Answer to the Question 11/97
The question was:
A variable capacitor is connected to two terminals of a battery
of electromotive force E. The capacitor initially has a capacitance
C(0) and charge q(0). The capacitance is caused to change
with time so that current I is constant. Calculate the power supplied
by the battery, and compare it with the time rate-of-change of the energy
of the capacitor. Account for any difference.
(11/97) This problem has been solved correctly by Oded Farago
from Tel Aviv University
and by Tom Snyder (e-mail
from Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield, Illinois.
This problem was published in the "Graduate Problems in Physics" by J.A.Cronin,
D.F. Greenberg and V.L. Telegdi, where a short solution can be found.
Here is (a slightly editted version of) the solution submitted by Snyder:
The battery supplies the constant power P1=EI. The electrostatic
energy of the capacitor, U=qE/2, is changing at a rate
dU/dt = (E/2)(dq/dt)=EI/2.
Thus the battery is doing twice as much work as being stored in the capacitor.
The difference is a work done by the capacitor on external agent that is causing
the capacitance to change.
To find an expression for the rate at which the agent delivers energy to the
capacitor we imagine the situation in which the capacitor has been given a
charge Qo and then isolated from the source. Thus Q will remain fixed at
Qo. Now suppose the external agent varies the capacitance. Writing the
potential energy U of the capacitor as Qo2/(2C) we find
dU/dt = - (Qo/C)2(C'/2) = - (C'/2)V2
where V is the instantaneous value of the potential difference between the
plates and C' is the rate of change of capacitance. Since the capacitor is
isolated from the source of emf, dU/dt here must represent the rate at which
energy is supplied to the capacitor by the external agent alone. Denoting
this rate by P2, we have P2 = -C'V2/2. Although derived for the case where
the capacitor is isolated, this expression for P2 must be true in general
since it involves only the instantaneous value of V and the instantaneous
rate at which the agent is varying the capacitance, C'.
So we may apply this expression for P2 to the original situation. In this
case V = E, a constant. Then
P2 = -C'E2/2 = -d(CE)/dt * E/2 = -dQ/dt * E/2 = -IE/2
The total rate at which energy is delivered to the capacitor is then P1 + P2
= IE - IE/2 = IE/2 which is just the rate at which energy is being stored in
the capacitor, dU/dt.
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