Answer to the Question 09/01
The question was:
Physical quantities always have dimensions that are products of powers
of basic units. E.g., the energy is measured in joules and
1 J = kg*m2/sec2
Why aren't there any quantities which are NOT powers of elementary units,
but rather are more complicated functions?
(12/01) Most of the answers submitted to us concentrated on
"non-power-law" examples
which might lead to absurd result. A more constructive approach to the
question has been submitted by
Jared Daniel Kaplan (9/2001) from Stanford
(e-mail However, we feel that we did not receive a
really general proof of the case that details all the assumptions involved.
An excellent exposition and in depth
consideration of this question can be found in the book
Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics by
G.I. Barenblatt (Cambridge U. Press, 1996). (We are grateful to Jerome Gosset
(e-mail for bringing this book to our attention.)
Our discussion below largely follows that book.
Answer: Only power laws (and products of power laws)
satisfy the principle underlying the concept of "unit" as defined below.
Detailed explanation
A set of fundamental units that is sufficient to measure properties of
a class of phenomena is called a system of units. E.g., gram, centimeter and second
can form a system for a broad range of phenomena. Similarly, kilogram, meter
and second can form another system of units. Both systems rely on mass M,
length L and time T units, and we shall say that they belong to one
class of sytems of units. On the other hand, kilogram-force,
speed-of-light and minute, also form a system. However, they
belong to a different class (force, velocity, time).
The function which determines factor by which the numerical value of
a physical quantity changes upon passage between two systems of units
within the same class is called dimension function.
E.g., the dimension function for "mass density" is M/L3.
It tells us that if mass unit has been increased by a factor of 2 and
length unit has been increased by a factor of 4, the number of the same
quantity will decrease by factor of 32.
Can there be a dimension function sinM*logT? No! We are going
to show that the dimension function must be a power-law monomial.
This is a consequence of a simple principle:
All systems within a single class are equivalent, and there is no single
distinguished or somehow preferred system of units
loss of generality, let us consider some specific system of units, e.g.
the system built on L, M and T. Consider a mechanical
quantity A that depends on all these units and the dimension
function is [A]=F(L,M,T). Now let us consider
systems of units 1 and 2 which have been obtained from an original
system L,M,T by decreasing the units by factors
and L2,M2,T2, respectively.
If the value of our mechanical quantity in the original units was
A, then in the new units it will be
and A2=A*F(L2,M2,T2),
respectively, and therefore:
However, we could have used system 1 as our basic system, and consequently
treated system 2, as modification (decrease) of system 1 units
by factors L2/L1, M2/M1, T2/T1,
and therefore
A2=A1F(L2/L1, M2/M1, T2/T1).
By comparing the above expressions we see that
F(L2/L1, M2/M1, T2/T1)
If we now differentiate both sides with respect to L2, and then set
L2=L1=L, M2=M1=M, T2=T1=T,
then we get:
where c simply denotes DLF(1,1,1),
and DL denotes partial derivative with respect to
L. Integrating
the last equation with respect to L, we find that
where G is some (as yet) undetermined function of two variables.
By repeating the above procedure with M and with T
we will arrive to the conclusion that the remaining variables must also
appear as power laws, and consequently,
F=g Lc Md Tf,
where g, c, d, f are constants. This proves that dimension function
must be a power-law monomial.
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