. of the Intern. Obukhov Conf. "Turbulence, Atmosphere and Climate Dynamics". Fizmatkniga, Moscow, Russia, 39.
145. Eppelbaum, L.V., Katz, Y. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2019. New data of the geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean. AAPG Conference "Exploration and Development of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Reservoirs in the Eastern Mediterranean". Tel Aviv, Israel, 1-2.
146. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2019. System of potential geophysical field analysis in complex environments and some results of its application (Christiaan Huygens Medal Lecture). Trans. of the 14th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2018-1775, Vienna, Austria.
147. Eppelbaum, L., Golubkov, G., Chakrabarti, S.K., Dmitriyev, A.V., Dyakov, Y.A., Karpov, I.V., Manzhelii, M., Nabiyev, S.S., Golubkov, M. and Sasmal, S., 2019. Plasma Parameter Determination in D and E layers of ionosphere using data of far IR radiation spectrum. Trans. of 4th COSPAR Symp., Herzliya, Israel.
148. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2020. Tectono-paleomagnetic mapping of transition ones from ocean to continent (on example of the Eastern Mediterranean). Trans. of the 15th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 22, EGU2020-2049, Vienna, Austria.
149. Dmitriev, A., Tsai, L.-C., Golubkov, G., Manzhelii, M., Adamson, S., Bychkov, V., Dyakov, Y. and Eppelbaum, L., 2020. Scintillations of L-band radio signals at the altitudes of 80-110 km. Trans. of the 43rd COSPAR Scient. Assembly, Sydney, Australia.
150. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2021. Integrated geological-geophysical study of the junction zone of Eurasia and Gondwana. Trans. of the 16th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 23, EGU21-3021, Vienna, Austria.
151. Eppelbaum, L.V., Yaniv, A., Salomonski, N., Ginzburg, B., Sheinker, A. and Katz, Yu.I., 2021. Quantitative multilevel analysis of Hebron magnetic anomaly (Israel). Trans. of the IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, Session D1, Hyderabad, India.
152. Arsen'yev, S.A. and >B>Eppelbaum, L.V., 2021. On the flooding of the coastal plain by a turbulent tsunami. Trans. of the All-Russian Scient. Confer. "Tsunami waves: Monitoring, modeling and forecast". Moscow State University. Moscow.
153. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2022. Geodynamic-paleomagnetic mapping of the heterogeneous geological structure of the junction zone of the Mesozoic Terrane Belt and the Dead Sea Transform. Trans. of the 17th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 24, EGU22-1919, Vienna, Austria.
154. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2022. Geodynamic-paleomagnetic mapping of the heterogeneous geological structure of the junction zone of the Mesozoic Terrane Belt and the Dead Sea Transform. Trans. of the 17th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 24, EGU22-1919, Vienna, Austria.
155. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2022. Influence of a giant quasi-ring mantle structure under the Eastern Mediterranean on the near-surface geodynamics. Trans. of the World Congress on Geology and Earth Science (GeoEarth-2022), Barcelona, Spain, p. 66.
156. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2023. Combined paleomagnetic, paleogeographic, and event stratigraphy studies increase the age of the anthropological site 'Ubeidiya in the Levantine Corridor (northern Israel) by 1.0 Ma. Trans. of the 18th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 25, EGU23-1598, Vienna, Austria.
157. Eppelbaum, L.V., Ben-Avraham, Z. and Katz, Yu.I., 2023. Influence of Deep Geodynamics on Subsurface Features in the North African – Arabian Region. Trans. of the Intern. Conference “Geodynamics, Sedimentary Basins and Georesources”, Tel Aviv, Israel.
158. Eppelbaum, L.V. and Katz, Yu.I., 2024. The landscape-structural zones of the Levant ancient hominin habitat: Revisiting combined paleomagnetic and tectonic-geodynamic analysis, paleogeographic mapping, and event stratigraphy. Trans. of the 19th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 26, EGU24-1598, Vienna, Austria.
159. Eppelbaum, L.V., Birkenfeld, M. and Khabarova, O., 2024. A Role of Remote Sensing Analysis for Archaeological Purposes in Arid Climate Regions. Trans. of the 19th EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 26, EGU24-2892, Vienna, Austria.
160. Eppelbaum, L.V., Alizadeh, A.A., Ben-Avraham, Z., Katz, Y.I. and Kadirov, F.A., 2024. Mesozoic Evolution of the Ponto-Caspian and Eastern Mediterranean Basins Derived from Combined Geological-Geophysical Analysis. Trans. of Intern. Caspian Sea Basin Conference “Meeting the Challenges of a World in Transition.” Baku, Azerbaijan, 123-124.
161. Eppelbaum, L.V., 2024. Non-conventional system for interpreting potential and quasi-potential fields in complex physical-geological environments. Trans. of Intern. Caspian Sea Basin Conference “Meeting the challenges of a world in transition.” Baku, Azerbaijan, 38-39.
162. Eppelbaum, L.V., Katz, Y.I., Kadirov, F.A., Guliyev, I.S. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2024. What significant role does the Iranian lithospheric plate play at the boundary between Eurasia and Gondwana? Trans. of the Mediterranean Geosciences Union, Barcelona, Spain.
163. Eppelbaum, L.V., Katz, Y.I., Kadirov, F.A., Guliyev, I.S. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2024. How does the Iranian lithospheric plate influence the South Caspian Basin? Trans. of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Khoshbaxt Yusifzade’s Recitations”, Baku, Azerbaijan, December 4-5 2024, 2 p.
164. Eppelbaum, L.V., Katz, Y.I., Kadirov, F.A., Guliyev, I.S. and Ben-Avraham, Z., 2025.
Why is the South Caspian Basin clockwise rotating? Trans. of the 20h EUG Meet., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 27, Vienna, Austria.