Answer to the Question 03/01
The question was:
The "usual" incandescent light bulb operates in AC current. What is
the size of the temperature oscillations of the filament of the bulb.
(5/02) The problem was solved (3/4/2002) by Regis Lachaume
a Ph.D. student at Grenoble Observatory (France) (e-mail
His solution can be found in the PDF file.
A more "empirical" approach has been suggested (5/5/2002) by Szabolcs Galambosi
from Department of Physics of University of Helsinki (Finland) (e-mail
Answer: The temperature fluctuations will be about 80 K.
The solution:
A filament of a light bulb is formed by drawing tungsten metal into a very fine wire.
The following figures show the close-up view of filament, with horizontal
bar indicating the dimensions. Typical diameter of the wire is few tens
of microns.
Relative ammount of radiation emitted at different wavelengths depend on the temperature of the body.
The following graph shows the relative amounts of radiation at various
wavelengths depending on the temperature of the filament. Notice, that
even at the highest temperature depicted in this graph, most of the
intensity is wasted in the invisible (heating) range of infra-red and
larger wavelengths. Usually the tungsten light bulbs operate at 2800K temperature.
From the point of view of producing visible light, even higher temperatures are
needed, but at higher temperatures the filament evaporates too fast.
For the purpose of our calculation we will consider a L=0.7 meter long circular wire,
D=30 microns in diameter. At (r.m.s.) voltage V=220 Volts, the power dissipated
by such wire is
P=V2/R=V2{pi}D2/[4*L*{rho}=60 Watts,
where the resistance R has been calculated using specific resistance
{rho}=8*10-7 Ohm*m at the temperature To=2800K.
We note that the power radiated by such a wire at this temperature is given by
the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law
Pr=p*S*sB*To4=60 Watts,
where we used tungsten emissivity p=0.28, and the Stefan-Boltzmann
constant sB=5.64*10-8 Watt/[m2*K4],
and the surface area S was calculated from the dimensions of the cylinder.
[The fact that P=Pr indicates consistency of our choice of dimensions,
although it should not be taken too literally, because the emissivity of the filament maybe
actually smaller due to its geometry, and some of the heat is lost via heat conduction.]
If we increase the length
of the filament by factor b, and its diameter by factor b2,
then the resistance will decrease by factor b3, while the power will
increase by factor b3. Simultaneously, the surface area of the filament
(to which the emission of light is proportional) will also increase by factor
Let us assume that the only source of energy loss is radiation. Then, the change in the heat content
(given by the l.h.s. of the equation below) will be equal to the difference between
the heat produced by the current (first term on the r.h.s) and radiated heat (second term on r.h.s.).
where the heat capacity of the wire C can be calculate by multiplying the
volume of the wire, by the mass density of tungsten 19.3*103kg/m3, and by
specific heat 133 J/[kg*K] of tungsten. By averaging the above equation over time we
can define the mean temperature of the filament To via relation
If we assume that temperature fluctuations are very small, then we can neglect the fact that
the second term in the r.h.s. includes temperature that is time dependent, and replace T
by To. The equation, then becomes easily solvable, and its solution has the form
where G is the amplitude of temperature fluctuations. Its value can be found by direct substitution
into the equation, leading to
where to=C/p*S*sB*T03.
By substituting, the values of the parameters mentioned above we find that
the "timescale" to=0.056 sec, and
2{omega}to=35. [We used the European current frequency of 50Hz.]
Consequently, temperature fluctuation G=2800/35=80K.
Both Lachaume and Galambosi suggested an alternative approach to the problem.
The approach began by an estimate of the time it takes to a bulb to cool off
(assuming that it is approximately exponential decay in temperature).
Galambosi convinced himself that the time is of order of 1 sec, since the afterglow
of a lamp can be seen about that amount of time. From there he assume, that during
quarter-period of oscillation of current (0.005 sec) the temperature will drop
by 0.5%, i.e. by about 10K. Lachaumeme used similar argument, with much shorter
estimate of decay time and concluded that the temperature oscillation should be larger
than 50K. Note that our "timescale" in the above solution was 0.056 sec -
a bit shorter than these intuitive estimates. Maybe somebody can actually perform this measurement, and tell us what is
the experimental answer?!
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