Answer to the Question 06/96
The question was:
Fish are swimming by waving their tail left-and-right,
while the spermatozoa are spinning their tail. Why can't
spermatozoa swim like fish?
(8/01) Y. Kantor: The problem has been solved
(2/6/2001) by Nathanael Schaeffer a Ph.D. student at ENS Lyon (France)
The solution:
Navier Stokes equation which describes the motion of a body in a liquid
contains nonlinear (inertia) term (u*grad)u and viscous
term {nu}(grad)2u, where {nu} is the kinematic
viscosity and u is the velocity of the fluid. The ratio between these
to terms is called Reynolds number
where U is the typical velocity, L are the typical dimensions of the object.
For a fish L=0.1m, U=0.1m/s, {nu}=10-6, and
consequently Re=104, while for spermatozoan L=10-6,
U=10-3m/s, and cosequently Re=10-3. Thus in the case of
fish, the non-linear term is very strong, while in the case of spermatozoa, viscosity
(linear term) dominates. Navier Stokes equation without non-linear term is
time-reversible! Consequently, a body cannot advance by executing a motion which
is time reversible, like the wigling of the tail of a fish. (Imagine the motion
of the fish tail filmed, and then viewed backwards - it will look the same!)
Consequently, spematozoan must execute motion which is not time reversible,
such as a screw-like motion of the tail.
Here is what Schaeffer wrote about the problem (slightly edited):
At very low Reynolds numbers, the Navier Stokes equation ... is linear.
Thus Thus, (u,p) and (-u,-p) are solutions of this
equation. (p is the pressure) If you add some forcing term f (through pressure)
with < f > = 0 (mean value over a period), taking the mean of the Stokes equation gives you < u >= 0,
and so no displacement.
So if you try to swim like a fish, it won't work, because when you're
flapping up and then down, you're moving exactly in the opposite way, resulting in a
zero net advance.
If you do like a spermatozoid, you're "screwing" yourself in the fluid.
never inverting
your movement. In this case, you have a non zero < f >, and so a non zero < u > .
All this does not apply to the NS equation, because if you take the mean of
equation, you have the mean of a quadratic term... thus < f > = 0 does not
necesserely lead to < u > = 0.
(8/05) Y. Kantor: An excellent reference on the subject was brought to our
attention by A. Bhatia: it is a talk by E. M. Purcell published in the American Journal
of Physics 45, 3 (1977); it can be found here in
PDF format.
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