Answer to the Question 01/05
The question was:
A rope rests on two platforms which are both inclined at an
angle θ (which you are free to pick), as shown. The rope has
uniform mass density, and its coeffciient of friction with the
platforms is 1. The system has left-right symmetry. What is
the largest possible fraction of the rope that does not touch
the platforms? What angle θ allows this maximum value?
(3/05) This problem has been solved correctly (25/2/05) by
Chetan Mandayam Nayakar, a student at India Insttitute of Technology,
Madras, India
(e-mail mn_chetan@yahoo.com),
(26/2/05) by Sebastian Popescu, a lecturer at the Physics Department
at "Al. I. Cuza" University in Iasi, Romania
(e-mail seba@uaic.ro),
(5/3/05) by Ioannis Florakis, from University of Athens, Greece
(e-mail iflorakis@yahoo.gr).
This problem and its solution appear at the web site of
David Morin from the Physics Department of
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
You can see the solution in the PDF file.
(8/05) Slightly simpler solution has been suggested (15/8/05) by Yaniv Hefetz
from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the
University of Cambridge, England (e-mail physics@zahav.net.il).
His solution can be found in the following PDF file.
The answer:
The maximal possible fraction of the rope that is hanging is
(√2-1)2 ≈ 0.172, which is obtained for θ = 22.5 degrees.
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