Answer to the Question 10/04
The question was:
A capacitor consists of two very long parallel conducting circular wires
almost touching each other (see the cross section in the picture).
Find the electric field
of the capacitor. Does it have a finite capacitance? Explain!
(8/05) The solution of the problem can be found in numerous books.
J.I.I. de la Torre
sent us (30/5/05) a detailed analysis of the solution that can be
found in an editted form in the following PDF file.
Below we briefly outline the solution.
The answer: If the minimal distance between the cylinders
is d, then the capacitance per unit length is
where R is the radius of the cylinders, and ε is the permittivity
of vacuum.
When the separation d is much smaller than the radius
of the cylinders R, the the capacitance is
approximately πε(R/d)1/2.
Not surprisingly, for d=0, the capacitance diverges.
The solution:
In the plane perpendicular to the cylinders we are faced
with a two-dimensional problem. This, and similar problems,
are solved in many books considering two-dimensional
electrostatics. In particular, it can be found in the
Static and Dynamic Electricity by W.R. Smythe (Taylor&Frances,
New York, 1989). (We thank K.T. McDonald for pointing out this reference.)
we outline the solution.
Electrostatic potential of two line charges 2πε
and -2πε is given (in MKSA (SI) units) by the function
where r1 and r2 are
the distances from the wires to a given point. Using, complex
two dimensional plane with z=x+iy, with wires located
at +ia, and -ia, we can write
U=Re ln((z+ia)/(z-ia)).
This relation can be re-written as
x2+(y-a coth U)2=a2 csch2 U.
From this relation we immediately see, that equipotential lines are
circles centered at a coth U with radius
a|csch U|. By choosing potentials of the cylinders
U1 (negative) and U2 (positive)
at the surfaces of the cylinders, i.e.
R=-a csch U1=a csch U2,
and the separation between the centers
2R+d=a (-coth U1+coth U2),
we find that
By dividing the charge per unit length by potential difference, we find the
capacitance quoted in the answer.
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