SEMINAR IN METHODS OF INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS, Fall 2023 05/02/2024 The schedule of project presentation 31/12: Arie Levant Introduction. Review of possible projects. Computer aesthetic criterion. 07/01: Arie Levant Automatic pagelayout. Real-time motion capture. Banding effect in large poster printing. 14/01: Arie Levant Advertisement insertion in live-time TV Broadcasting. Introduction to control theory. Real-time programming. Control under uncertainty conditions. ODE with discontinuous right-hand sides. Sliding modes. Chattering effect. 21/01: Arie Levant Special day. 2-sliding controllers. Aircraft pitch control. Homogeneity approach. Controlling aircraft with changing wings configuration. Car control 28/01: Arie Levant Observation and differentiation. Differentiation problem: restrictions. Real-time robust exact differentiation. Image-processing applications, edge detection. 04/02: Arie Levant Nonlinear filtering. Signal processing applications. Control and Mathematical Black-Box Control: Practical Relative Degree. Blood glucose control. Feasibility of real-life control methods. 11/02: Hadas Yaron Spreading of epidemic 18/02: Noy Galili Data compression and JPG 25/02: Ilan Minkin Lotka-Volterra predator-prey dynamics in mathematical biology. 03/03: Amit Golan Diffusion of new products on networks 10/03: Ori Efrat Reinforcement Machine Learning Due to medical restrictions Erel Panijel performs a computer simulation project (numerical differentiation).