Answer to the Question 06/05
The question was:
A rectangular box leans on a frictionless wall with one corner and
rests on
a frictionless floor with another corner. It starts sliding down. When will the
box become
detached from the wall? (Assume that all the dimensions are given.)
(1/06) This problem has been solved correctly (30/8/05) by
Ioannis Florakis, from University of Athens, Greece
(6/9/05) by
Chetan Mandayam Nayakar, a student at India Insttitute of Technology,
Madras, India
(10/10/05) by
Ruben Mazzoleni
(e-mail, and
(16/10/05) by Yaniv Hefetz from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, England
The solution: If the box touches the wall, then position of the center of mass
can be uniquely related to the angle θ of incline of the box. Consequentlly,
the horizontal velocity can be related to the rate of change of θ. Since
the law of energy conservation allows determination of the (translational+rotational)
kinetic energy as a function of θ, we can express the horizontal velocity
of the center-of-mass of the box in terms of the angle. We further note, that as long
as the box touches the wall, the wall acts on the box accelerating its center of mass.
However, at
the point when the box disconnects from the wall, the horizontal component of
acceleration vanishes, i.e. ax=dvx/dt=
(dvx/dθ)(dθ/dt)=0, leading to condition
dvx/dθ=0. This condition determines the point of
separtation of the box from the wall. This condition leads to complicated
equation for θ which can only be solved numerically. Ruben Mazzoleni
provided a nice detailed solution of this problems that can be found in the
following PDF file. (Similar detailed solution was
provided by Yaniv Hefetz.) The solution of Ioannis Florakis (which can
be found in the following PDF file) demonstrates
an approximate analytical solution of the problem when the box is very thin and
the problem resembles the classical case of "ladder leaning on a wall."
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